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Science Fiction Review

I'll give any attempt at sci fi cinema at least one screening.

I think the films on this list are good enough that others might like them too.

Films are arranged either in the order of their production or in alphabetical order.

Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Chronological Style
Click upon the period of interest.
1900 - 1940
1941 - 1960
1961 - 1980
1981 - 2000
2001 - 2020

Regarding Sequels and Re-Makes, most notably the excellent Star Wars series, I list them all under the first movie. Yes, many sequals do rate multi frames of praise, but I'm listing the sequels with the original film. Cheers!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

1900 - 1940
the Lost World.. Metropolis.. Frankenstein.. Dracula.. King Kong.. the Shape of Things to Come..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

1941 - 1960
Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.. Destination Moon.. When Worlds Collide.. War of the Worlds.. the Day the Earth Stood Still.. Godzilla.. Conquest of Space.. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.. Them.. Invasion of the Body Snatchers.. From the Earth to the Moon.. the Blob.. Forbidden Planet.. World Without End.. the 4D Man.. Journey to the Center of the Earth..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

1961 - 1980
First Men in the Moon.. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.. Fantastic Voyage.. 2001 A Space Odyssey.. Way, Way Out.. the Green Slime.. Colossus, the Forbin Project.. the Abominable Doctor Phibes.. Young Frankenstein.. Dark Star.. Zardoz.. Death Race 2000.. Doc Savage.. A Boy and His Dog.. Star Wars.. Alien.. Battle Beyond the Stars.. Flash Gordon..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

1981 - 2000
Heavy Metal.. Galaxina.. Time Bandits.. the Wrath of Khan.. Blade Runner.. Videodrome.. Ice Pirates.. the Terminator.. the Last Starfighter.. the Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.. Lifeforce.. Robot Jox.. Killer Clowns from Outer Space.. Hellraiser.. the Wizard of Speed and Time.. Army of Darkness.. the Fifth Element.. Barb Wire.. the Matrix.. Blade.. Vampires.. Mystery Men.. Red Planet.. X-Men.. Galaxy Quest..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

2001 - 2020
Pitch Black.. Underworld.. The Core.. Spider Man.. Shaun of the Dead.. Hellboy.. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.. the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. Alien Apocalypse.. Fantastic Four.. Batman Begins.. Ghost Rider.. Iron Man.. Doomsday.. Star Trek..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Alpabetic Style
Click upon the letter of interest.

Regarding Sequels and Re-Makes, most notably the excellent Star Wars series, I list them all under the first movie. Yes, many sequals do rate multi frames of praise, but I'm listing the sequels with the original film. Cheers!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Abominable Doctor Phibes.. Alien Apocalypse.. Alien.. Army of Darkness.. Barb Wire.. Batman Begins.. Battle Beyond the Stars.. Blade.. Blade Runner.. the Blob.. A Boy and His Dog.. the Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.. Colossus, the Forbin Project.. Conquest of Space.. The Core..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Dark Star.. the Day the Earth Stood Still.. Death Race 2000.. Destination Moon.. Doc Savage.. Doomsday.. Dracula.. Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.. Fantastic Voyage.. Fantastic Four.. the Fifth Element.. Flash Gordon.. Forbidden Planet.. Frankenstein.. From the Earth to the Moon..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Galaxina.. Galaxy Quest.. Ghost Rider.. Godzilla.. the Green Slime.. Heavy Metal.. Hellraiser.. Hellboy.. the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. Ice Pirates.. Invasion of the Body Snatchers.. Iron Man.. Journey to the Center of the Earth.. Killer Clowns from Outer Space.. King Kong.. the Last Starfighter.. Lifeforce.. the Lost World..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Matrix.. Metropolis.. Mystery Men.. Pitch Black.. Red Planet.. Robot Jox.. Shaun of the Dead.. the Shape of Things to Come.. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.. Spider Man.. Star Wars.. Star Trek.. Them.. the Terminator.. Underworld..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Vampires.. Videodrome.. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.. War of the Worlds.. Way, Way Out.. When Worlds Collide.. the Wizard of Speed and Time.. World Without End.. the Wrath of Khan.. X-Men.. Young Frankenstein.. Zardoz..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

2001 A Space Odyssey.. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.. the 4D Man..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Lost World (1925)

Long before Doug McClure, actors were grappling with dinosaurs..

