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Chapter 139

Stepping off the elevator, Richie scooped Jesse up in his arms. 

Giggling, Jesse asked, "What are you doing?"

"Carrying my beautiful bride across the threshold."

"Aren't you supposed to do that at home?"

"Baby, the WORLD is our home!" smirked Richie as Tony opened the door of their suite.  Inside, he set her on her feet but continued to hold her in his arms as he kissed her softly.  "Welcome home, Mrs. Sambora."

Jesse smiled tearfully.  "I'm always at home when I'm in your arms."

"Boss, everything is set.  I'll be back in time to get you to the airport for your flight."

"Thanks, Tony!"  As the door closed behind the bodyguard, Richie looked into his bride's eyes as he reached up to caress her cheek.  "You are absolutely breath-taking.  I can't wait to have you in my arms."

With an impish smirk, she countered, "I'm already IN your arms."

Richie laughed, "True...but I want to have you in my arms flesh to flesh.  As gorgeous as you are in this dress, I have a strong need to see you out of it."

"Before we get to that, thank you so much for the choker," she purred as she touched the diamonds.

"You are very welcome."

"They are so beautiful."

"Only because they are on you.  Your eyes are as bright as the diamonds I've bought you."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Sambora."

"What about more gifts?  Will they get me more?"

"Please tell me you didn't go overboard?"

"I didn't in my mind but I'm sure you'll think I did."

"But Richie...I didn't get you but a couple things and only one of them is truly for you."

"More than marrying me?"

"Of course."

"More than you having my baby?"

"Yes, but...."

"More than the slide show?"

Jesse smiled, "Okay, I get your point."

"Good, because your love - marrying me, having my baby - are more than I deserve.  I got you the diamonds and one more thing."


Seeing the doubt in her eyes, Richie said, "Forget about the gifts for now.  I want to unwrap the gift in my arms right now," he leered as he leaned in to kiss her.  At the same time, he reached around and felt for the pearl buttons that ran the length of her back.  His fingers, as skillfully as he played his guitar, made quick work of the buttons and he pulled it off letting it pool at her ankles.

Standing before him in just her underwear, Jesse suddenly became the blushing bride.  She felt the heat rise in her cheeks and she cast her eyes down.

Richie gave a soft chuckle as he took her hands in his to help her step out of the dress.  "You never cease to amaze me," he said as he scooped her up in his arms.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she played with his hair.

"We've made love plenty of times and yet you're blushing because I undressed you," he said as he headed to the bedroom.

Jesse giggled realizing he was right but tucked her head against his shoulder as they went to the bedroom.  He set her on the bed, stepped back to undress, and then joined her on the bed.  He ran his hands across her belly lightly, smiling as she reacted to his touch. Slowly, the couple made love, reveling in the magical union.  Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms, the sheets haphazardly covering them.

Her head on his chest and his fingers lightly caressing her back, Jesse sighed.  "I love you so much, Richie."

"I love you too, Jess.  Ready for your last gift?"

"Ummm, yeah....but I don't know if I want to move."

Richie chuckled. "I anticipated that," and reached to the bedside table. Pulling out the drawer, he reached for some papers and handed them to her.  "For you, my beautiful angel."

Jesse took the papers and looked at them.  "Richie, this is a deed."

"Yeah, the deed to the house in Laguna's yours now."

"REALLY?" she asked sitting up, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Really!  You told me you really loved that house so I took it off the market and deeded it over to you."

"OH MY GOD!" she gushed and gave him a kiss.  "Thank you!!"

"You're welcome!"

"I need to get yours."

"Where is it?"

"In the other room, behind the bar.  I kinda thought you'd fix us drinks or something when we got back and you'd find it."

Richie smiled down at her as she ran her fingers over his chest.  "Sorry to disappoint you," he teased. 

"Mmmm, far from it."

"Want me to go get it now?"

"I'll get a few minutes.  After I get my fill of you holding me."

"Might be here a while....I can NEVER get my fill of holding you."

"THAT, Mr. Sambora, is EXACTLY how I feel.  How did I get so lucky?"

"Same way I did.  Come on, beautiful.  I kinda want to see what you got me since you're always complaining that you have no clue what to buy for me," he said as he pushed her off of him.

Jesse grabbed his tuxedo shirt.  "I had help from Jon and Tico."

"I figured as much."  Richie looked at her wearing his shirt and smiled as he pulled on the bathrobe laying on the chair by the bed.  "You look extremely sexy in my shirt."

"Why thank you, Mr. Sambora," smiled Jesse as she moved to stand in front of him running her hands up the lapels of the bathrobe.  "You look pretty damn sexy yourself."

Richie couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he took her hands in his and kissed each one of them.  "So what did you get me?"

"You'll just have to see when you open it," she countered. Walking backwards, Jesse asked, "What is the one thing you want the most?"

"For you to survive having this baby and get the problem fixed."

"That's going to happen because I have YOU in my corner.  What else?"

"A healthy baby."

"Would you focus on what you want?" said Jesse in frustration.

Richie laughed.  "Jess, I really have everything I could possible want now that we are married...except you giving birth without any complications and the baby being healthy."

Jesse stopped and allowed Richie to put his arms around her.  "Rich, you will have that.  Please, have faith!  We are going to have a very long life together with all the children you want...I promise."

Richie kissed her on the tip of her nose.  "Get me my gift, woman."  Jesse moved behind the bar and picked up the huge box and set it on the bar.  "WOW!!  Jess, what in the hell did you get me?  And how did you manage to get me something so big and I didn't see it?"

Jesse laughed, "I told you, Tico and Jon helped me."

Richie made quick work of the paper and managed to make short work of the box.  Moving the tissue paper aside, his eyes widened.  "Jess?" he questioned.

With a smile, "Nikki and I got to talking about what to buy you for a wedding present and she suggested a  guitar.  Then she went on to tell me that you had talked about designing a guitar for the company so I looked through your notes and found what you wanted.  I just added in a few details to make it White Trash Beautiful. "

Taking the guitar out, he said, "It's perfect, baby!!  I can't wait to try it out."

"I'm glad you like it!"

"Like it?!  Jess, I fuckin' love it!!  Come around here," he insisted.  Jesse moved around the bar to him and he took her in his arms kissing her soundly.  "This is definitely one of the BEST gifts you've gotten me!!  I love it but not nearly as much as I love you!"

"I love you too, Richard Stephen Sambora.  Now, how much longer do we have before we have before Tony comes back to pick us up?"

"We have plenty of time to make love several times and have dinner in bed."

With that, Richie scooped her up in his arms just like he had done earlier and carried her back to the bed where they remained until Tony gave them a call to let them know he was on the way.

Chapter 140                Index