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Chapter 129

The wake-up call came at nine and Richie reached across Jesse to answer it.  As he hung up, Jesse woke and snuggled closer to him.

"What time is it?" she asked sleepily.

"Nine.  Go back to sleep if you want."

"Mmmm, you gonna stay with me?"

"I can't, baby.  I have to go to the studio and finish the track."

"I want to go with you," she pouted.

"It's up to you, Jess.  I just don't want you to do too much."

"I'll curl up on the couch and rest, I promise.  I'll be a good girl," she purred as she ran her hands across his chest down to his waist.  She grasped his cock in her warm hand and stroked.

Richie groaned, "That feels so good, Jess.'

"I can do something that feels even better," she said as she placed kisses along his chest.

"Oh god!  Jess, I'm going to be late."

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked as she cast her eyes up at him seductively.  She never stopped what she was doing - stroking his cock and placing kisses along his chest and abdomen.

"No, I don't but..." He gasped as she moved to take his erection into her mouth.  "Damn! You feel so good."

Jesse didn't relent.  She ran her tongue around the ridge of his cock and traced the vein from the tip to the base.  She moved slightly so that she could lick his sack as well and she felt him react.  She intensified the 'heat' by moving back up and enveloping his hard cock in her mouth.  She sucked and licked as she moved up and down.  In a matter of minutes, she felt his thighs tighten just before his hot cum coated her throat.

When she had taken all he had, Jesse pulled off and lay on his chest.  "Feel better?"

"Mmm," was his reply as he ran his fingers along her back.

Jesse smiled and put her head on his chest to listen as his heartbeat returned to normal.  She never knew just happy she could be until now despite Kevin's games.

It had been half an hour since the wake-up call and Richie knew he was going to be late.  He reached for his phone and made a quick call.  "Hey, Kel....look, I'm running late.  Let Ray know I'll be there as soon as possible...." Looking at Jesse, he smiled, "She's fantastic....."Laughing, he said, "You know it.  See you when we get there."

As Richie cut the phone off, Jesse asked, "How late are you going to be?"

"Half an hour at least."

"Why don't you go on and I'll bring you breakfast?"

"Thank you, baby," Richie replied with a kiss.  "Will you go check on Ava?"

"What is she doing today?"

"David's daughter is here and he's taking them sight-seeing."

"When are we going to do something with her?"

"Tomorrow.  We're all headed on a tour set up for us at Madam Tussuads Wax Museum."  Richie watched as Jesse got up.  God, she was so damned perfect.  How did he get so lucky?  "Jess, are you going to meet me at the studio?"

"Yeah.  I just need some money for breakfast."

"I'll leave you some."  Richie grabbed her by the waist.  "Woman, you are so damn sexy!  Thank you for loving me."

Jesse looked up into his eyes, "I can't imagine loving anyone else the way I love you."

Richie kissed her slowly and then let her go so they could get ready.  As she was about to leave to go check on Ava, he said, "Baby, look in my wallet and give Ava the money folded up."

Jesse did as he asked and headed out to find Ava.  By the time the young girl was gone, Richie was ready too.  He came out into the living room and took her in his arms.

"Baby, don't take too long, please."

"I won't.  I'm gonna get a quick shower, then get dressed before I head to get breakfast."

"I left money with your phone."

"Rich, what if Elizabeth tries something this morning?"

"I don't think she's that stupid but if she does, just go to Kel's office."

"Why can't I just go straight to the studio?"

"Doors are usually locked."


"You won't have any problems, Jess."  Putting his hands on her face, he placed a sweet kiss on her lips and said, "I'll see you in a little while."

"Love me forever."

"And a day," smiled Richie.

Chapter 130        Index