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Chapter 136

"Absolutely breathtaking," praised Tico as he watched Jesse looking at herself in the mirror.  "You're going to blow Richie's mind."

"Thank you," smiled Jesse as she turned to face him.  "Tico, with you here, I feel like Daddy is here too."

"That's because he is, baby girl!  Are you ready?"

"More than ready.  How much longer?"

"We've got about ten minutes.  I've got something for you."  Tico handed her a long box.  "Richie asked me to give you this."

Jesse took the box and opened it quickly.  Inside was a beautiful diamond choker, one she'd seen when Richie had picked out her engagement ring.  The ring, the choker, and the earrings all matched.  "Oh my!!  It's gorgeous!" she breathed as she lifted it out of the box.  "Help me put it on, please."

Tico moved to help Jesse and as he was hooking the clasp, there was a knock at the door.  "I'll get it, Jess."

"Thank you," and she moved back to the mirror for one final inspection.  As she stood there, she caught a glimpse of Tico slipping out and then there he was...the one person she loved more than Richie.  Afraid she was imagining things, she turned around slowly.  "Stevie?"

The little boy rushed into his mother's arms.  "MAMA!"

She held him tight as tears erupted.  "Oh my god!  It's really you!  But how?"

From the door came the deep voice, "I couldn't let him miss his parents' wedding, now could I?"

Jesse was so overwhelmed that she missed the word 'parents' as she looked up into his emerald eyes.  "Kevin?"

"Yeah, Jess."  Seeing her make-up start to run, he looked around for a tissue and handed it to her.  "You're going to mess up your make-up, baby."

Jesse took the tissue and let go of Stevie.  "When did you get here?"

Tico popped back into the room.  "Jess?"

"Mama, do you still want me to give you away?" asked Stevie as he took her hand again.  "I'm all dressed."

Everything was going so fast.  She looked down to realize Stevie was wearing a tuxedo.  "Of course I still want you to give me away."  Looking back at Kevin, she asked, "Are you staying for the wedding?"

"Yeah, I have something for you and Richie and we need to talk.  Now, fix your make-up.  I expect it's time to start."

Tico spoke up, "It is.  Jess, don't take long."

Jesse sat down at her table with Stevie standing beside her as she quickly fixed her makeup.

"Mama, you look sooo beautiful!  Pop isn't going to be able to take his eyes off you."

"Thank you!  And you are absolutely handsome, my little man!" smiled Jesse as she touched the tip of his nose with her powder brush.  "Pop is going to be so happy to see you."

"I can't wait to see him and I can't wait to show him what I've learned on my drums.  Kevin got some of his friends to teach me more stuff but when I showed them what Uncle Tico had taught me, they said I already had the best teacher!"

"So, do you have a hug for that teacher?" asked Tico.

Stevie rushed into his arms.  "UNCLE TICO!"

"Hey 'Little Man'!" greeted the older man as he hugged Stevie.  "Your pop is going to be so happy to see you!"

"I have missed all of you so much, Uncle Tico!"

"We've missed you too, Stevie."  Still holding Stevie, he looked at Jesse.  "Are you ready?"

"More than ready!  I don't know why I's just going to run again when I see Richie."

Tico laughed.  "You'll be okay, Jess."

"Where's Kevin?"

"I told him to go be seated up front so Stevie can sit with him."

"That's fine."

"Why can't I sit with you, Uncle Tico?"

"You can.  It's up to you.  Jess, are you ready?"

"Let's go."

Tico was still holding Stevie as he asked, "Ready to walk your mom down the aisle?"

"Yes sir."

"Baby, boy, there are A LOT of people so if you get nervous, Tico will be there with us."

"I'll be okay Mama.  This is something YOU want and I'm cool with it."

Looking at Tico, she said, "I still want you with me."

"That's fine, sweetheart."

Jesse took a deep breath.  "My day is so perfect - I have my brothers; I have my son, I have the most awesome 'father'; and I'm marrying the man of my dreams."

"Oh Mama!  You can't start crying just yet!  You'll mess up your make-up before you see Pop," scolded Stevie.

Jesse and Tico both laughed as she said, "You're right!"

