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Chapter 68

“Dance with me,” pleaded Jesse.

Shaking his head ‘no’, Richie said, “I don’t dance, baby.”

“Not even slow dance?”

“I’ll slow dance with you when there’s a slow song,” he smirked.

“Give up, ‘Outlaw’.  They won’t slow it down,” laughed Tico.

“Hmph,” pouted Jesse.  She watched Richie go back to talking to one of the fans.

Jon slipped behind Jesse and whispered in her ear, “Need help?”


“Come with me.”

“Richie, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Where are you going?”

“With Jon.”

“Don’t be long.  We’re going to leave soon.”

“I won’t be.”

Jon grabbed her hand and she followed him through the crowd of people realizing quickly where they were headed.  She smiled as he looked back at her.

Outside the DJ booth, Jon asked, “What song do you want to hear?”

“Doesn’t matter.  He won’t back out of dancing with me, will he?”

“Get real, Jess.  Richie promised you he’d dance with you and he’s not going to break a promise to you but he’s banking on the fact that they won’t play slow songs.”  Jon leaned to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “Relax, Jess.”

“Thanks, Jon.  You know, you’re starting to be like a big brother.”

“Good.  You know you can come to me whenever you need someone to talk to?”

“Yeah, I do know.”

Jon stepped into the DJ booth with Jesse close behind him and the DJ, a young blonde girl, began to freak out.  Jon laughed as he calmed her down.  “I need a really huge favor.”

“Anything for you, Jon.  I knew you guys were here tonight but I never imagined you’d come in here to talk to me,” she smiled running her fingers down his chest.

“Richie’s fiancée wants to dance with him but he won’t unless it’s a slow song,” he said pointing to Jesse.

“You’re Richie’s fiancée?  Oh my god, you are SOOO lucky.”

“Yeah, I am.  Do you think you could play a couple slow songs?”

“Sure, after the next two songs.  I joined ‘Jesse’s Gang’ earlier.  I can’t wait to see your dress….your ring is to die for.”

Jon gave the young girl a kiss on the cheek, signed an autograph for her, and left with Jesse.

“Oh my god, Jon!!  She was all over you!” exclaimed Jesse when they were away from the booth.

“Happens all the time.  That’s how rumors get started about us being unfaithful, especially with Richie.”  Jon wrapped his arm around her shoulders.  “But you don’t have to be worried.  Richie is completely faithful when he’s in a serious relationship.”

“Thanks!” she answered giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re very welcome. Got to take care of my best friend’s lady.  You know, Richie’s really had a tough few years and I want to see him happy.  You put a smile on his face and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it there.  Makes it even sweeter that you’re such a sweetheart.”

They’d rejoined the group and Jon hugged her before going to talk to some fans.

Richie took Jesse’s hand and pulled her to him.  “Where did you two go?”

“Jon and I had something to do.  Did you miss me?”

“Of course I missed you,” he answered as he hugged her to him.  “Let’s go.”

“You promised me a dance.”

“And you promised not to argue about leaving,” countered Richie.

“One slow song,” she pleaded.

“Get real, Jess.  They don’t play slow stuff here.”

“You never know what they’ll play,” smiled Jesse.  “Please, can we just wait for a couple more songs and then I promise, we’ll go.”

“Hey, Richie,” greeted a new fan.

Richie looked at Jesse curiously then turned to greet the fan, his arm still around Jesse.

A song later, the DJ booth came to life, “Time to slow it down for a very special couple hanging out in the VIP lounge.  Richie, you’d better dance with your very beautiful fiancée.”

Shaking his head, Richie said, “You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?”

“Yes, now dance with me,” smiled Jesse as ‘Kiss from a Rose’ by Seal started to play.

Richie led Jesse to the dance floor and with her hand in his, he put his other free hand on her lower back pulling her to him, their hands folded between them.  She put her free hand behind his neck and began to play with his hair.

The couple moved slowly to the music, starring into each other’s eyes.  At that moment, for the next four minutes, no one else existed in that room.  They were completely absorbed in each other’s love.

That song ended and the next one began, Joe Cocker’s ‘You Are So Beautiful’, and Richie smiled.  Without letting her go, he began to sing along with the music.

When the song was over, the couple kissed, long and slow, and when they pulled apart, the entire crowd was cheering for them.

Blushing, Jesse buried her face in Richie’s chest.  “Oh my god,” she said, her voice muffled by his body.

Richie laughed as he hugged her.  “What’s wrong, baby?”

“I didn’t realize anyone was watching us.”

“After the DJ dedicated it to us and said I needed to dance with you, what did you expect?”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on, beautiful.  Let’s head back to the hotel so you can get some rest.”

Before they left the dance floor, Jesse put her hands on the sides of Richie’s face and looked him in the eyes.  “Richard Stephen Sambora, I love you so totally and completely.  The minute you said you’d fly me home after the show, I knew you were more than I’d ever imagined.  You stole my heart that night and I don’t ever want it back.”

“I love you too, Jessica.  You stole my heart when you turned around and realized it was me behind you.  You were so cute the way you blushed because of your ring tone.”

“Love me forever?”

“And a day,” purred Richie as he closed the distance placing a tender kiss on her lips.

The couple made their way back to their group to say good-night.

Jesse gave Tico a hug first and he whispered in her ear, “You make him happy.  Don’t let anything make you doubt what you two have.”

“I won’t, Tico, but I may need you to remind me from time to time…when things get crazy.”

“I’m always here for you.”

Jesse moved to David and as she was giving him a kiss on the cheek, she saw Jon standing off to the side watching her.  She said good-bye and moved to Jon.

“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted taking her in his arms.  “How do you feel?”

“I’m okay, Jon,” she said then added seeing the doubt in his eyes, “Really!  Thank you for everything.”

“You’re very welcome.”

“I really do love him.”

“I see it every time you look at him.  Just hold on to what I’ve told you and you’ll be okay…and if you ever need a shoulder, I’m here.”

“That’s it…you’re officially my big brother.”

“Hmm, means I get to kick Richie’s butt if he doesn’t do right by you.”

Jesse laughed, “Yep!!”

“Go on and get some rest.  We’ve got a beach party for fan club members tomorrow and I want you with us.”

“I’ll do my best but Richie’s going to have final say about what I can and can’t do.  You BEHAVE!  I’d hate to have to kick YOUR butt for Dorothea.”

“I think you could too,” laughed Jon.

Richie joined them.  “Can I have my lady back?”

The two laughed and Jesse moved to Richie putting her arms around his waist.  “Feeling neglected, baby?”

“What will it get me if I am?”

“Some extra special attention at the hotel,” she purred running her finger down his chest.

“Then I’m DEFINITELY feeling VERY neglected,” he leered.  Looking at Jon, he said, “We’ll see you in the morning.”

“I reminded Jesse about the beach party tomorrow and it would be really cool to have her there, especially after all the appearances she’s made lately.”

“It depends on how she feels tomorrow.  I don’t want her doing too much and getting tired.”

Together, the couple made their way out to the waiting limo and back to the hotel.

Chapter 69        Index