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Chapter 25

Jesse was fixing her hair when the door opened and two ladies who were deep into conversation entered.  Seeing them in the mirror, she immediately recognized them and quickly decided to act as if she didn’t realize they were there. It didn’t work.

“Jesse?  Is that you?”

Turning around slowly and trying her best to act surprised, she greeted the woman who spoke to her.  “Hey, Leigh.”

“What are you doing here in LA?” she asked as the two hugged.

“I’m with Richie Sambora…visiting his daughter.”

“That WAS you in the picture Howie saw of Richie at LAX.  Are you two dating now?”

“Yeah,” smiled Jesse.

“You should have let us know you were coming.  I know Howie would have LOVE to see you.  You need to make sure and stop at the table to say ‘Hi’.  Kevin’s there too….you know his wife, Kristen, don’t you?”

Jesse nodded to acknowledge Kristen as she said, “We’ve never really met.”

“When was the last time you saw Kevin?”

“While I was pregnant with Stevie.”  Jesse saw the look in Kristen’s eyes and she wanted to leave, fast.  “I need to get back to the table.  Maybe we can catch up at the Virginia show.  I’m bringing Stevie for the first time.”

“Call me closer to the show and I’ll leave you tickets at the will-call.”

“Thanks, Leigh.  It was really good to see you again,” said Jesse as Heather came in.

“Jesse, are you okay?”

“I’m fine…just ran into a friend…Leigh Dorough, this is Heather.”

The two ladies shook hands and Heather said, “Richie’s waiting for you.”

Outside the restroom, Jesse asked, “Did Richie see Kevin?”

“When they all came in and he didn’t want you to have to face Kevin alone.”

“He didn’t go talk to Kevin, did he?”


“I’m not sure I want those two in the same room together.  What did Richie tell you about Kevin and me?”

“Enough to know that Richie really doesn’t have a very high opinion of Kevin.”

“That’s putting it mildly.  I’ll tell you about it later.”  Looking across the restaurant, Jesse spotted Richie at their table and could tell he was getting impatient.  “Is it possible to fall in love with someone in just a few days?”

“I moved in with Richie on the third date.”  Heather took Jesse’s hand as they started through the restaurant, on a path that led them away from Kevin’s table.  "Richie is head over heels about you but be patient.  He’ll eventually tell you.”

“I’m really not worried.  He’s done so much already to show me how he feels.”

The two women made their way through the crowded bar but it was futile.  Kevin had spotted Jesse and moved to intercept her.

“Jesse, can we talk?” he asked as he stepped into her path.

“Kevin?!  What are you doing?”

“I want to talk to you now…about what Richie started to say and you interrupted him.”

“Now isn’t the time or the place,” stated Jesse looking around at the crowd they were in.  “I need to get back to my table…and Richie.”

Grabbing her by the arm, Kevin insisted, “Not yet!  Give me five minutes.”

“No, Kevin.”

A hand came down on Kevin’s shoulder and a cool voice said in his ear, “She said ‘no’…just like she did in your hotel room six years ago.  Let go of her NOW.”

Kevin let go of Jesse and she stepped around him and into Richie's arms.  He watched as Richie led Jesse away before heading back to his own table.

“Are you okay?” asked Richie as they walked through the restaurant.

“I’m fine, Richie.  He just wanted to talk.”

Richie pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her temple.  “Baby, I should have come to get you when I saw him.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.  Richie, I can take care of myself.  I’ve been doing it for the last four years.”

“But you don’t have to any more. You’ve got me,” insisted Richie as he held her chair.

Chapter 26        Index