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qualifications & history


As a member of Street Evolution© you are expected to:


     A. Show up to at least one mandatory meeting per month

     B. Represent Street Evolution© with all do respect and loyalty

     C. Pay dues upon joining the team (this shall be explained later in this writing)

     D. and to work on your vehicle while a member

Rules of acceptance:

     The chance to become a member of this club rests solely with the current members. Our votes will ultimately determine your entrance into this club. The vote must be at least a 75% vote and will not be made upon your first meeting. We ask that you be present to at least 3 consecutive meetings before we will vote (this is to make sure that you are into this club and not just a really spiffy decal). We also require that you have NO LESS THAN three functional modifications done to your vehicle. We will not discriminate against you or your vehicle during voting if you meet the requirements of eligibility. Those prospects who ask “ Can I have a Decal, too?” will automatically lose their eligibility to become a member. If you are invited to a meeting by a member, that member may not vote on your acceptance to the club if you decide to stay. A decal will be made to your specs (size and colors) after being inducted into this club. Dues must be paid before you will be able to receive your first set of decals. We also retain the right to strip the decals off your vehicle at anytime WITHOUT notice.

Maria - Street Evolution

//Street Evolution\\

Copyright © 2002 Street Evolution... All Rights Reserved.