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Chapter 90

Jesse started her week running.  She was up early Monday morning to fix Stevie and Dakota breakfast and get them off to school.  She also fixed everyone else breakfast with Richie's help.

As soon as the guys were on the bus, she grabbed her laptop, set it on the table, and started it up.

"What are you going to do, Jesse?" asked Dorothea.

"I'm going to post a blog on my website about what's going on with the wedding.  I also need to see how many people have joined 'Jesse's Gang'."

Jon quickly explained what was going on with the website.  "Jesse, you need to make a list of the first two hundred people and their addresses."

"Obie worked his voodoo when he set up the site so it generates a list with all that information and sends it to my email."


Jesse's cell phone rang and when she looked at it, she said, "Rich, it's business.  You want to take it?"

Reaching around her, Richie got her phone, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and left the room to take the call.  A minute later, he returned and put his hand on Jesse's shoulder.  "I need my schedule, Jess."

"What month?"


"What's going on?"

"Trying to get into the studio.  The dates I gave him aren't working.  I was trying to get it done before you joined me."  Looking over Jesse's shoulder, he said, "I have the 14th and 15th free....yeah, that works.  I'll have my secretary put it on my schedule and she'll call to make sure everything is still set a couple days prior.....nice talking to you too."

As Richie handed her phone back to her, Jesse asked, "Are you going to be in the studio both days?"

"Depends on how things go the first day but it looks like it."

"What am I going to do while you're in the studio?" questioned Jesse, a little concern in her eyes and voice.

"Whatever you want, baby.  You can take Ava and Stevie around London or something."

Jesse frowned this time.

"Don't worry, Jess," said Dorothea. "We'll do something with the kids together while the guys are working."

"It's just Richie," offered Jon.  "You and the kids can join us."

Alejandra spoke up, "Jesse, you're going to have last minute details to make sure everything is ready for the wedding."

"See, problem solved," said Richie.

Jesse looked up at him as he got another cup of coffee.  He wasn't the least bit concerned that he was going to be in the studio when he'd promised to show her the sites.

Tico saw the look on Jesse's face and decided he'd mention it later to Richie but he wasn't sure what the problem really was.  Jesse had never come across as being the clingy type.  Yeah, she enjoyed being with Richie but when he was on stage doing sound checks or even when he was working with Jon on music or doing press events, she went about doing her own thing.

Fortunately, Dorothea and Alejandra got Jesse's mind back on the wedding and off of Richie.  They began asking questions about what Jesse wanted.  They then started making a list of things that needed to be done.  Jon also spoke up to let Dorothea know that he had offered to handle the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and reception for the couple.

"I'd like to handle the father of the bride," said Tico.  "Rehearsal dinner is the groom's responsibility."

"And since Jon is going to be my best man, that works," said Richie.

Jesse smiled, "Thanks, Dad."

Frankie came back into the room, showered and dressed up.  "Jess, can I borrow your car?"


"I have a job interview.  I won't be long.  I should be back by noon."

"The keys are on the hanger by the door," said Jesse.  "Good luck!"


The others wished him luck as well.

"Okay ladies, you have wedding plans to work on  We're going to take Jack to town and then we've got something things to do," said Richie.

"What are you going to do?" asked Jesse, once again surprised that he had plans she was unaware of.

"We're headed to a music shop that Dave and Dakota found online," said Tico.  "I want to get Stevie a drum kit."

"And I'm going to get Dakota a keyboard," added David.

"If you need anything, just call Tony," said Richie.  "He and Ashley are back from the beach."

"Okay," answered Jesse, her voice flat.

Richie eyed her over his cup of coffee as he took a sip hearing the tone of her voice as she tried desperately to focus on the computer.  He moved to her and put his hands on her shoulders, "Come with me for a minute."

Jesse followed Richie to the bedroom where he closed the door.  "Are you okay?"

"I didn't know you were going to leave."

"You're going to be busy getting wedding plans going.  I thought it would be a good chance to go get some things for Stevie and Dakota."

"I want your ideas for the wedding too, Richie.  This is OUR wedding," she pouted.

Richie laughed as he played with her lip.  "Baby, I've been married before.  I want you to have the wedding YOU want."

"I want YOU to give me your suggestions," she countered as she put her hands on his sides and leaned her forehead against his chest.

"Tell me what's really wrong, Jess," prompted Richie putting his hands on her arms and kissing the top of her head.

"How do you ALWAYS know when something is bothering me?" she asked tilting her head sideways to look up at him.

Putting his hand on the side of her cheek, he said, "Age, experience, your eyes, and your voice.  Talk to me."

" promised to show me the sites but you're going to be in the studio for two days."

"You knew I was going to do this...granted, I was supposed to do it before you got to London."  Richie shook his head knowing this wasn't really what the problem was.  "It's not like you to be clingy, Jess.  What's REALLY bothering you?"

Jesse couldn't hide it.  "I'm scared."

Richie gave a gentle smile.  "I know you are, baby."

"I had a dream last night...a bad one...and it was so real but I can't remember what it was about.  I just have this really bad feeling inside."

Richie pulled her into a tight embrace.  "I remember hearing you cry," he said as he rubbed her back.  "I'm here for you, baby," he said softly.

Pulling away, Jesse stood on her toes and kissed him.  "The guys are probably waiting for you."

"You okay now?"

"I will be once I get started on the wedding.  Are you sure you don't want to help?"

"Whatever you want is okay but I'll look at what you've done tonight.  In my contacts, I have a group of friends in London.  You can call them for the names of shops and such if you need to.  Just tell them you're my fiancĂ©."

"Thank you."

With his hands on her shoulders, Jesse led the way back to the kitchen.  As she went, she asked, "Where are we going to put a drum kit and keyboard?"

"We'll figure something out.  It's not like you and Stevie are going to be here much longer."   Jesse sat back down at the table and he leaned over to kiss her.  "Love you, baby.  Let's go guys."


Chapter 91        Index