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Chapter 78

So if you want me to lay my hands on you...Lay your hands on me.....

Jesse grabbed his ass from behind and the crowd erupted in cheers seeing the smirk on his face.  She stayed on stage with Richie for the rest of the song dancing around him and 'laying' her hands on him.  As always, the crowd enjoyed it and the guys were laughing as they watched.

With the song over and the light off of him, Richie took Jesse's hand and led her off stage where he pulled her into a fierce kiss.  That's when he tasted it and her behavior onstage made sense.  She had been much more 'open' about the way she was playing with him.

Pushing her back, he asked,  "How much have you had?"

"Not enough to forget what an incredible ASS Kevin is!"

"Jess, he's not worth getting trashed over!"

"My SON isn't worth it?"

"I'm not talking about Stevie...I'm talking about Kevin!  Please, don't drink any more tonight."

"I can't promise you that, Richie!" she slurred. 

Richie shook his head, "Jess."

"Richie," she countered.

Hearing that Jon was almost finished, he said, "I have to go back out."

Jesse picked up his hat and placed it on his head.  "I love you, Richie Sambora."

"I love you too, Jesse."

Jesse gave him a quick kiss, watched him go back out with a new guitar, and headed back to the bar in the dressing room.  She got the bottle she had started and poured herself another stiff drink.  Within thirty minutes, she had finished the bottle and was sufficiently drunk.

Her phone went off and she knew who it was.  "Well, well, well, Mr. High and Mighty has decided to grant me the privilege of talking to him."

On the other end, Kevin recognized that she was drunk and said, "Problems in paradise?"

"The only....the only damned problem I have is that I EVER had ANY feelings for you!  It was ME who tried to trick you?!  That's really....really good, Kevin.  Is that what you told Kristen?  That I seduced YOU?"

"Where is my son while you're getting trashed?"

"OUR son is out watching the show...which you knew.  You WAITED to call me back when you knew Richie wouldn't be around...that's your style...wait until I'm alone to take advantage of me."

"I suppose he's alone."

"Yeah, Kevin, I let my five-year-old son go out into that crowd alone."

"You don't seem to have a problem leaving him with a complete stranger so you can chase after a man twice your age."

"He's more of a man than you'll ever be!  He knows how to be faithful!  Back off and leave Stevie alone or you'll be sorry."

"Idle threat from a drunk whore!" growled Kevin.

The connection went dead and Jesse tossed the phone on the bar as she snatched the second fifth of bourbon.  In a matter of minutes, she'd downed a quarter of the bottle straight and staggered her way over to the couch where she proceeded to finish it completely.  By the end of the show, she was passed out on the couch with the empty bottle on the floor beside her.

Chapter 79        Index