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Like other nerds, I have played a lot of games. Gaming is my main recreational activity.

Here I'll deal primarily with the games I'm playing in late 2009.

Board Games, PC Games, Card Games, Internet Games, Role Playing Games, Table Top Games

Board Games

Old School Board Games are very much on the menu.

We- my gaming group and I - still run a number of traditional games like Risk or even Monopoly.

We do on occasion break out the old Judge Dredd or Axis and Allies.

These games are particularly useful for spontaneous play.

Card Games

We break out the cards sometimes.

Most common card games of late are the munchkin group.

We have recently played the enigmatic game Flux.

Flux is easy to play and impossible to master.

When everyone's feeling a little riled Nuclear War comes out.

PC Games

I've played PC games since there were PCs.

My main strategy game is Civilization 2.

I got mine in '97. And its never gotten old.

The galaxy of scenarios available for this versatile platform keep it forever fresh.

I have the multi player edition, so others can join too.

I'm also playing Alpha Centauri. I have a tenative first PBEM forming up.

I've just played though Crimson Skies again.

It's not strictly a flight sim, but it does have the feel.

I long for another hard core sim to follow Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe

That early 90s title was very satisfying, though it had its limitations.

It cries out for a ret-read. I wish I had the skill

Babylon 5: I've Found Her is a challenging space flight sim.

Rule 1 of flying a Star Fury is that "Flying a Star Fury is Hard". They're not kidding.

It should keep me occupied for some time.

Arcade fun currently comes in the form of Highway Pursuit.

It's a good remake of an old coin op title.

It will also take some time to master.

I never pass up a chance at classic Missile Command, Asteroids, or Tail Gunner.

I would be really grateful for a pc version of the vector graphics Star War coin op game.

My shooter is currently Battlefield 1942.

I play it solo and networked. And its a good game.

Lately I've taken a walk into the world of Abandonware.

THese are games from the 80s and 90s that I once played or couldn't afford.

The rights have expired so they're free for all.

I have to use a dosbox to run them on a modern machine. But run they do.

I'm currently completing a SWOTL tour in a luftwaffe DO-335 Pfeil squadron. Sweet.


My current online experience is limited by my classic dial up internet connection.

Right now I'm playing Urban Dead Evony, and -for the last time- Planetarion.

Your Urban Dead character is either a survivor or a zombie in the quarantined city of Malton.

Urban Dead is free to play and browser based.

It holds my attention perhaps better than it should.

It's a big town and you're allowed multiple characters if they operate separately.

Server hit limits mean that it can't eat more than an hour of the day.

To get some click here.

Planetarion is sort of free to play.

You can play free. If you want full potential from your world you have to pay.

You're the ruler of a planet. You get your resources from a belt of asteroids.

And all of the activity involves protecting your or snatching someone else's asteroids.

The winners in this game are they could can be on line the longest.

The rest - probably including YOU- are farms for the others.

This one is a life eater. And I'm warning you away from it.

I'm finishing this round out of sheer spite. And this will be all.

I've quit this horror before under similar conditions.

Unless you're a glutton for punishment, keep clear of Planetarion.

Evony is also free to play.

But you can pay cash if you want to speed things up.

I'm just an egg there, drawn in by evil companions.

Its a land and city acquisition game.

You start with a small village and start building.

Eventually you'll send forth troops under heroes to seize lands and castles.

Its browser based with flash graphics. There is an initial 3.5M download for animations.

It has many of the faults of Planetarion. Success is directly proportional to time on line.

And big players that spend a lot of cash can always beat you down.

There are a lot of options for small players. Just remember, you keep one of your cities regardless of opposition.

Make one shining capital and be ready to abandon the rest.

That takes care of separation anxiety.

So far I'd say recommended. Just dont take it too seriously.

To get some click here.

Table Top

I'm old enough a fart to crave the sensual thrill of handling a miniature figure in my hands.

My group uses the Jagdpanzer rukes to engage in micro scale armored combat

We also play Car Wars. I love a ride in Vlad the Impala.

Role Playing Games

Like most nerds, I started with D and D. (1979 Rules).

The only role playing I'm getting these days is Weird Wars.

My guy is a Ghurka warrior. My party has its own Haunted Tank

In this game SS Werewulf can be literally true.