Savor the pleasure of watching a Brontosaurus trash 1920s London.

The tale has been re told many times in movies and television. But this one is the Original.

Of particular note is the Irwin Allen version, circa 1958.

To read the original novel on line click here ->NOVEL

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Metropolis (1927)

In a Mega City of the Future an ambitious scientist creates the very first Fembot.

The evil Maria uses her robotic wiles to hold down the workers..

Get a good digitally remastered copy. You might be lucky enough to encounter the version with a Queen soundtrack.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. . <

Frankenstein (1931)

Mad Doctor Frankenstein patches together a giant from spare parts. From the Shelly tale.

Required viewing for All scientists and engineers.

There have been many re tellings, some worthy, some not. The sequel, Bride of Frankenstein, is also worthy. Else Manchester - the Bride of Frankenstein - is widely held by nerds to be the sexiest woman of the 1930s.

To read the original novel on line click here ->NOVEL

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Dracula (1931)

This film defined our image of Dracula for the next half century. It was here that Bela Lugosi made the role his own.

Very dramatic. Perhaps a little campy by modern standards, but an important film, well worth the time.

Many sequels, related tales and remakes exist. The best was the 1979 remake featuring Frank Langella and Laurence Olivier..

To read the original novel on line click here ->NOVEL

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

King Kong (1933)

This is the original Big Gorilla movie. Exploiters seize a gigantic primate and return him to New York City.

Note that the pilot and gunner that finish him off are the director and his assistant.

There was a fair sequel- Son of Kong, spin offs like "King Kong Escapes", and a 1976 remake featuring the debut of Jessica Lange :).

Peter Jackson's re make is beautiful. See it.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Shape of Things to Come (1936)

Raymond Massey and Ralph Richardson appear in this HG Wells tale of the rise, fall, recovery, and tribulations of a futuristic society.

It's Double Plus Good. Ralph Richardson is the Lord of a post Apocalyptic Wasteland. Raymond Massey's forces subjugate neobarbarian populations with paratroopers and gas. And a huge cannon stands ready to fire a manned projectile into space!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde (1941)

Spencer Tracy rules as Hyde. This is my favorite version of the Stevenson tale.

Ingrid Bergman and Lana Turner go over the top as the world's first Pony Girls.

All I can say is: see it!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Destination : Moon (1950)

This classic pic is the most scientific of the early efforts, thanks to the fastidious research of author Robert Heinlein.

Noteworthy is the physics lecture from none other than Woody Woodpecker. .

You have got to see this on the DVD. It was the first time I could ever tell the blue from the green suit. It hadn't looked that good since the debut 54 years ago..

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

When Worlds Collide (1951)

The world is about to die. By stretching 1950s science to it's limit a nucleus of humanity can be saved.

A tale of heroic scientists with another beautiful Bonestell ship.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

This one features a beautiful space craft and seven foot robot, but most of the action centers around interplanetary ambassador Klaatu.

Klaatu stops by Washington DC to inform the earth's leaders that our possession of rocket propulsion and nuclear energy - the bomb - means that we're about to join the club - or feel it!

The 2009 re make is beautiful. Gort is totally more fearsome than the '51 version.

But Keanu- admittedly because the character is written that way- is a cardboard cut out next to Michael Rennie.

The '51 original is best. The new one will do.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

War of the Worlds (1953)

This retelling of HG Wells' classic tale is good enough to run regularly on the various cable channels some Fifty Years after it debut.

Indeed stock footage of the Martians' fighting machines was good enough to use 11 years later in "Robinson Crusoe on Mars". And the whole tale of the '53 invasion was extended into a 1980s television series.