"Get your bouquet, baby," reminded Tico.

Jesse grabbed her flowers and followed Tico and Stevie to where Dorothea was waiting with the brides' maids. 

"Is Tico still walking you down the aisle?"

"Yeah, and Stevie."

"How do you want this to work?"

Tico suggested, "Stevie can walk between us holding our hands."

"Sounds good," said Dorothea as Jesse nodded her approval.  The music for the bridal party began.  "Let's go.  Becky, you're first."

It took several minutes for everyone to get into place and the music finally stopped.  The entire congregation stood and turned to face the back and the bridal march began.

Jesse looked down at Stevie and then at Tico who leaned to give her a kiss.

"You're absolutely radiant," he whispered.

"GO!" insisted Dorothea.

Together, the three began making their way down the aisle to where Richie and the others were waiting.  Jesse's eyes were locked on Richie's and she saw the smile spread when he saw Stevie.

Halfway down the aisle, Stevie looked up and said softly, "Mama, you're going too slow!  I want to go to Pop!"

Giggles rippled through the congregation that heard him as Jesse said, "Go on then."

Stevie took off at a run and Richie knelt down to catch the little boy.  A collective 'Ahhh' could be heard through the cathedral.

Jesse and Tico moved together and he took her hand as he said, "He's excited."

"I can't believe he's here," replied Jesse softly as they continued down the aisle.  When everyone was in their places, Richie set Stevie down and Jesse said quietly, "Stand right here with Tico."

The priest began and when he got to the part about who gives the bride in marriage, Tico placed Jesse's hand in Richie's and Stevie said, "I give my mom to my pop because he makes her eyes smile."

Richie scooped the boy up in his arms.  "Thank you," and he gave the little boy a kiss on the cheek.

Jesse leaned in to kiss him too.  "Stevie, we love you so much.  Thank you."

"I love you too, Mama.....AND Pop!"

Tico took Stevie from Richie and moved to the pew to sit as the couple rejoined hands and the priest continued.  The entire time, the couple gazed into each other's eyes, happier than they ever thought possible.

Finally, the priest said, "You may kiss your bride."

Richie's infamous smirk spread as he took Jesse's face in his hands.  He closed the distance and their lips touched. The kiss started slowly but Richie quickly deepened the kiss as Jesse put her hands on his sides to hold on.  It went on and on until Jon finally coughed softly to clear his throat.

As the couple broke the kiss and the priest announced, "I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stephen Sambora."

A cheer echoed in the massive cathedral as the couple moved down to Mrs. Sambora and presented her with a white rose from Jesse's bouquet.  They moved over to where Stevie sat with Tico to give him a kiss as well and Jesse gave Tico a kiss on the cheek as she whispered a 'Thank you' to him.

In the vestibule, Richie took her in his arms hugging her tight.  "I love you so much, Mrs. Sambora!" he whispered.

"I love you too, Mr. Sambora!  God, today started out so heavenly and it just keeps getting better!"

"When did Stevie get here?"

"About ten minutes before I walked down the aisle.  Didn't you see Kevin?"

"No...was he in the congregation?"

"Yeah, near the back.  I haven't had time to talk to him but he said he had something for us."

"Wonder what he's up to this time," said Richie cynically.

"Why does he have to be up to something?"

"Just the way things have been going with him lately.  He doesn't do anything without a reason."

"Maybe you're wrong this time."  Seeing the look in his eyes, she added, "But I won't get my hopes up."

"We'll talk to him before we go to the reception.  If he's doing this for the right reasons, I want everything in place before the honeymoon...especially if I can adopt him."

"Richie, we can skip our honeymoon."

Shaking his head, he said, "No, Jess!  We're not skipping our honeymoon.  Stevie is extremely important but so is our honeymoon.  It's time to do the receiving line.  Before we go to the reception, we'll talk to Kevin and get it all straight.  Jackson is here so we'll catch him and let him know we need him to stay with us."

It had been decided that since the fans weren't invited to the reception, they'd do a receiving line at the cathedral so they could meet the guys.  Everyone was in place now and fans were beginning to leave. 

Chapter 137        Index