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The LeFleurs

click on the picture for larger image.

ahall/grandma1thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Grandma's First Great Grandchild

ahall/threegensthumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Four Generations of LeFleurs!!!

ahall/unclechristhumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Just After Uncle Chris Dropped Me

grampyalthumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Grandpy Al and Caroline

LeFleur_Grandparentsthumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes The LeFleur Grandparents LeFleur_Grandparentsthumb.jpg - 1843 
Bytes What a Handsome Trio! Nana_LeFleur_and_Carolinethumb.jpg - 1843 
Bytes Nana LeFleur and Caroline

Nana_LeFleur_and_Sleeping_Carolinethumb.jpg - 1843 
Bytes Naptime! Silly_Smilethumb.jpg - 1843 
Bytes What a Silly Smile!

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