They Kick our asses, but forget their travel agents' advice about drinking the water..

There were three 2005 re makes.

The Hollywood (Tom Cruise) version special effects were spectacular. But the plot was twisted beyond recognitions. Still, the battle between the US Armor and the fighting machine makes it worthy of a rental.

There was a god awful version that showed on sci fi.

And there was a faithful to the original story version -including the Thunder Child- from Pendragon Pictures.

To read the original novel on line click here ->NOVEL

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Conquest of Space (1954)

An American Space Wheel launches a bold probe to the red planet. Math by Werner von Braun.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Godzilla (1954)

The first appearance of Japan"s biggest star. Watch the prehistoric reptile rip through the high tension wires and kick through buildings for the first time.

What can I say? Godzilla movies rock! (except that Sony thing) See it!

Godzilla makes many more appearances in sequels over the next fifty years. Most are worth a look.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

This Disney treat is the definitive version of the Jules Verne story.

Powered by James Mason, Kirk Douglas, Peter Lorrie and others, this one still looks fresh on the screen

There have been many tellings of the tale, but this is the version to see.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Them (1955)

This one is the original giant bug movie. Giant Mutant Ants are on the prowl!

James Whitmore and James Arnez join the Army, Navy, Marines, and the Air Force in the race to contain the insectile menace. Absolutely good.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

It is here that we get pod people, soulless replicants of the lively humans that they duplicated. They're taking our world through duplication - making us into them..and only Kevin McCarthy knows the awful truth. A choice piece of cold war paranoia!

If you don't have the stones to watch a movie without color in it, give the 1978 remake a try.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

World Without End (1957)

Run away propulsion + time dilation hurls a Mars recon mission 500 years into the future.

Hugh Marlowe and Rod Taylor are the most familiar faces.

See what four primordial tough guys can accomplish in a post apocalyptic world.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Forbidden Planet (1958)

It's the Tempest set on the mysterious world of Altair IV.

Robby the Robot makes his debut. The saucer ship and futuristic uniforms appeared in a dozen later features.

This film was the high water mark of late 1950s Science Fiction. It is a must see.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

From the Earth to the Moon (1958)

In the Jules Verne tale of the first lunar expedition, Victor Barbicaine and company are fired out of a "Power X" cannon aboard the Columbiad.

A good low budget effort, lit by the talents of Joseph Cotton and George Saunders.

To read the original novel on line click here ->NOVEL

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Blob (1958)

This is one of the sci fi basics. Good low budget action powered by Steve McQueen.

A must see. A fairly good remake occurred in 1988.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the 4D Man (1959)

Research scientist Robert Lansing learns to pass through solid objects.

Bright spots in this film are a young Lee Merriwether and a fabulous sound track.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)

Fine Jules Verne tale, powered by the talents of James Mason and Pat Boone.

Good viewing, and the Icelandic Lady sheds layers of clothing as they go!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

First Men in the Moon (1964)

This H.G.Wells tale describes a trip to the moon by Victorian era Englishmen using a "cavorite" gravity blocker.

Good Victorian fun.

To read the original novel on line click here ->NOVEL

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964)

Irwin Allen's Brand of entertainment. Research sub Seaview passes through a gauntlet of internal and external threats as she races to save the world.

The burning Van Allen Belt is weak science. But the action is good.

Vintage star power drives Voyage with Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fontaine, and Peter Lorre among the crew. Barbara Eden, her lucky husband Michael Ansara, and Frankie Avalon also inhabit the Seaview.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Fantastic Voyage (1966)

Fine Isaac Asimov tale about a miniaturized medical team sent inside a mortally wounded diplomat to save his life- and the peace. Hard core secret underground base sci fi with cold war intrigue. That's good viewin'.

Gentlemen; Raquel Welch gets significant wetsuit time.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)

In terms of spacecraft look and feel, this is the first modern science fiction film. Hard science is there, courtesy of writer Arthur C Clarke. Stanley Kubrick makes it a visual feast.

