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Chapter 56

Thirty minutes before show time and Richie hadn’t heard a word from Tony.  He kept checking his watch but time seemed to creep by.  Finally, he pulled his cell phone and tried to call.

Tony’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out.  Seeing it was Richie, he handed it to Jesse.  “You wanna take it?”

“How much longer before we get there?”

“The pilot is making the final approach…fifteen minutes tops.”

Jesse hit ignore, then pulled up Richie’s number to send him a text message.  Not going to make it before the show.  FBI questioning ‘Outlaw’.  See you ASAP  and she hit send.

“You know that’s going to drive him nuts.”

“I know but I don’t need his voice…I need his arms.  He’s going to go ballistic over the ring too.”

“Tell me about it,” agreed Tony.

Jesse looked over at her younger brother.  “Dakota, who’s your favorite in Bon Jovi?”

“David Bryan.  He’s really good on keyboards and I love playing too.”

“You should hear Dakota, Jess,” said Frankie.  “He’s really good but Mama wouldn’t let us have anything to do with music other than listening to it on the radio.”

“When do you get to play then?”
“At school.”

“Jesse, how do you know Bon Jovi and how are you going to get us in?”

“Richie Sambora is….”

The light went off for Frankie as he made the connection.  “You were asking about Richie…WOW!  HE’S your fiancé?!”


On the trip to the venue, Jesse told them quickly how she’d met Richie and their trip to California.

As they walked through the venue, crew members greeted Jesse happily and she tried to reply but she was completely focused on getting to Richie.  She could see him with Jon, Dave, and Tico getting ready to go onstage and she quickened her pace.

Jon spotted Jesse coming through the halls and tapped Richie on the shoulder.  He turned and their eyes met.  Richie started to move towards her and Jesse broke into a run.  He easily caught her in his arms and held her close.  “God, you’re here!” he said.

“I’m sorry, Richie….I’m so sorry!” she sobbed.  Her tears had started the second her eyes had met his and now that she was in his arms, they were falling steadily.

“Shh, it’s over, Jess.  You’re safe and back in my arms where you belong.”

All her fears were spilling out as sobs racked her body.  The only thing she could manage to say was ‘I’m sorry’.

“Calm down, baby,” soothed Richie.  He set her back and took her face in his large hands.  With his thumbs, he wiped her tears.  “You’re home, baby, and no one is ever going to hurt you again.”

Jesse put her hands on his.  “I’m….I’m sor..sorry, Richie.”

“Jesse, you haven’t done anything wrong. Why do you keep saying you’re sorry?”

“My…my ring.”

Richie took her hands and realized the ring was gone.  Everyone around the couple saw the anger in his eyes but he was able to maintain control for Jesse. 

Tony spoke up now, “Richie, it’s not important now.  She can tell you later about it.”

Looking into Jesse’s eyes, tears still flowing freely, he knew she wasn’t ready to talk about it and needed to be comforted.  He pulled her back into his arms, her head tucked under his chin, and stroked her hair and back trying to calm her.  “Baby, it’s okay.  The ring can be replaced…you can’t.”

Jon reached out to play with Jesse’s hair as he said, “Richie’s right, Jess.  You being safe is all that’s important,” and the other guys echoed their agreement.

Jesse pulled back to look up at Richie.  “You….you aren’t mad?”

“Furious, but not at you.  I’ll replace it, Jess.  Right now though, I need you to calm down.  I don’t want to go out on stage with you this upset.”

“I’ll…..I’ll be okay,” she whimpered.

“She NEEDS to eat,” said Tony.

“Jess, dinner is still set up in the green room,” said Tico.  “Go get something to eat.”

Richie was concerned about the mono as he looked at her.  “Why don’t you go eat and then curl up on the couch in my dressing room?  I’ll get you when the show is over.”

“I want to watch you sing.  You are doing ‘Lay Your Hands’ aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“I’m going to eat and get a shower.  I’ll come out as soon as I’m ready.  Are any of my clothes in your bag?”

“Yeah, I stuck an outfit in with my stuff.  When you get it, look in the side pocket of my bag.  There’s a small box wrapped in silver paper in there for you.”

“Really?” she asked as she wiped her tears and smile brightened her eyes.

Richie kissed her.  “Really!  Go on and I’ll see you soon.”

“Hey, Rockstar,” she said taking his hand.  “I love you.”

“I love you too, ‘Outlaw’,” and he touched the tip of her nose with his finger.

Chapter 57       Index