End of Times

Come into these arms of mine

And lay your body down

The reason more this trembling heart

Is beating like a drum


It was raining. How perfect was that? He thought nobody would mourn him...and it seemed even the heavens did so, whether he believed he deserved it or not.

Around the freshly covered grave and erected stone stood the remainder of his mourners...all the rest had already gone home, but to these people, he meant the most. Fourteen people dressed in colors darker than the clouds spilling tears above. And the person he perhaps would not have expected was standing in the front.

Tohru sniffled, wiping her tears away with the tissue she was holding in her hand. She was dressed in a lovely black dress. She had only worn it one other time...her mother’s funeral. She never thought she’d be wearing it again...so soon. She stepped forward, closer to the freshly lain earth, kneeling down and set down the rose she held in her other hand. Somehow, it made the stone, laced with gold leaf, shine a bit brighter...though there was no sun.

“ I’m sure he appreciates that, Tohru.” Shigure said quietly.

“ I was aware something like this could happen at anytime. But, even knowing never really prepares you for the moment.” She replied.

“ There was nothing we could do,” Hatori replied. “ It was just time. And we’ll all miss him more than he could ever realize.”

“ How could anyone forget a person who is so deeply embedded into your very soul?”

They all turned to look at Yuki, who was standing slightly aside the others, but was just as pale, just as sorrowful, cheeks just as wet and salty. Even he missed him already. Even he mourned.

“ I feel awful,” He continued. “ I was probably the worst...those nights when he....”

“ Yuki...” From an unusually quiet and solemn Ayame.

“ I wished such hurtful things on him those nights. I feel...so awful.” He shut his eyes tightly as the sobs were beginning to catch up to him. He then dropped to his knees, bringing his hands to his face, “ I want him back!”

The outburst only tugged at the strings of everyone there who couldn’t help but weep with him. Those who were already became more deeply swallowed in their sorrows while those who had finally managed to get themselves under control began again.

“ This isn’t your fault, Yuki.” Hatori assured. “ This isn’t anyone’s fault. This is just how the curse works.”

The dragon lowered his head. It was the truth, but oh how bitter and horrible it sounded to come from him. Even saying it as politely as possible, it sounded so....ugh the disdain he felt towards himself now.

“ I believe my mother, from the very moment she died...she was still able to see me from Heaven. She knew everything I was doing. She watched over me even though I couldn’t see her. When people die, they don’t truly disappear the way some people think. They have hearts, spirits and souls that are forever embedded in those they love.”

All’s attention was now on Tohru as she remained on her knees weeping over the grave. “ He’s no different. He’s in a better place now. He’ll finally be free of the curse, right? He won’t have to be sick ever again. He can finally feel at peace?”

Shigure rested a hand on her back, “ I believe that too, Tohru. He won’t ever have to suffer anymore. He’s free. He’s free from his pain, his suffering, and this curse.”

“ What will happen to everyone now?” She asked.

“ It starts over again.” Kyo finally spoke up. “ It’s a vicious cycle. When a cursed Sohma dies, it’s just a matter of time before another is born to replace them.”

Hatori frowned, looking at the grave, “ It’s likely...any of the children born to a Sohma this year....may very well be the next Akito. Another infant will be branded a human sacrifice....because of the curse. Another child...”

“ ...will have to go through that horrible fear....that horrible torment.” Tohru whispered. She clutched her chest. “ I wish I could do something. I wish...I COULD lift this horrible curse. And...I wish I could have done it before....before....”

Kisa came forward. She had grown taller in the 8 years that had passed. She knelt beside Tohru and hugged her. Kagura came to the other side of her, hugging the outsider the Sohmas came to love as family.

“ I hope he realized just how much we loved him...no matter how angry we all got.” Momiji spoke up.

“ I’m sure of it,” Tohru said, making a fist. “ I’m very sure, if he wasn’t sure then...that he’s sure now....he was well loved. Families...they fight. They disagree. There are times when they seriously dislike each other at times. But the bonds family have...no one can erase that. Deep down....I believe deep down he knew that and he loved every one of you...just as much, if not more.”

“ Don’t be so modest, Tohru,” Ayame smiled. “ I have a feeling he loved you too.”

“ Oh, no...I...”

“ He’s right.” Hiro said. His voice was deeper now, he was taller, and more mature. “ Look at how far you’ve come.”

“ He’s invited you into this family,” From Haru. “ And he’s not the type of person to do that to just anyone.”

