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What does the "D " stand for? -

Yeah, you know you've all been wondering. Well, I knew I had heard it somewhere, and I finally found it. It was at Make a Little Lightbulb in your Soul, in the characters section. Then, to back it up, I found it in the transcripts of an interview with Nightow, but I lost the address of the page. Sorry. Anyway, Now for what you've all wanted to know. The "D" stands for:


Phew! I feel tired just reading that. Well, I guess we know why he never uses that when he introduces himself. Apparently, it means "daily cigarette consumption", which really makes perfect sense when it comes to Wolfwood. Thanks to Joaquin for this bit of info.

Oh, and in case your wondering why I created a whole page for this, I honestly don't know. Really. I have to cry now...