I might sound like a snob, but you aren't a real sci fi person tell you have seen this one at least once.

The 1984 sequel, 2010, is also worth a look, if only to see Discovery's arc jets fire.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Way, Way, Out (1969)

This is a Jerry Lewis comedy set on the Moon.

Dick Shawn is fabulous. Anita Ekberg and Connie Stevens provide their own special effects.

Counter indicated for viewers with Jerry Lewis allergy.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Green Slime (1969)

This classic Creature Feature has been called the best bad sci fi movie ever.

I liked it on the late show. And I like it now. And what's not to like?

It's a Japanese movie with American Stars including John Horton and richard Jaekel.

Prepare some popcorn with real butter and let fly. You wont be disappointed.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Colossus, the Forbin Project (1970)

Super Power Defense decisions - and our nuclear weapons - are placed under the control the ambitious mainframe, Colossus. Hilarity follows.

The first AI super villain! Marion Ross - Ritchie Cunningham's Mom! - is Forbin's Secretary.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

The Abominable Doctor Phibes (1972)

All right, it's horror. But this movie is so very, very cool that it cross between the charts. A classic tale of revenge by an obsessive genius. A Fine showing by Vincent Price.

This film and its 1973 sequel are well worth a look.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Dark Star (1974)

John Carpenter's film making debut. Low budget high quality sci-fi comedy. The scout ship Dark Star seeks unstable planets and alien intelligence.

This is really a treat. I liked it so much I bought the DVD.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Young Frankenstein (1974)

This one is on one hand visually faithful to the '31 film and on the other a hilarious comedy.

It's on the must see list. Terri Garr rocks.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Zardoz (1975)

Sean Connery dons red leathers and boards the flying head in search of the mysterious Zardoz. Cerebral John Boorman stuff.

You've got to see this one once, just for they flying head. A nice pastoral neo utopian post holocaust diversion.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Death Race 2000 (1975)

Some great low budget fun. Fabulous road race coast to coast where drivers tally points by running over their fellow citizens. Point value is inversely proportional to productivity.

Sylvester Stalone, David Carradine, and Mary Woronov all have prominent roles. The first film to generate its own video game.

Aviation buffs (like myself) will smile at the appearance of Burt Rutan's Thunderchicken as the futuristic aircraft.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Doc Savage (1975)

The classic hero finally got a movie in this George Pal production.

Ron Ely is a pretty good Man of Bronze. And his crew is pretty well cast too.

It was a breath of fresh air in the middle of a pretty grim decade. I recommend it.

This is Old School Sci Fi. If you haven't yet met the Doc, click HERE.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

A Boy and His Dog (1975)

High Quality low budget Sci Fi. Don Johnson as a lad guided through the horrors of a post apocalyptic world by his telepathic dog.

This film also features Jason Robards and the writing of Harlan Ellison. See it.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Star Wars (1977)

This one pumped the action back into the genre. Swashbuckling with photons! You must , however see the original, unaltered 1977 version. There is a "special edition" with enhanced special effects, but they characters have also been tampered with. Remember- Han Solo will shoot first if he must.

This one has made such a mark on our society that its almost required viewing.

There are two sequels and three prequels. They're all worth a look, but the first three movies - in their original forms- are the best of the lot.

That having been said, the last prequel represnts the current state of the special effects art. See it.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Alien (1979)

There's a human eating monster sealed into the space tug Nostromo with the crew.

Three sequels exist, the #2 film "Aliens" being the best of the four. There is also a Director's Cut of the first film.

The third film is kind of grim and dirty. But you get to hear Charles Dutton ask the beast "is that all you got?"

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)

Roger Corman's space going version of "the Magnificent 7". Farm boy rounds up mercenaries for protection of his defenseless planet.

Star power includes Geroge Peppard, John Boy Walton, Sybil Danning, John Saxon, Robert Vaughn and an all too rare appearance by Marta Kristen. See it, it's fun!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Flash Gordon (1980)

Dino De Laurentes finally got one right. THis is a cinema treatment of the classic serial.

