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Victoria Christian Church (an Independent Christian Church)


Like most Christians, we affirm:

· Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God, and offers saving grace to all

· All persons are God’s children

Beliefs and practices include:

· Open Communion. The Lord’s Supper, or Communion is celebrated in weekly worship. It is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.

· Baptism by immersion. In baptism the old self-centered life is set aside, and a new life of trust in God begins. Although we practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored.

· The ministry of believers. Both ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service and spiritual growth.


The Victoria Christian Church was organized in 1911 by the Reverend Daniel Myles Austin and the Reverend A. S. Hinkle, State Evangelist. Reverend Austin was serving Perseverance Christian Church located in the eastern section of Lunenburg County. In remembering the beginning of the church, Reverend Austin wrote, "It seemed wise that someone look the field over. I must believe God was directing His servants. There were about fifteen members in all."

Victoria Christian Church was officially organized during the summer of 1911 with the following charter members: J. H. Vaughan, Mrs. J. H. Vaughan, J. A. Vaughan, Daisy Vaughan (Mrs. George Gee), W. T. White, Mrs. W. T. White, Edith White (Mrs. G. R. Marshall), Lila White, Charles C. White, Mrs. Charles C. White, Mrs. J. W. Fowlkes, C. W. Braswell, J. R. Hawthorne, Mrs. J. R. Hawthorne, Mary Hawthorne (Mrs. J. R. Seaborn), Isabell Moses (Mrs. Charles Oliver), Mrs. P. A. Huddleston, Mrs. Harper Huddleston and Mrs. L. G. Flint.

Reverend Austin wrote, "We started out to build a little chapel at the corner of Sixth Street and Washington Avenue. It was completed in December 1911." This chapel was used until June 1, 1924, when the present structure, which was begun in 1922, was completed and dedicated at its present location on the corner of Lee Avenue and Nottoway Boulevard.

Revered Austin referred to the completion of the new church building and wrote, "Our friends and neighbors tell us that they don't see how we have accomplished what we have. God has all the praise and glory for what we have done in His name. We have endeavored to preach the Gospel without fear or favor."

The Victoria Christian Church has always placed great stress on Christian education, believing that Sunday School is an integral part of the Church. The Sunday School was begun under the leadership of Mr. Will Crowder.

Ministers of the Victoria Christian Church have been the Reverends D. M. Austin (1911-1931), M. M. Austin (1931-1941), J. T. Meredith (1941-1945), G. N. Perkins (1945-1950), J. T. Meadows (1950-1953), J. Lloyd Black, Jr. (1953-1955), Harold W. Rhodes, Sr. (1956-1960), Dr. Paul D. Richardson (1960-1963, 1966-1970), Warren P. Brubaker (1963-1966), Herman Reynolds (1970-1972), Richard A. Bell (1972-1990), and Earl P. Pinchbeck, Jr. (1990 to the present time).

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