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Chapter 28

The next morning, Richie and Jesse found that they, along with Kevin, were indeed the topic of the gossip rags.  There was the picture from LAX, a picture of them in front of ‘The Palm’ kissing, a picture of the confrontation with Kevin, and several more of them leaving the restaurant that night.

“Ya know,” drawled Jesse as she looked at the pictures.  “I’d love to have copies of these.  They’re pretty good.”

Richie laughed, “That’s my girl.”

“Seriously, this one of us kissing is really good.”

“I’ll  call the paper and see if I can get you a copy.  Any others you want?”

“The good ones,” she smirked.

She continued to look at the pictures of Kevin.  The press had made a few questionable comments about her and Richie and the whole age thing but for the most part, they had been kind to them.  Kevin on the other hand, they had torn him apart.  In the pictures after dinner, it was clear that he was drunk and the press had cued in on it.

“Kevin’s going to feel like crap this morning,’ commented Jesse as they made their way out to Richie’s truck.

“Serves him right,” mumbled Richie.

Jesse shook her head and climbed in.  “I really need to call Stevie.  I haven’t ….”

“I called yesterday while you were sleeping,” said Richie.  “Everyone is doing fine.”

“You’re so good to me.”

Taking her hand and placing a kiss on the back, he said,  “That’s because I love you.”

Hey!  This is Richie Sambora! Hey, lay your hands on THIS!

Looking at her text message, she said, “I hate to ask what you were doing when you made that voice tone!”

Richie chuckled, “We were all playing around after a show and drinking.  I’d had a little too much and they caught me looking at a fan saying that.  Who was the message from?”

“Kevin.  He’s already at the restaurant.”

Richie drove to the restaurant where they found Kevin waiting.  He was wearing dark sunglasses and a baseball cap – his usual disguise – but Jesse knew he wasn’t hiding…he was hung-over.

Before getting out of the truck, Jesse took a deep breath.

“I’m here with you, Jesse,” reassured Richie.

“I know.”

Together, holding hands, the couple headed to where Kevin was waiting and they went inside together.  Seated and with menus in hand, the threesome looked at what there was for breakfast.  The tension was getting thicker with each passing second.

Finally, setting his menu down, Kevin asked, “How long have you two been together?”

“Since Monday.  We met before his concert in DC.”

“I saw her while I was checking out the sites and asked her to have a drink with me.”

“You two look like you’ve been together longer.”

The waitress returned with coffee for Richie and Kevin and orange juice for Jesse.  Before she left, she took their orders.

Jesse didn’t want to wait any longer so she just plunged right in.  “Kevin, Stevie is at the age that he realizes he doesn’t have a father around and he’s being asked questions about his father at school.  He told Richie the other night that the older kids are calling him a bastard.”

“What have you done about it?”

“I went to the school Wednesday to talk to his teacher because she never called me about it.”

“She KNEW it was happening?  What kind of school do you have him in?” demanded Kevin.

“The best one in the county,” countered Jesse defensively. 

“The teacher didn’t hear the kids calling him a bastard.  Stevie went to her to ask her what the word meant.  Jesse didn’t know because Stevie didn't tell her.  He didn’t want to upset his mother,” offered Richie.  Looking at Jesse, he saw the tears that she was fighting back and began to rub her back soothingly.  “Kevin, Jesse has raised Stevie on her own for the last four years.  The only help she’s had has been her friends.  She works twelve hour shifts on the weekends…at night….so that she can be around for Stevie.  She MIGHT get three hours of sleep at night and she hasn’t dated or done anything for herself in six years.”

“Where’s your father?”

“He died in a motorcycle accident,” answered Jesse softly.  “You also need to know that right now, Richie is listed as Stevie’s father on the emergency forms at school.”

That was the match to the dynamite.  “WHY?” demanded Kevin.

“Because he was being called a bastard and Richie offered to…” Jesse stopped to allow the waitress to serve their breakfast.

When the waitress was gone, Kevin snarled, “Richie offered to what?”

“Adopt Stevie,” she answered. 

“Is this your way of getting Jesse into bed…make her feel like she owes you for helping her out?”

