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Chapter 48

“What the HELL do you mean she just disappeared?” growled Richie.  “How does a person ‘just disappear’?”

“She left the studio headed to the car and when I followed, she was gone,” explained Billy.

“Why didn’t you go with her?”

“He’s paid to protect you, Richie, not Jesse,” pointed out Jon.  “Call her.  She probably went back inside to get something.”

Richie pulled his cell phone out and pushed the speed dial for Jesse and waited…..and waited….then her voicemail picked up.  Closing the phone, he barked, “Go back and check the studio.”

“Don’t take too long.  We’ve got to get to Tampa,” advised Jon.  Looking at his best friend, he said, “How well do you really know Jesse?”

Richie spun around.  “What’s THAT supposed to mean?”

Jon looked at Tico and Dave who shook their heads to say ‘leave us out of this’ and then back to Richie.  “Don’t get me wrong…I really do like Jesse but…well, she IS a fan and well, it’s kinda strange that you’ve spent all this money on her…the engagement ring, the necklace, the clothes…..and now she’s disappeared.”

Richie’s temper boiled but he remained silent, his fists clenched in anger.  He didn’t want to admit it but Jon had a valid point.

Billy returned a few minutes later.  “Richie, there’s no sign of her.”

Jon saw the frustration in Richie’s face.  “Billy, hang out here in New York until tomorrow in case she turns up.  You can catch up with us in Ft. Lauderdale.”

“No problem.”  Looking at Richie, he said, “I’m sorry, boss.  I should have gone with her.”

Shaking his head, Richie said, “You were doing your job.”

“I’m sure she’ll turn up,” reassured Billy.  “Call Tony, see if she’s called him or if there’s a problem with Stevie.”

“I’ll call on the way to the airport.  Call me if she turns up.”  Richie pulled out his wallet and handed Billy a credit card.  “Use this for whatever you need….including the flight to Florida.”

“Sure, Richie.”

The four men climbed into the car, the mood somber.  No one said anything as Richie sat in the corner.  He called Tony but no luck.  Tony hadn’t talked to Jesse since earlier that afternoon and Stevie was doing fine.  Then he tried Jesse’s number again but with the same results.  He scrolled through his messages thinking maybe he’d missed a text from her.  Nothing.  He simply stared at his phone the entire way to the airport as if he was trying to will it to ring….willing Jesse to call and tell him they’d left her at the studio.

Chapter 49        Index