“ You were very special to him,” Ritsu got the nerve to speak up, starting to get his own tears under control. “ He told me so last New Years. Although....oh dear! He swore me to secrecy!” He cried up to the sky, “ Forgive me, Akito!”

“ Ritsu, it’s alright,” Shigure assured.

“ Indeed. I think Akito made it clear that night himself.” Hatori said.

Tohru blinked and reached into the front pocket of her dress, pulling out an envelope. On the back was her name in Akito’s handwriting. He had written her a very personal letter. She hadn’t quite understood the letter when she first read it. Nor did she understand the gift that came with it. But to see what had happened afterwards...what she saw now....she felt horrible for not putting it all together sooner. What if...what if she had figured it out sooner? What if she had shown Hatori the letter sooner? Would he have figured it out? Could he have died...because she was too dense?

“ Don’t blame yourself, Tohru,” Hatori said, as though he had been reading her mind. “ There are instances...where people just...know. They just know when...enough...is enough. He was tired. He was worn out. He...was ready to go. And he did so....peacefully.”

This time it was Shigure who choked back the sob and covered his face.

“ Shigure?” Tohru whispered.

“ He...he was. I...I didn’t even notice right away.” It was his turn to cry heavily now.

“ He knew the whole time.” Kyo concluded. “ The bastard knew the whole time.”

Harsh words, but one look at the cat’s face showed that strange concern...that strange hurt. He and Akito had never gotten along...but even he had that strong bond to the late head of the family. There was a strange longing...to want to belong. And strangely, he didn’t want Akito to ignore him...he wanted...perhaps...to suffer under his hand the way the others had.

“ Why else would he do all of that?” Kureno, the elusive rooster asked. “ The cat is right. He knew the whole time what was going to happen. That’s why he insisted things happened the way they did.”

“ It’s so depressing,” Rin whispered, hiding her head in Haru’s chest.

“ Onee-Chan, you said he was happier where he is now, right?” From the tiger.

“ I believe so. I think...everyone believes so.”

“ Then, that makes me not feel so sad. I do feel sad. I want to cry. But, a part of me just wants to smile. I’ve never seen him genuinely smile. Not like I saw him that night.”

“ That was the real person,” Hiro spoke up. “ He had us all fooled. Perhaps the vengeful spirits hidden in all of us...were a shell on him....hiding the person we all...somehow knew he was...way deep down.”

“ We shouldn’t waste it.” Kureno said. “ He died for us. All of us are going to live on. We’re going to be able to experience life because he did this for us. How...how could we TOP that sort of thing?”

“ We can’t.” Yuki sniffed. “ That was the ultimate sacrifice. Like the rest of us, he didn’t want any of it. Yet he carried that burden on him every moment of his existence and save that one time...I’ve never heard him complain about it. It corrupted his personality....and looking back, I can sympathize for a lot of it. What if...any of us had been in his position?”

No one answered. How could anyone answer a question like that? It was a horrible but very real thought. He bore it all by himself. He suffered and suffered and kept on until the very last breath he took.

“ The rain is stopping.” Kagura said, holding her hand out. “ And the sun is coming out.” Tohru peered up at the sky then her attention was diverted when she heard a lovely little twitter. Then another...and another.

“ Look!” Momiji tried to shout, but it came out more like a loud gasping whisper.

Tohru peered onto the stone baring Akito’s name. In the center perched a lovely white bird. It was like the ones she had seen with him. The ones he often held. One landed aside it, and another on the other side. Peering up, she gave an awed gasp. They were everywhere. They were like flowers...like snow white feathery soft flowers in the trees about the yard. They twittered with the most beautiful song...and as the clouds parted, it became warm. She couldn’t help...but to finally smile a tearful smile.

“ He’s happy now,” she said breathily, clasping her hands gleefully together.


It beats for you

It bleeds for you

It knows not how it sounds

For it is the drum of drums

It is the song of songs


Akito held out his hand as a little white bird came to land upon his finger. It twittered as he brought it close to kiss the delicate head. He was bored with the garden, but somehow the birds brought him comfort. He had missed them deeply. With the cold of winter, they had hidden away in the warm stretches. With the warm weather long since returned, a humid summer was now upon the land and a perfect environment for his garden friends. Not just the birds....but a few frogs, a small family of mice under the porch, a garden snake that frequented a large rock to sun, a grey rabbit that ate the clovers by the tree, and on occasion, though he never told anyone, a precious little stray cat that would sit with him on warm mornings and comfort him with soft purrs. And of course in the far corner of the yard was a small pond filled with coyfish.

