Chapter 81
Tony and Ashley pulled into Jesse's yard followed by Frankie on Jesse's car and they all piled out.
"Get Stevie into bed first," instructed Tony. "We'll get the things out of the car while we wait for the bus."
Ashley gathered the sleeping little boy in her arms and as she started to go inside, two cars pulled into the yard, the second one a deputy sheriff's car.
"I see. This is NOT good. Take Stevie inside now, Ashley."
Ashley didn't hesitate and rushed inside with Dakota's help.
"What's going on?" asked Frankie as he moved to stand beside Tony.
"I'm not sure," said Tony as Kevin stepped out of this vehicle. "But I have a bad feeling about all of this."
"Where's Jesse?" questioned Kevin as he approached Tony followed by the deputy.
"She's on her way back with Richie. What's going on?"
"I have a court order to take Stevie with me....if she's legally drunk."
"You are a piece of work, Richardson."
"Call your boss and find out how long it'll be before they get here."
As Tony moved away from Kevin, Frankie followed, he asked, "What is he trying to do?"
"Richardson is Stevie's father and now it looks like he's trying to take Stevie away from Jesse."
"He wasn't around until recently, right?"
"Yeah...Jesse wanted Richie to adopt Stevie. Go on inside with your brother and don't worry about this," instructed Tony as he dialed Richie's number.
* * * * * *
"What did Tony want?" asked Tico.
"Richardson is at the house with a court order to take Stevie if Jesse is legally drunk."
"How's he going to know?" asked Jon.
"He's got a deputy with him."
"There's no way in hell we can sober her up before we get to her house," said Tico.
"I know," answered Richie as he hung his head. He ran his fingers through his hair as he thought about this mess and closed his eyes.
"What are you thinking?" asked Jon sympathetically.
"My options but I don't really have any. She won't be sober this side of noon and if I don't take her to the house, he'll use THAT against her. My only option is to cooperate."
There was a helplessness in Richie's voice that bothered the guys.
"You aren't going to give up, are you?" asked Dave. "On Jess?"
"I don't want to lose her but I also don't want her to lose Stevie," admitted Richie looking at his friends. There were tears in his eyes and he desperately wanted a drink. "I'll do whatever Jesse asks me to do."
Fifteen minutes later, the bus pulled into Jesse's yard and Richie got up to get Jesse but Tico stopped him.
"Leave her here for now. Once we get Richardson away, we'll get her inside."
Following Richie off the bus, the four men made their way across the yard to where Tony sat on his car starring angrily at Kevin who was leaning against his rented car. The deputy stood when he saw them approach.
"Where is Jesse?" demanded Kevin as he stood up straight.
"On the bus. Tony, go get Stevie and have Ashley pack him a bag."
"You aren't seriously going to do this?!" questioned the bodyguard in disbelief.
"We have to cooperate," said Tico. "For Stevie and Jesse's sake."
"Mr. Sambora," said the deputy. "I hate to do this but I need to give Jesse a breathalyzer test."
"No need. I'll sign whatever you need me to sign to verify that Jesse is legally drunk. Right now, she's asleep on the bus and I really don't think I could wake her." Turning on Kevin, he said, "You've won this round but it's not over."
Tony and Ashley returned from the house with a very sleepy but awake Stevie. As soon as Stevie saw Kevin though, he became up set and rushed to Richie who picked him up.
"What's he doing here?" asked Stevie.
"Stevie, you need to go with your father for now," explained Richie.
"NO! I don't want to," cried the little boy, tears springing forth immediately as he hugged Richie.
"I'm afraid we don't much of a choice in this, little buddy," said Tico putting his hand on Stevie's back to rub it. "The deputy is here to make sure we cooperate."
"Where's my mama?" sobbed the little boy.
"She's on the bus, asleep," answered Jon as he too reached out to rub the little boy's back. "She was sick after the show and that's why we brought her back on the bus, so she could lay down."
"Pop, you BOTH promised that I didn't have to go with him....not right away."
"I know, Stevie, but a judge has said that you have to and we can't go against a judge. I promise, as soon as I can, I will fix this and you can come back to your mother."
"I'll take my son now," said Kevin as he stepped to Richie to take Stevie.
At the touch of his father's hands, Stevie clutched Richie's neck a little tighter crying, "NO! I don't wanna go!"
"Come on, Stevie," coaxed Richie. "You have to go with him or your mom and I will get in trouble."
"But...but....he doesn't like you and he said mean things about Mama."
"It's going to be okay, Stevie. I need you to be a big boy for me and for your mom," reassured Richie.
"Will....will me?"
"First thing I'll have her do when she wakes up and several times a day. It won't be long, Stevie."
Stevie let go somewhat of Richie's neck. "Tell...tell her...I love her."
"I will, buddy," and he gave the boy a kiss on the cheek. "From your mom."
Ashley took Stevie from Richie and took him to the car to put him in his booster seat as Kevin and Richie squared off with each other.
"What the hell did you tell him?" growled Kevin.
Calmly, Richie replied, "Jesse told him the situation and that I want to adopt him. What are you going to do about I can tell Jesse? She's going to lose it when I tell her what you've done."
"I've rented a house here until the end of the school year so you can tell her that he'll finish the year here and she will NOT be allowed to pick him up from school....nor any of you...but she will be able to see him there as long as you aren't with her. "
Ashley came back to stand beside Richie. "You're such an ass!" she hissed. "What Jesse EVER saw in you, I'll NEVER understand."
Putting his hands on Ashley's shoulders, Richie said calmly, "Go on back with Tony, Ash." Tony took her hand and led her away from the two men. "Now, I think you've done enough damage for one night, Mr. Richardson. You need to get off the property. I have my fiancée to get into bed and figure out how I'm going to tell her what the man she use to love is doing to her. I guess your image isn't quite so important now that you aren't in the group, huh?"
The deputy spoke up, "Mr. Richardson, let's go."
Moving to get into his car, Kevin stopped to look at Richie. "You know what to do to fix this. You have until Monday morning when the courthouse opens. Just tell Jesse to call me."