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Chapter 39

Richie and Jesse walked hand in hand from the SUV Richie had rented. They were headed to the practice field where Stevie and his team were finishing for the night.  Kevin followed behind them taking in the whole scene; Richie and Jesse, the ballpark, the kids playing.

Stevie spotted them as he was finishing his snack.  He threw his trash away and raced towards them.  Richie let go of Jesse’s hand in time to catch him.

“Daddy!” squealed the little boy as Richie tossed him in the air and caught him.

Kevin felt a surge of jealousy but remained quiet, staying in the background.

“Hey buddy!” laughed Richie as Stevie hugged him.  “Are you finished?”

“Yes sir!” Seeing Kevin behind his mom, he said, “You’re still here!”

“Yeah, I am,” smiled Kevin stepping forward.

“Stevie, you need to get your things together,” instructed Jesse.

“Okay, Mama,” answered the little boy as Richie set him down.  “Daddy, come with me, please.”

“Okay but you have to be thinking about where you want to go to eat,” answered Richie as Stevie held onto his hand and pulled him towards where the other kids were all gathered.   “We’re going wherever you pick.”

Jesse and Kevin both saw that the parents had recognized Richie as he followed Stevie to the dugout.

“Really?” asked Stevie, his eyes wide with surprise as he looked up at Richie. 

“Really!” smiled the older man as he reached over to tousle Stevie’s hair.

Kevin stepped up to stand beside Jesse.  “Richie really does adore Stevie.”

“Yeah, he does,” answered Jesse watching her son with Richie.

“Are you prepared for being in the spotlight…and Stevie too?” asked Kevin as they watched Richie signing some autographs for parents.

“Very ready.  Richie is good about keeping his private life private….better than you.  I saw the pictures of you after dinner at ‘The Palm’.  You were ripped.”

Kevin blushed, “Yeah, and I had a hell ‘uva hang over the next day when I met you.”

“I figured as much.”

Richie and Stevie returned from the dugout with Stevie’s stuff and Richie gave Jesse a kiss as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I wanna go to McDonald’s,” announced Stevie.  “And take it home so Uncle Tony can have something too.”

“We can do that,” smiled Richie.  “Let’s get going.”

Kevin had noticed Jesse’s mood but didn’t want to bring attention to it.  Instead he watched the three as they made their way towards the SUV.  He couldn’t help wondering if he was making the wrong decision.  Maybe they should hold off on telling Stevie who he was.

The trip to McDonald’s and home was dominated by Stevie telling about practice.  He was extremely excited because the coach had practiced him at the two most coveted positions – pitcher and first base.

At home, Richie carried the food in and Tony met them to get the drinks.  Stevie bounded inside in front of everyone.

Kevin put his hand on Jesse’s arm just as she was about to go inside to stop her.  “Hang on.”

“What do you want?” she asked irritably.

“Are you going to tell Stevie who I am?”

“That was the plan.”

“Hold off.”


“I..I don’t know.  Just something you said about preparing him for all of this…and seeing the way you three are together.”

“How am I going to explain you being here for opening ceremonies?”

“I don’t know.  I hadn’t given that much thought.”

“I’m going to tell him tonight, after dinner.  If Stevie didn’t like you, I promise, I would hold off but he does like you.”

Richie appeared at the door.  “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine, Rich,” reassured Jesse as she turned to go inside.

Richie stepped out on the porch to confront Kevin.  “What did you say to her?”

“I just suggested she hold off telling Stevie who I am so she could ease him into this.”

“It’s too late, Kevin.  The course has been set.”  Richie looked at Kevin intensely, studying him.  “What are you hoping for from Jesse?”

“Nothing other than to get along for Stevie’s sake,” but Kevin was a little uneasy.

Richie picked up on the nervousness and moved closer to him.  “Make ONE inappropriate move on her and you WILL regret it. You have hurt her enough.”

Jesse came back to the door to find the two men staring each other down.  “Are you two going to eat?”

“On our way.  We were just talking,” said Richie.  “Kevin, where are you staying tonight?”

“I guess I’ll get a room.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said Jesse.  “You can stay here.”

Kevin glanced at Richie to see the warning in the older man’s eyes.  “I don’t want to impose, Jesse.  I’ll get a room at the motel I passed a few miles back on the interstate.”

“I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer.  That place is a dump and the next closest is thirty minutes away.  Now, come on. Your food is getting cold,” insisted Jesse.  She stepped off to the side to allow Kevin to go in and looked at Richie.  “What’s wrong with you?”

“Let him get a room,” stated Richie flatly, his disapproval plain in his voice.

“Are you jealous?” she asked moving closer and putting her hands on his sides.

“NO!” he answered quickly.

Jesse laughed, “You ARE!”

“Okay, fine!” conceded Richie.  “I am but Kevin’s intentions are NOT simply to get to know Stevie.  He wants to be with you too.”

“Richie, I have NO interest in going down that path with Kevin.  I haven’t had any interest in him since the night I told him I was pregnant and he turned cold.  I’m with you….COMPLETELY!”

Richie cupped her face in his large hands and leaned in to kiss her.  “Keep reminding him that!”

“No problem there!  Come on, let’s eat.”

With his hand on her lower back, Richie led her back inside where they found Stevie telling Tony about practice.


Chapter 40        Index