Chapter 75
“WHOA, young lady! WHERE do you think you’re going?” questioned Tico in a fatherly voice as Jesse made her way to the lounge area where the guys were hanging out.
“Out!” she answered nonchalantly.
“Out where? And do I know the young man you’re going with?”
“Yes, you know him…well, I THINK you know him and he’s taking me to dinner at The Wildhorse Saloon.”
“Dressed like THAT?” Tico was having fun doing the concerned-father routine and it had everyone listening cracking up.
Jesse loved it too and she went to Tico putting her arms around him. “Ah, Dad…what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
Jesse was wearing one of the dresses Nikki had sent her. It was black, hung to just above her mid-thigh, and had a V-line back. She looked hot in it. Her hair hung loose but was pushed back to show off the diamond earrings Richie had given her. The outfit was finished off with a pair of black heels.
“Don’t you think it’s a little…revealing?”
“Not really!!”
Tico took her in, having her turn around for him to get the full effect, and he said, “You look absolutely stunning, baby girl.”
“Thanks, ‘Dad’!”
As Richie came in looking for Jesse, Tico said, “Looks like your young man is here for you. You two behave and have fun.”
Putting his hands on Jesse’s waist from behind, Richie said, “Are you ready, Jess?”
“Yes dear,” she purred looking at him over her shoulder.
Jon spoke up, “Do NOT be late!”
“I’ll try but…you know, when I’m with a beautiful lady, I lose track of everything BUT her,” smirked Richie.
“I’m NOT joking,” called Jon as the couple made their way out of the venue.
Richie simply waved his hand over his shoulder as they left the building. Outside, he laughed knowing Jon was going nuts.
“You’re mean,” chided Jesse as he opened the car door for her.
“Sometimes, but never to you.”
“Better NOT be mean to me,” she warned.
Richie closed the door and circled the car laughing the whole way. Getting in, he reached across to take her hand and kissed the back. “What’s going to happen if I’m mean to you?”
“I won’t go with you to London.”
“That means we won’t get married.”
“You’d never do that.”
“Wanna find out?” she shot.
“Not really. You win! ” laughed Richie as he started the car and put it in gear. “I won’t be mean to you until AFTER we’re married. Then, I can be mean all I want.”
“Uh huh, you must never wanna make love after we’re married,” countered Jesse sassily.
“Now I KNOW you’re full of it. You’d never turn me down.”
“Richie, think about it, until you, I’d only made love once in 25 years.”
“Uh huh, and then you met me. Not worried. Besides, I could never be mean to you intentionally.”
The trip to the restaurant was quick and Richie parked in the VIP area. Before getting out, he reached over and kissed Jesse tenderly. Then he hopped out and circled the car to open the door for her. He reached in to take her hand and as she stepped out, they were just a breath away. She looked up into his eyes and he felt like he’d been struck by lightning. With all the grace of a Southern gentleman, Richie raised her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back before tucking it in his arm and escorting her inside.
Richie gave the hostess his name, not that he really needed to, and they were led to their table in the VIP section. The restaurant was busy despite the early hour. As they made their way through to their table, Jesse looked around recognizing country singers. A couple times, Richie stopped to speak and introduced her. At the table, he held her chair for her and as she sat, she saw the rose on her plate.
Taking it and giving it a smell, she smiled, “How sweet!! How did you manage it?”
“When I called to make the reservations, I asked them to make sure there was a rose on your plate,” Richie answered as he reached across the table to take her hand. “Every time I look into your eyes, I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am.”
“I know the feeling. You can have ANY woman you want but you chose me.”
“Think you can wait until the end of June to be Mrs. Sambora?”
“I don’t know…think you can wait that long?”
“No, I wanted you to marry me in Florida,” he smirked.
Jesse laughed, “True! Richie, we have so much to do. How are we going to get it all done in time?”
“Don’t worry about it. It’ll get done. Jon and Dorothea are going to help out too so all you have to do is ask Dorothea when you’re feeling overwhelmed!”
The couple spent a peaceful dinner talking about their wedding and their plans for the next break. A couple times, Richie was approached and he graciously spoke to the fans.
As they finished their desserts, Richie looked at his watch with concern.
“Are you going to be late?” asked Jesse.
“Not really but I am pushing it with Jon. I wanted to show you some of the area before we had to be back.”
“Its okay, Richie. I saw some of the town this morning when I went shopping.”
“So what did you get? You haven’t shown me any of it.”
“Mostly stuff for Stevie. He’s growing so fast, he always needs new clothes and I had to have something for him for the wedding and other events that he’ll need to look a little nicer for.” Reaching into her pocketbook, she pulled out a box and handed it to Richie. “I got this for you.”
Richie took the gift and opened it slowly. She’d bought him a necklace – a two part necklace – that had puzzle pieces for pendants. When put together, it read You are the missing piece of my puzzle and on the back of each piece was a date.
“I hope you don’t think it’s too corny.”
“Baby, it’s beautiful! What’s the date though?”
“You don’t recognize it?”
Richie looked again. “The day we met?”
“Yeah,” she blushed. “It was like putting that last piece of a puzzle in when I met you.”
“It’s perfect, Jess!” Richie put his necklace on and leaned across the table to kiss her. With his hand on the side of her face, he whispered, “I feel like I’m falling…deeper and deeper.”
“I’m here to catch you,” she answered. “Love me forever.”
“And a day,” he replied with another kiss. Pulling back, he handed her the half of the necklace that was hers and watched as she put it on. Then, he said, “I hate for this to end but I need to get back.”
“Why don’t you go ahead? I can catch a cab back.”
“No, I’m not leaving without you.” Pulling out his wallet, he pulled out enough
to cover the check and a tip. He stuck it in the folder and left it on the
table as he stood. He took her hand in his and helped her up.
Jesse pouted, “I’ve really enjoyed tonight.”
“I can see it in your eyes. Don’t worry, We’ll have more chances to do it in other cities.”
“I can’t wait to see it all,” she beamed. “With you.”
“I’m going to give you the world, baby.”
Jesse smiled, “I use to just want the part of the world with you
in it but….Bon Jovi IS all over the world.”
Richie grinned, scrunching his nose much like Kevin did. “Yep!”
With his hand on her back, Richie led Jesse out to the parked car and they were on their way back to their rock and roll kingdom.