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West Los Angeles-V. A. Medical Center

The West Los Angeles Medical Center is approximatly 2.5 miles in area and is located 20 minutes west of downtown Los Angeles.

Police Headquarters which oversees the West Los Angeles Medical Center, Downtown Los Angeles Outpatient Patient Clinic and the Sepulveda Medical Center is located at this facility. The department address is: 11301 Wilshire Blvd, Bldg. 236, West Los Angeles, CA. 90073

The Police Department has over 60 officers with several duty assignments for officers to choose from, such as: Vehicle Patrol, Bicycle Patrol, Traffic Enforcement, Special Response Team, Criminal Investigations and Narcotics Inspection.

Useful Phone Numbers

Related Sites

Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Police Department
Downtown Los Angeles Outpatient Clinic
Sepulveda Medical Center