This lavish creation brings Flash up to 1980 standards. It is an altogether worthy telling of the classic tale.

Fabulous Queen Sound track, stacked Melody Patterson, and a sinister Max von Sydow as emperor Ming make this flick well worth seeing.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Heavy Metal (1980)

Animated sci fi short stories with a kick ass sound track. Follow the loc nar through parallel universes.

It is a waste of time on commercial TV. See it on cable, vhs, or (preferred) dvd.

A sequel, Heavy Metal 2000, is spiced by the charms of Julie Strain and another kick ass sound track.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Galaxina (1980)

Low budget story of a a fembot starship navigator . She stiffens the resolve of her crew of space cops as they quest for the Blue Star.

This was the debut of strapping Dorothy Stratton, 1980 Playmate of the Year.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Time Bandits (1982)

This is perhaps more fantasy than sci fi.

But it's a nice bit of fun, so we're including it.

A band of dwarves have stolen the Supreme Being's map to time.

They intend to use it to become the greatest thieves in history.

On the way they gather in a boy who is the main character.

This one features some Python Power, John Cleese and Michael Palin.

David Warner, Sean Connery and John Guilgud also add star power

It's well worth your time. And it has come out on a cheap DVD!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Wrath of Khan (1982)

The very best of the Star Trek films. A fine tale of vengeance from one of Kirk's old opponents from the Original Series.

Superior performance from Ricardo Montlaban. Kirstie Alley makes a notable debut.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Blade Runner (1982)

Spectacular, high budget Detective story. Hero tracks renegade androids through futuristic streets, finding a bonus fembot on the way.

Fantastic performance by command android Rutger Hauer. Edward James Olmos on oragami.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Videodrome (1983)

Ultra cool story illustrating the hazards of too much tv.

James Woods is intense as the Master of his own porn channel. Deborah Harry provides steam heat.

Rent, buy, or watch on cable. This one loses a lot when cut for commercial TV.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Ice Pirates (1984)

High Space swash buckling comedy + action. Water stealers in a dry universe are brigaded into saving humanity from thirst.

This movie is funny and cool. Mary Crosby and Angelica Houston provide the view with muscle by Mike Matuzak.

There is even an appearance by John Carradine.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Terminator (1984)

A cyborg travels through time to murder an LA waitress in an attempt to prevent her future son's birth. Hard core action ensues.

Well who hasn't heard of this one. But you must see the uncut version.

This film generated two first class sequels, T2 in '92 and T3 in 2003. See them all. Then meet me at Crystal Peak

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Last Starfighter (1984)

Talented lad from a trailer park puts his video game skill to use defending the galaxy from the evil Zur. The first film to feature exclusively computer generated special effects.

Robert Preston plays a fine con man, and there is a very early appearance of Will Wheaton (Hate you Wesley!). Mark Alaimo (DS9:Gull Ducat) plays the drifter.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984)

Live action comic book fun. You will want to enroll at the Banzai Institute

John Lithgow plays a fine lunatic scientist.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Lifeforce (1985)

Space Vampires are loose in London in this very English treatment of the vampire theme.

Steve Railsback is at his twitchy best as the sole survivor of the first contact mission. Colin firth is a classic SAS Man. And Mathilda May spends a lot of time strolling naked through London.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Robot Jox (1986)

A modest production featuring a future where nations duel for territory through gladiatorial combat between anthromorphoid fighting machine - Mechs!

The space battle is appropriately silent. Good fighting robot fun on a budget.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Killer Clowns from Outer Space (1988)

Earth is invaded by grease painted nightmares wielding killer popcorn and cotton candy. Plot is as title says.

It is better fun than some sci fi costing a thousand times as much.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Hellraiser (1988)

This one is horror, but it's so infernally cool it goes on the list. A puzzle box finds its way to seekers after extreme sensations. Solving the box brings the Cenobites, led by ultra chic Pinhead.

The first one deserves a screening. Clive Barker, the author, is in fine form. (I believe he is expressing his primal frustration with the Rubik's Cube.)

