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Why did I do it? It was time for a new web site. For the last three years a certain life leech of a game has dominated my internet efforts . Before that I was just learning, with each new web site featuring the newest bit of information.

But after all that I have found that the simplest construction is the best. Fast and tight, just like..well other things that need to be fast and tight. Like , a P-38 .

I've made simplicity of construction a design parameter. I've abstained from Macromedia and kept the image files small. So even people reaching the net on dialup can view them quickly.

As far as content is concerned, well I, Varangian, am a gaming persona. So it's going to be gaming content. Currently Planetarion occupies a lot of space, but this will change with time.

I put the arcade games there because i like them. And I do use the arcade page as an access node. They'll put some alpha in your EEG.

Coming Attractions: I'll have a link port and a "VHS: Last Stand" sub page. I shall put my Sci-Fi Film reviews here as well..

I used some cool tools to manufacture this site. They, or more advanced versions of them, are available

HTML Editor: Coffee Cup 8.9 .To get some click here ->COFFEECUP

Image Editor: Paint Shop Pro 6.0. To get some click here ->JASC

Browser: Mozilla Firebird 0.6 .To get some click here ->MOZILLA

Browser: Opera 6.5 .To get some click here ->OPERA