Chapter 5
“Tony, what’s going on?” asked Jesse spotting Richie’s bodyguard. “Who are all these women?”
“Contest winners who get to meet Jon.”
“What about the other guys?” asked Ashley.
“They’ll get an extra treat when Richie comes in to get the outlaw but Jon is the only one they’re here to meet tonight.” The crowd went nuts as the door opened and Richie walked in. “Watch!”
Richie’s eyes found Jesse within seconds and he gave her a wink as he went to work talking to the ladies. He signed autographs, took pictures, and gave kisses as he made his way across the room. With the last autograph, all attention shifted to the front of the room as Jon entered.
Ashley was just as excited and Tony said, “Get in line, Ash…no one will notice.”
It didn’t take any convincing and Richie and Jesse were alone except for Tony who asked, “You two going to stay here?”
“I thought I’d take Jess down to my dressing room so we could talk in privacy.”
“I’ll make sure Ashley is taken care of.”
“Thanks, Tony,” said Jesse.
“Anything for the ‘Outlaw Lady’,” he teased.
With his hand on her lower back, Richie and Jesse slipped out unnoticed by the crowded room.
“How is Stevie?”
“He was sleeping when I called.”
“That’s good.”
“Thank you for your concern.” Jesse looked up at him as they walked and saw that he was genuinely concerned making her heart skip a beat. “Richie, you said you’d get me tickets for the Charlotte show. Can you get 4 for me? I’d like to bring Carly, my babysitter.”
“Sure, and make plans to spend the weekend there too. I’ll get you a suite at the same hotel we’re in and we can spend some time together.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” Reaching the door, Richie opened it and said, “After you.”
Jesse walked in and as the door closed, she took a seat on the couch against the far wall. “You know, this is a dream-come-true.”
“Good, but you don’t strike me as the type to dream about meeting a celebrity.”
“Everyone dreams of meeting their favorite star. I just don’t get hysterical.”
“I can tell.” Richie took a seat on the couch next to her. “Tell me about Stevie’s dad. You’re obviously aren’t married to him.”
“No, I’m not. I have a confession. I use to do the whole groupie thing and followed one particular group all over the East coast. The one I really liked in the group was married but every time he saw me, he was really sweet to me. I always got VIP seats and got to hang out with them. One night, he was really drunk after he’d gotten into an argument with his wife on the phone and I just happened to be there. I got luckier than normal and nine months later, Stevie was born.”
“Does he know about Stevie?”
“Yes, and his name is on Stevie’s birth certificate but in our agreement, Stevie uses my last name so it doesn’t get out to the public that he has an illegitimate son. I get child support once a month until Stevie graduates from college and he pays for him to go to a private school since the public school isn’t all that great where we are.”
“That’s good. Do you still follow the group?”
“Yes, but Stevie’s dad isn’t with them any longer. Makes it easier to go to the shows.”
“Do you still get VIP seats?”
“Yeah, I'm friends with a couple of the other guys too.”
“Why you didn’t want Ashley to ask for tickets to the Charlotte show?”
“Mostly because I didn’t want to ‘use’ you to get something.”
“Tell me, if you’ve had a bad experience with musicians, why did you agree to join me tonight?”
“Because YOU aren’t married, you aren’t drunk, and we aren’t at a hotel. I’m also not naïve.”
“What did your dad say?”
“He’s the one who convinced me to even say something to Stevie’s dad in the first place. I saw him a few months after that night and knew that I was pregnant. I had to do the whole paternity test thing too…thanks to his lawyers.” Stopping, she smiled as she tilted her head sideways. “Now, tell me something. Do you always pick up fans?”
“No, I don’t and I have my own confession. Ashley approached me at the photo gallery and told me how big a fan you were. She also told me that you’d been really hurt by this guy, how much you missed your dad, how devoted you were to Stevie, and how you always put everyone else first.”
“I really do love her.”
“She seems to be a really good friend.”
“She is. You’ve gone above and beyond what she asked you to do though…haven’t you?”
“All she asked me to do was have a drink with you.”
“Why the rest?”
“Because you aren’t the typical fan. I WAS watching you from the minute you walked in because you are incredibly sexy,” smiled Richie as he reached out to push her hair back behind her ear. That’s when he saw her earrings and smiled. “Nice earrings...they look like my guitars.”
“That's why I wore them tonight. Richie, you’re old enough to be my father.”
“Does that bother you?”
“Not really.”
“Doesn’t bother me either.”
“Where do you see us going?”
“Don’t know. For now, I see us having fun together. Do you have a passport?”
“No. Why?”
“Because we’re headed to Europe in June and I’d like you to join me…you and Stevie.”
“You’re serious?”
“I can’t afford that.”
“You don’t have to afford it. I’ll pay for it.”
“I still have to pay my bills, Richie.”
“Okay, you work on the weekends. You can fly in after you get off work on Monday morning and leave Thursday night. What about vacation time?”
“I have tons of it.”
“You could use it one time to have two weeks in London with me. Ava is joining me when she gets out of school. She’ll have a blast with Stevie and we could show the kids London and Europe.”
“Stevie gets out of school June 4th and I have plans for the 9th.”
“Then take that next weekend off and fly to London. We have a show on the 10th and 11th. You could fly over in time for one of those shows and we’ll have the 12th to do something together.”
“I’ll have to think about it, Richie.”
“I can accept that. What can I do to convince you?”
“Don’t pressure me. I’ll get our passports and I’ll check out my vacation but I have to think about it still.”
“That’s fine.”
There was a knock at the door and Tony stuck his head in. “Dinner’s ready.”
“Thanks, Tony. We’ll be there in a few minutes.” The door closed and Richie caressed her cheek. “I won’t do you like he did.”
“I don’t judge all guys by him. Besides, you’re older and more mature.”
Richie laughed, “See, there’s an advantage to being older.”
“Some.” Jesse took his hand in hers and looked at the star tattoo. “Richie, I don’t want you to think that I’m easy or that I jump into bed with every musician that I get to meet.”
“Never crossed my mind.”
“In the theater, you said something about making out.”
“Yeah, I was teasing!”
“But you tried…”
“To kiss you. Hell yeah!! You’re a beautiful lady and I hope to get a kiss from you before the night is over.”
Jesse leaned to him and touched her lips to his. Softly, she kissed him and she felt his fingers tangle in her hair. He deepened the kiss, intensifying her feeling of floating away.
Breaking the kiss, Richie continued to cup her cheek in his large hand. “Sweet and intoxicating.”