There are sequels. Hellraiser II, IV, and V are worth a look if you dig the first one. Hellraiser III is to be avoided unless you really are into suffering. Even Terry Farrel's charms aren't enough to put H-III on my "A" list.

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the Wizard of Speed and Time (1989)

This is a magnificent display of stop motion animation.

A nice piece of entertainment complete with Angelique Pettyjohn.

It will give your retinas a nice break from digital effects.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Army of Darkness (1992)

This unique film, a.k.a. Evil Dead III, is a showcase for the ham bone of Bruce Campbell. It has horror, science fiction, action, and comedy.

An excellent Halloween feature, suitable for viewing year round

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Fifth Element (1996)

Beautiful film, reminiscent of Heavy Metal's Harry Canyon with Bruce Willis starring. Good action and futuristic vision with a heavy slice of cheesecake.

Garry Oldman's cool villainy makes up for the euro style ending. You'll love it.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Barb Wire (1996)

This is a fine Pamela Anderson vehicle. While that's enough on its own for me, it's also a good action film.

Pam is a well dressed bounty hunter with her own strip club in North America's last free city. This story of her triumph is built on a Casablanca chassis with Barb in the Bogart role.

Steve Railsback is sinister in neo fascist attire. And Udo Kier is an inspiring majordomo.

Pam went all out for us here, and the film is worth a look; A very long look, with frequent use of Pause and Zoom.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Matrix (1998)

This is the ultimate virtual reality movie. Fantastic Kung Fu action highlights humanity's struggle against the Matrix.

Fabulous, a must see on the same level as Star Wars. Agent Smith alone is worth the rental.

There are two sequels worth seeing, but number 1 is number 1.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Blade (1998)

First class treatment of the Marvel character. Packed with up to date action. Weslie Snipes on Kung Fu.

This is a good one. Any hero with a 68 Charger is ok with me.

The first sequel is also worthy and notable for an appearance by Johnny Jules of BBC's Red Dwarf. The second is worth watching, but less so.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Vampires (1998)

John Carpenter's version of vampire hunting. A fine,hard edged presentation of the subject with James Woods as Top Slayer.

This film skips the metaphysics and gets straight into action. See it.

Don't waste your time on the sequel.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Mystery Men (1999)

This translated comic is a fine bit of fun. Super heroes and Super science bring it nicely into the Sci Fi fold, thank you.

This one is a fine counter point to Spider Man or the Fantastic Four. It's guaranteed to crack the gloom.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Galaxy Quest (1999)

This richly furnished sci fi comedy can hit the spot after too many alien threats.

Anyone that has ever been to a science fiction convention should appreciate Galaxy Quest.

Sigourney Weaver provides a heavy dose of sex appeal. See it.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Red Planet (2000)

This is a fine Mars flick, featuring solid enough science to make it a treat.

Val Kilmer rocks as the space janitor (really!). Good action and props.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

X-Men (2000)

X-men neatly translates 30 years of comics into a 2 hour movie

Patrick Stewart is a precise match for professor Xavier. And I want a hat like Magnetos.

See it on DVD. Keep your finger on the zoom, gentlemen, for Mystique scenes.

The sequel is nicely mutated as well.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Pitch Black (2000)

A band of humans arrive on a barren world just in time to face the local feeding frenzy. Watch them struggle to repair an escape pod before they become lunch.

Vin Diesel appears as a psycopath with the ruthless juice to get the party through alive.

A fine session, though I would have like to have seen more Claudia Black.

This film is a demonstration of Varangian's law of interstellar navigation; Planets with rings have monsters on or around them. (So don't get ring around the planet)

I would have to consider " Tales of Riddick" to be the sequal to this one. Flashy, but not spectacular.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Core (2003)

A worthy Inner Space film, with our heroes out to kick start the earth's stalled iron core.

It is a visual treat, a worthy action journey to inner space.

Well I liked it!

