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Chapter 43

“Mama, why are you packing?”

Her back was to him so she took a deep breath and wiped her tears before turning to face him.  He stood in the doorway wearing his uniform.  “I’m going to Dallas to be with Richie.”

“Why?” he asked, his bottom lip beginning to quiver as he fought his own tears.

Jesse sat down on the bed and motioned for him to join her.  “Stevie, I love you very much but I can’t be around your father.  When we made you, I was very much in love with him but he was already married to Kristen.  It hurt a lot when I realized that I couldn’t be with him forever.”

“Was….was I…a mistake?”

“No!!  You weren’t planned but you were NOT a mistake!  You’re the best thing that has ever happened in my life, Stevie.”

“Better than Pop?”

“Two different things!”

“Did you love Daddy more than you love Pop?”

“At the time, I thought I did.”

“Are you going to miss my game?”

“No, I’m not.  I’m not leaving until later tonight but with everything we’re doing at the ballpark today, I won’t have time to pack before I have to leave.  Uncle Tony is going to take me and your daddy is going to be with you for the next week.  Then, you, Auntie Ash, and Carly are going to join Pop and me in Charlotte.”

That made Stevie happy and he gave his mother a kiss before rushing out to find Kevin.  Jesse wiped her tears again and went back to packing.  She hated leaving Stevie behind but she needed to be with Richie.

A few minutes later, Kevin barged into her room.  “What the hell are you doing?”


“Why?” he demanded.

“The last time I checked, the only male other than Stevie that I have to answer to is in Dallas,” snipped Jesse.


“I can’t stay here with you and I’m only pushing my plans up by a few days.”

Kevin grabbed her and made her face him.  “Damnit!  I am sorry I hurt you, Jesse.  I did care for you…more than I should have!  It broke my heart when I found out I was your first because I knew that we could never be together the way you always dreamed of being with your first and I was honored that I was your first!  For the last five years, I have done nothing but kick myself for treating you the way I did.  Please believe me.  I never intentionally meant to hurt you!  Please forgive me!”

Jesse’s phone went off and she pulled out of his grasp to answer it.  “Hey, Richie….Tony is going to take me to the airport….I’m okay….packing but I don’t know what to bring….I’ll see you tonight….I love you too.”  Closing her phone, she looked at Kevin, “We have a game to go to.”

Chapter 44            Index