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Happy Holidays

click on the picture for a larger image.

xmas2001/xmas1thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes GreatGrampa Plays with me xmas2001/xmas2thumb.jpg- 1843 Bytes Hi Little Nana

xmas2001/xmas3thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes My New Bear Buddy xmas2001/xmas4thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Playing with Blocks

xmas2001/xmas5thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes

...and I shall call her....Mini-Cyd

xmas2001/xmas6thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Ready for Launch xmas2001/xmas7thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Me and Uncle Greg

xmas2001/xmas10thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Still Cute

xmas2001/xmas9thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Ready or Not... xmas2001/xmas11thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes I Come!

xmas2001/xmas12thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Me and My Cousins xmas2001/xmas13thumb.jpg - 1843 Bytes Pokin' your eye out!


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