Richie wasn’t intimidated by Kevin or his anger.  Nor was Jesse who jumped right back at him,  “For your information, Richie has been the perfect gentleman!  All he’s done is hold me while we slept…nothing more!”

“I’m surprised….” Started Kevin.

“Don’t go there,” warned Richie in a low menacing tone.  “Jesse could have charged you with rape.  She said ‘no’ and you….”

“That’s HER story.”

“And I believe her so let it drop.”

“Kevin, the whole reason I wanted to talk to you is because Stevie needs a father….HIS father.”

“Sounds like he has one,” pointed out Kevin curtly.

“Stevie is YOUR son.”

“You wouldn’t know it by his name.”

“Your fault, not MINE,” countered Jesse.

“Why talk to me if Richie is listed as his father?”

“Does that mean you’ll give up your parental rights?” asked Richie.  He really wanted to get this all over with because he could see it was draining Jesse.

Jesse put her fork down.  “Kevin, Stevie is your son.  I didn’t come here to take him away from you.”

“Then why DID you call?  You seem to have all the answers already.”

“It was a temporary fix for a problem.  Kevin, I want us to share custody.”

“How in the hell is THAT going to work when we’re on opposite coasts?”

“We can work out the details once you decide what you want to do,” offered Jesse. 

“I can’t make a decision now.  I have to talk to Kristen about it.”

“I fully understand that and respect that too.”

“IF I give up custody that means the money stops too.”

“I now that.”

Looking at Richie, Kevin asked, “Why are you so willing to adopt my son?”

“A child needs a father who will take on more than just the financial responsibility.  Stevie’s a good boy who didn’t ask for the situation he’s been put in.”  Richie stopped, looked at Jesse, and then back at Kevin.  “I promised Jess that I wouldn’t voice my opinion but I can’t keep my mouth shut any longer.  You used your ‘image’ to get Jesse into bed; then, when you found out she was pregnant, you paid her off to protect that ‘image’; and now you’re pissed because I’m willing to take the heat for you and be a father to your son.  You can’t have it both ways.  Either be a man and take FULL responsibility for your son or let me adopt him.”

Kevin pulled out his wallet, took out a fifty, and tossed it on the table.  “I’ll let you know what I decide.”

“Kevin, wait,” said Jesse putting her hand on his to stop him.

“For what?  To hear more lectures about what a man should do for his child?  No thanks!”

“All I wanted to do was tell you that Stevie’s pre-school graduation is June 4th and we’re leaving for London June 10th, after the Backstreet show.”

“Anything else I need to know?”

“He’s playing T-ball and opening ceremonies are April 10th.”

“That’s in a week.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Are you going to be there for it?”

“I’m headed back home tomorrow for a couple weeks.  Richie’s coming with me but he has to be in St. Paul for a show on the 7th.”

“I figured you’d be going with him.”

“Jesse has mono and the doctor ordered her to rest.  I’m not ready for her to be thrown into my world until she’s had more rest.”

Kevin’s mood softened, “Mono?  Should you be out here?”

“I’m taking it easy.”

“And I’m not letting her over-do.”

“I’ve also taken off from work until the middle of July to rest.”

“When are you going to actually join Richie on tour?”

“April 15th – in Atlanta – and I’m staying with him until April 22nd when they play in Charlotte.”

“Just be careful.  I’ll call you within the week…after I’ve talked to Kristen.”

“Thank you, Kevin.”  As he stood and started to leave, Jesse stood too and stopped him.  Moving to him, she gave him a hug.  “It was good to see you again, Kevin.”

“You too, Jess,” he said with a smile.  Turning to Richie, he said, “You’ve got one hell of a good lady.”

Richie stood too putting his hands on her shoulders.  “Thank you.”

The couple watched Kevin leave and as he disappeared out the door, Jesse relaxed into Richie’s arms.  She was physically and mentally drained and her head ached.

“Want me to take you home?”

Shaking her head ‘no’ as she turned to face him, Jesse said, “I’ve got you…I’ll be okay.”

“What do you think he’ll do?”

“I have no clue.  Let’s go.”

Paying the bill and leaving a tip, Richie wrapped his arm around Jesse’s shoulder and led her out to his truck.

Chapter 29        Index