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Chapter 7

The lights went down and Ashley elbowed her best friend.  “This is so much better than where we WOULD have been sitting.” 

“I know.  It is pretty cool to be sitting this close.” 

“And think, you can have this in London too!  What’s it going to take to convince you to go with him?” 

“It’s all on him.  I’ll see how things go between now and then.” 

“He’s crazy about you…you can see it every time he looks at you.” 

“Okay.  I like him a lot too.  I’d be crazy not to and Stevie was so excited when he talked to Richie earlier.  I just don’t want him to get hurt.”

“Richie isn’t him….” But the music drowned her out.  The lights finally came up and the crowd was on their feet.  Jesse couldn’t take her eyes off Richie.  She was not about to admit it out loud to anyone but she had fallen hard for him.  He was everything she’d ever imagined he’d be and more.  Their eyes met and Richie gave her a wink. 

Throughout the first half of the show, Jesse found herself completely captivated by Richie.  He flirted with her when he could and as he was playing his solo, Tony came to get her. 

“Come on.  Richie wants to see you.” 

Jesse followed Tony as he led her to the stage area.  There was a small light that was provided for Richie to see which guitars he was getting and in that light, Jesse could see him wiping some of the sweat off.  Her knees went weak and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. 

Richie turned to see her in the darkness and wrapped his towel around her neck.  Pulling her to him, he gave her a kiss.  “Did you enjoy the song?” 

“Of course, you were singing.  One line gets me though.”

“Which one?” 

“The ride don’t never ever come for free.” 

“And you think what I’m doing for you comes with a price?” 

“Doesn’t it?” 

“Not the price you think.  Don’t you know I aim to please?” 

Jesse spotted his hat, reached for it, and set it on her own head.  “I hope so because I’m ready, willing, and able.” 

Richie pulled her close again and this time, she put her hands on his sides to hold on as he kissed her deeply.  “After the show, Tony is going to bring you and Ashley backstage and there’s a car waiting to take you to the airport.  Tony has also rented a car and he and Billy are going to make sure Ashley gets home safely.” 

“Thank you!” 

“Thank me later.  I have to go back to work,” he grinned as he took his hat from her.  Placing a quick kiss on the tip of her nose, he headed back out on stage. 

From behind her, Tony whispered, “Just like an outlaw, riding in and stealing hearts!” 

Jesse looked over her shoulder and smiled, “I haven’t stolen anything.” 

“Hmph!  That’s what YOU think!  Come on, ‘Outlaw’!  I need to get you back to your seat.” 

Tony led Jesse back to her seat where he leaned close to her ear to say, “I’m going to have you home within an hour of the show being over and you saying good-bye to the boss.”  He kissed her on the cheek and disappeared backstage again. 

Jesse shook her head and turned back to the show.  Richie, Jon, Tico, and Dave were out in the crowd on a smaller stage playing.  She smiled watching them interact with the fans as she thought about what Tony had said about stealing hearts.  Had she stolen Richie’s heart? 

As the guys came back to the main stage, Richie made it a point to reach down and place his hat on her head.  She smiled up at him and he gave her a wink.

Chapter 8            Index