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Nearly Wild


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Nearly Wild

Class: Floribunda
Height: 2-3' Width: 2-3'
Hardiness: up to Zone 4
Bred: Brownell, 1941, USA

Description: Single, medium pink, repeat blooming.

Comments: Obtained two plants in November 2004 and planted in the Grasslands. Obtained another in June 2005 from Lowes and planted in the Parterre Garden.

This sweet little rose is another blooming machine and is one of my husband's favorites. It has been very disease resistant.

The ones planted in the Grasslands took a long break during the very dry, hot weather we had during the summer of 2005. That area gets no break from the sun and is a dry bank with poor soil. Many things (including grasses and black eyed susans) have died but the roses have survived, even with barely any water. The other roses planted there are Knock out, Bermuda's Kathleen, Caldwell Pink, and La Marne. Since this is a high profile area, next to the road, but is an area where we are not going around and sniffing the roses, I put a lot of the most prolific bloomers that lacked scent.