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Spider Man (2003)

A first class, big budget, all out effort at bringing Marvel's Spider Man to the Big Screen.

The film kicks ass, more so if you read the comics.

There are two sequels. So far they've both been worth seeing.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Underworld (2003)

Dracula versus the Wolf Man brought up to date.

This is a tasty action tidbit spiced by Kate Beckinsale in leather. See it, gentlemen.

The sequel is a little weak. But it still has Kate.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Undead brain eaters are loose in the UK. See how an Englishman deals with the menace.

Highly recommended.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Hellboy (2004)

An excellent adaptation of the Dark Horse comics character. Fast moving fun.

Ron Pearlman kicks ass as Hellboy.

After seeing this one I'm seeking a beautiful, immortal, nazi occultist for fun and evil.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

Stylish. This one goes out of its way to produce a convincing Film Noir atmosphere.

The world is in danger from sinister and powerful forces. Only Sky Captain and his covert British allies stand the faintest chance against them.

Angelina Jolie is splendid as Frankie.

The film is shot in a good impersonation of 2 Strip Technicolor, an color process of the mid thirties.

If you like art deco or classic aviation it is a must see.

Top. . Chronological. . Alphabetic. .

the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2004)

This cinema treatment of the classic tale is flawed- but worth a look

It's beautifully made. And , up until the point where author Douglas Adams died during production, closely follows his original vision as shown in the 1982 made for BBC-TV series.

Even though it deviates from the plan, what is there is worth seeing. All hail the Paranoid Android.

I must say I really like the newest version of the Heart of Gold

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Alien Apocalypse (2005)

This Bruce Campbell vehicle was made for the Sci Fi Channel. You will eventually be able to rent or procure it free of banners and commericals as a DVD.

Bruce Campbell plays a Chiropractor/Astronaut just returned from a 40 year mission in suspended animation.

While they were gone humanity lost a war to space going termites.

Campbell and company spend the film gathering their powers to rescue Rene O'Connor and the rest of enslaved humanity from their grasp.

The majority of the film's budget is in the digital aliens. And there is a certain amount of slapstick to complement Mr Campbells Ham Bone.

If you liked Army of Darkness, you'll like this one.

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Fantastic Four (2005)

Another Marvel title has been brought to life.

The origin story of the Fantastic Four is brought intact into the present.

It seems that so long as Stan Lee is skulking about the set, we get a good film.

Modern special effects , competent casting, and the masterful exercise of the Thesbian Arts make this one well worth the time.

This is the origin story so you need not be a scholar of the actual comic.

All the characters including Doom rock, but trust me, gentlemen, the Invisible Girl needs to be seen..

The sequel is worth seeing. The Silver Surfer is perfect. Galactus is something of a disappointment.

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Batman Begins (2005)

One of the two DC giants rides again.

This is a worthy re boot of the Batman franchise.

It's a decent Batman origin story. And the best Batmobile so far.

I almost didn't recognize Gary Oldman as a good guy!.

There's a sequel in the works featuring the latest cover of the Joker.

Those upset with the idea of a new Batman, remember that each generation has their very own.

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Ghost Rider (2007)

Foom! Another Marvel Hero blazes across the screen.

Nicholas Cage does justice to the role of the Devil's Repo Man.

As I've said elsewhere, as long as Stan Lee is skulking about the set, we get a good film.

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Doomsday (2008)

This slice of post apocalyptic action comes from England.

Think of the Road Warrior set in near future Scotland.20 years after Scotland was sealed to contain a plague it becomes necessary to enter it seeking a cure.

It's well worth the time. Give it a shot.

And, if you're hungry, have a piece of your friend.

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Iron Man (2008)

What can I say about this one but : At last!

This one really works . The SFX, and the casting are perfect.

The plot is pretty good too.

Highly recommended.

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Star Trek (2009)

This one had me worried. Without cause.

This careful re boot of the Trek franchise is gold.

It's a worthy new beginning.

We always knew Kirk was a punk. Now we get to see it.

Highly recommended.

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