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Chapter 21

Jesse looked through the outfits from Richie’s clothing line trying to pick out something to wear to dinner.  She finally decided on the snake-skin print pants and jacket with a black sports bra under the jacket.  Dressed, she found her black heels and slipped them on.  Finally, she went to the bathroom to fix her hair. 

Ready, Jesse went out to find Richie waiting for her. 

“WOW!  You look fantastic!” he praised moving to her.  “Couple things missing though.” 

“What’s missing?” she asked putting her hands on his chest. 

“Close your eyes,” instructed Richie.  Jesse did it and he pulled out a necklace from his pocket.  He reached around her to put it on her and said, “Okay, open your eyes.” 

Jesse looked down at the heart-shaped diamond pendant.  “Oh my god, Richie!!  It’s beautiful!  Thank you!” 

“You’re welcome.  Now, one more thing,” and he produced a hat that matched her outfit.  “Complete.” 

Jesse moved to a mirror to check out her new hat and frowned.  

Seeing the frown, Richie moved behind her and asked, “What’s wrong?” 

“I thought you were giving me one of your hats.” 

“I already gave you my best one at the show the other night,” replied Richie putting his hands on her waist. 

“True,” she said, and turned into his arms.  “Thank you for the necklace and hat.” 

“I’d give you the world if you asked for it.” 

“Don’t need the world.” 

“Are you ready to go?” 

“I guess so.” 

“No need to be nervous.” 

“Easy for you to say,” she mumbled as she grabbed the clutch that came with the outfit.  “YOU aren’t on display!” 

Putting his hand on her back to lead her out, he said, “Yeah, I am…I have a new girlfriend that I am going to show off to the world!”

Chapter 22        Index