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Broken Wings-Review-September 1, 2004

I know, I know what took me so long. Well, I read tons of books and this got in the shuffle. Plus, I was really kind of bored with it. This is probably the first V.C. Andrews book I was the least interested in. So I put it down and read something else. Well, let me get to the reviewing. I will deal with each girl seperately. Robin: I thought that her story was the best. It had real feeling to it. I felt bad for her because of the situation her mother put her in. Teal: Sorry I can't feel bad or sorry for a spoiled rich girl that can't have Daddy's attention. Big deal, there are people with no parents with a lot less money. Phoebe: Why couldn't she just stay out of trouble? It's the twenty-first century and girls in these books are still easy. Why? Why? Why? Phoebe was just as lame as Teal in my opinion. Plus, what did she really do? She should have fought the charges. Rating:***1/2

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