Chapter 34
The extra time together had been magical. The couple had spent the time together getting to know each other – physically and emotionally. Jesse had finally explained to Richie that when her father had died, she’d given up her dreams of the perfect wedding because he wouldn’t be there to give her away. She’d also confessed that a fairy-tale wedding like Princess Diana had had been her idea of the perfect wedding.
Richie had taken her shopping on Monday while showing her around Laguna Beach and he had been lavish with gifts. He’d bought her an expensive painting from one of the premier artists – Kate Buckley. Next, he’d taken her to Joshi and Baca, a jewelry store that had glass blowing and Celtic Noir jewelry. He’d bought her a bracelet from the collection they had- a Chaddagh and Loveknot bracelet. The jeweler had explained that the Chaddagh signified love, loyalty, and friendship. Richie’s real purpose at the jewelry store had been to get an idea for an engagement ring and he was successful. They’d also hit the finest clothing stores and he’d insisted she get several outfits that she’d liked. He’d also made sure she rested, not wanting her to get worse. It was clear that he didn’t want anything to prevent Jesse from joining him on tour.
Tuesday night found them on a flight out of LAX together, their lay-over to be in St. Lois where they would have to say good-bye.
Richie sat beside her holding her hand as the plane circled to make its final approach. It had been a solid week that they’d been together, not leaving each other’s side, and it would be the same amount of time before they were together again. Richie wasn’t thrilled with the idea.
“What are you thinking?” he asked softly, his breath caressing her skin. He knew the answer but he wanted her to talk about it.
“How wonderful it’s been to be with you,” she answered leaning her head against his shoulder.
Richie pressed a kiss into her hair. “The arrangements have been made for you to join me in Atlanta.”
“It’s nine days away,” she said sadly.
There it was, the emotions he knew were just on the brink of spilling over. “I’ll call…and you can call me…whenever you want.”
“Not whenever…you have to work, remember?”
“Not work, baby, but as much fun as it is to play music, it’s going to be difficult to do it without thinking about you.”
Jesse smiled, “Which song makes you think about me the most?”
“Not sure yet but if I had to pick now, probably “Love’s the Only Rule” or “Superman Tonight”.”
Jesse smiled but remained silent for several minutes, her eyes locked on their entwined fingers but her mind on the fact that Richie had been very mysterious about some phone calls and it was eating at her. Finally she asked, “Richie, what were all those phone calls about that you kept making this weekend?”
“I told you it was business, baby.”
“One of them involved me…I heard you say my name several times.” She looked up expecting him to be angry that she’d eavesdropped or that she was asking or both.
“Nosey little brat, aren’t you?” he teased, not the least bit of anger in his eyes or his voice.
Relieved that she’d been wrong about the anger, she said, “Just curious. I don’t like secrets.”
“Will it make you feel better if I told you you’ll find out eventually?”
Getting serious, Richie said, “I promise, unless I’m trying to surprise you, there will be no secrets between us. You can ask me anything you want about my business ventures and I’ll tell you.”
“So….you’re telling me that you’re doing something for me?
“Yes, and one of those phone calls was to Kate’s gallery. She only takes patrons by appointment.”
“I noticed we were the only ones in the gallery yesterday.” Jesse looked away fighting the urge to ask her next question, afraid of coming across as being jealous.
“I took Kate out once, and yes, she is extremely interested in me but you have my heart,” he whispered in her ear, then kissed her on the cheek.
She turned back to him. “How did you know?”
“Saw it in your reaction at the gallery and in the way you just looked away. You have no need to be jealous, Jess.” Richie reached across and with a finger, lifted her chin to look at him. “Yes, I’ve dated a lot of women but when I’m committed to someone, she’s the ONLY one I’m with.”
“I’m sorry, Richie.”
“No need to apologize.” They felt the plane touch down and Richie gave her a sweet kiss. “I love you, Jessica.”
“I love you too.”
When the plane came to a stop, the couple stood and Richie grabbed their carry-on bags before they left the plane holding hands.
“I’ll walk with you to your gate,” stated Richie.
Jesse’s flight to Virginia left before his and he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. The couple made their way through the crowded airport. Richie was recognized and several fans stopped him for autographs or pictures. Jesse waited patiently, smiling when the fans asked about her and Richie proudly introduced her as his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, the delays cut into their time to say good-bye. They reached Jesse’s gate as her flight was boarding.
Jesse turned to face Richie and placed her hands on his chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too. I want you to rest, okay. I want you to be better so you can join me on the road.”
“I promise.”
“Tony’s going to meet you at the airport.”
“Call me when you get to St. Paul?”
“Definitely.” Hearing the last call for first class passengers, Richie said, “Give me a kiss so you can go.”
Jesse stood on her toes as he put his hands on either side of her face and they kissed.
“See you in Atlanta, baby,” he whispered against her lips, his thumb wiping a tear from her cheek.
Richie stepped back and watched as Jesse headed to the doorway. She handed her boarding pass to the attendant and looked one final time over her shoulder giving him a sad smile before disappearing down the long hallway leading to the plane. He hated this part of touring and relationships.