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Chapter 95

The group managed to get to Pino's, the local pizza shop, for lunch with the help of Tony, Billy, and the deputies.  They signed autographs and talked to the fans as they went.

Now, they were back at the courthouse waiting to hear the judge's decision.  Jesse was cautiously optimistic as she sat holding Richie's hand across the rail.

"Jess, please, don't get your hopes up," warned Richie.

"I know," she smiled.  "But it's not as bad as I thought. Besides, if it turns out bad, I have you to fix it."

Richie leaned in to kiss her.  "Yes, you do, beautiful," he whispered cupping her face.  "I like seeing you smile."

"You give me a lot of reasons to smile.  You guys have really gone beyond what I ever imagined."

"In case you haven't noticed, we all love you...especially me."

"Yeah, I had noticed...and you can show me tonight how much."

"Hey, you two!!  This is a COURTROOM!" teased Jon leaning in close.  "Stop all this whispering of sweet nothings cuz you can't finish it here."

The two laughed and Richie said, "Just laying the groundwork for later."

Jack leaned over.  "Guys, it's time."

Everyone straightened up and the bailiff announced the judge.

As soon as everyone was settled, Judge Saunders looked at everyone.  "I had a very pleasant and revealing conversation with Stevie and it is quite clear he is extremely loved by everyone involved.  My decision is based on what is best for Stevie, not the mud that was slung.

"Jessica, I've known you most of your life and I've watched you grow up to be a fairly responsible young lady.  You've made your mistakes but you took responsibility for your actions.  You've also done a remarkable job raising Stevie.

"Mr. Richardson, you too took responsibility for your actions.  Had you not supported Stevie in the manner you have, my decision would have been drastically different."

Judge Saunders paused, took a sip of water, then refocused on Jesse.  "Jess, your father brought you and your brother to Virginia after quitting his job with .38 Special.  He did it because he knew what a hectic life it is touring with a band.  Mr. Richardson left that life to start and raise a family and Mr. Sambora doe not have physical custody of his own daughter because of his constant traveling yet you want to bring Stevie into that lifestyle.  Your actions of the last three weeks have also shown that you are very much a part of the party lifestyle your fiancĂ© is a part of.  You have been the target of tabloid photographers and the scene this morning was NOT a scene I'd want a young child exposed to on a regular basis.  I am granting physical custody to Mr. Richardson. You will be allowed supervised visits once a month.  In six months, we will revisit the custody issue.  If you can show that Stevie will be in a stable, safe environment while you are with Mr. Sambora, I will consider joint custody...possibly the arrangement that you and Mr. Richardson had originally come to."

Jesse felt a wave of nausea wash over her but she maintained control.

"Your honor, on the matter of the money?" questioned Jack.

"Not one dime needs to be repaid however, Mr. Richardson should also have his name on the account in order for him to help manage the money.  Jessica has made wise choices to secure Stevie's future.  Before leaving, please see the clerk to sign the papers regarding the custody issue."

With that, the judge left and Richie and Tico moved around the rail quickly expecting Jesse to break down.

"Jess?" questioned Richie.

"I'm okay," she answered putting her hand on his arm.

Tico looked at Jack.  "Why the supervised visits?  It sounds like Jess is going to harm him or something."

"To make sure he's not put in the same situation as this morning."

"Jack, can you sign the papers for me or do I need to do it?"

"You need to do it."

Richie was worried about her.  He's fully expected tears and crying but right now, she looked as if nothing had happened.  "Do you want me to go with you, baby?"

"Yeah, that's fine," she smiled.

Richie could see now that she was fighting hard to hold it together and when the small voice interrupted them, he understood.

"Mama, Pop."

Jesse looked down, "Hey sweetheart."

"Mama, I promise, I'll be the best boy and work hard in school."

Jesse sat down so that she was eye level with him.  She reached out to brush his hair back as she said, "I know you will, baby.  I never doubted that and I promise, I will...."

Richie interrupted her, "WE will fix this, Stevie."

"I know, Pop," answered Stevie.  Richie knelt beside him and he hugged the little boy.  "I love you, matter what Kristen or Mr. Olsen say about you."

Jesse looked over to see Kevin's attorney glaring at the group.  Turing back, she asked, "Stevie, have you been alone with Mr. Olsen?"

"Yes ma'am...when we were practicing what I was going to say to the judge."

Richie caught on and asked, "Did he tell you what to say?"

"Sorta."  Stevie looked at Jesse, "Mama, when are you going to come visit me?"

"I'm not sure, baby."

"Stevie, I'm going to take your mom away for a little while."

"I promise, I'll call every day and I'll be back for your graduation."

"Are you still going to take me to a concert?"

"That's up to your daddy....the judge's orders don't allow me to do it though."

"Oh," replied Stevie.

Kevin came over.  "Stevie, we need to go."

"Yes sir."  Looking at his mother, he said, "I love you."

"I love you too, Stevie," she replied taking him in a tight hug.  Whispering, she said, "Don't EVER forget how much your pop and I love you."

"I won't, Mama."

When Jesse let go of Stevie, he moved to stand beside Kevin and Jesse and Richie stood up.

"Kevin, I had planned to take Stevie to the Backstreet show as a reward."

"Which show?"

"The one in Virginia but Howie called and said they've got one in Raleigh on the 6th of June.  That's closer and it would mean I could head to London to join Richie sooner."

"We'll talk about it his graduation," replied Kevin coolly as Kristen touched his arm.  "When are you planning to come visit?"

"I don't know.  I'm leaving with Richie tomorrow but I'll call," answered Jesse putting her arm around Richie's waist.  Her will to maintain control was quickly slipping away but his presence helped.  "Richie, I'm going to sign the papers."

"I'm coming with you."  He gently led Jesse away from the group.  When they were clear of Stevie and sure he couldn't hear, he asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"For now, yes.  I refuse to let Kevin or Kristen or that viper of a lawyer know they've gotten to me."

Pulling her tight, he whispered, "That's my girl.  Keep leaning on me."

Jesse looked up to give him a sad smile, "My superman."


Chapter 96        Index