He let out a sigh, comforted by the nature but bored with it as well. But at least he had the freedom to enjoy it. Earlier that spring he’d gone about mad when allergies kicked in. With the moisture of the humidity and some mild medication, he was as good as new out here.

“ Mind if I join you?” A quiet voice asked.

“ I don’t often turn you away, Shigure,” Akito replied.

With that, Shigure sat beside Akito, trying to put the robe back onto the young man’s shoulder. But, it was in vain as it slid back off his shoulder and draped as it normally did.

“ How are you feeling today?”

“ I haven’t quite decided yet,” Akito replied. It got an odd look from Shigure as it was an odd answer. “ I’m bored yet contented at the same time. I’m in a lazy mood yet very anxious at the same time. It’s like...I am content to be here...but...I want something to happen. I feel like...I need to be doing something.”

“ Any ideas what that might be?” From the dog.

“ I’m still working on that part.” He glanced at Shigure then grew a smile and let out a soft chuckle.

“ Well, I thought on a lovely day like this, you might be feeling lonely. So I came to see you.”

This made him frown and he got up, walking towards the far end of the yard and he sat on a huge rock beside the coy pond. Shigure followed carefully.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“ Where’s Hatori?”

“ He’s doing doctor stuff in his house. Going over papers. Boring stuff. Should I go get him?”

“ No,” Akito replied.

“ Forgive me for being pushy...but something IS bothering you, isn’t it?”

“ You’re alone?”

“ I usually am.”

He only frowned more. “ Yeah...figures.”

Shigure began to frown. That face was so sad on the young head of the family. “ You ARE lonely.”

“ I’m depressed,” he sighed. “ I don’t want to see you.”

“ Uh...oh. Okay.” Shigure was awfully confused but turned to leave.

“ NO!” Akito shouted, grabbing the dog’s sleeve. “ I didn’t mean it like that. I meant...not just you. Hatori sees me all the time....moreso as just the concerned home-based doctor than anything. You come to see me all the time....but....I can’t count on anyone else. No one visits me unless they have some strange obligation.”

“ Ayame came to see you last week,” Shigure pointed out.

“ And how long ago was the visit before that?” Akito replied. “ It’s depressing. I know he has a shop to manage and all. Everyone has their own little lives to live. I’m aware of that. But....I don’t want to be the crazy old coot that everyone just visits out of obligation. I....I really want to be visited. I’m not an appliance, Shigure. I’m not just on and moving about when it’s convenient and then turned off collecting dust the rest of the time. I’m...I’m bored. I’m lonely and I’m depressed. I want to see the others. I haven’t seen most of them since January. That’s six months, Shigure. SIX MONTHS since I’ve seen a majority of the zodiac.”

Shigure’s face softened and he came closer, leaning down to kiss Akito on the head. “ They are all young, Akito. And some of them do lack some sense. But I can certainly see where this can be dull. The same scenery over and over again....same thing, day in and day out. I understand. I sometimes forget that you don’t have the household I do. It’s always lively. But, wherever Tohru, Kyo and Yuki are all at together, it’s always lively. And very entertaining. But, you know very well it’s like that anytime a number of our relatives get together.”

Akito let the thoughts roll through his mind. He had actually invited Tohru to New Years for the past five years now. How could he not have invited her that first year? Ritsu had actually gotten up the guts to ask him..plead with him...and apologize like crazy...for Tohru to come....to calm his nerves...so he could dance that year. It was certainly the year of many firsts. Akito had let her come...and he, for some STRANGE reason had let her come to the banquet to watch Ritsu dance.

Somehow since then it had become tradition. She came every year since then. And she’d seen the beautiful dances thereafter: Kureno’s dance, Shigure’s dance, Kagura’s dance...and this year...she had seen Yuki’s dance. He smirked a little. That dance was always his favorite. And the look on Tohru’s face this year...somehow told him it was hers too.

“ Sometimes I wish New Years would happen more than once a year. Not so much everyone coming...frankly I could do without most of the relatives. But...I so look forward to the banquet and all the fun we all have together...just us. I love to watch everyone dance. I wish...I had one.”

Shigure arched a brow, “ You want to dance?”

“ I can never promise it. And it’s just not my place. I just...act as host.”

A soft little mew made him turn his head. On the other side of the pond on another rock was the precious stray cat. It was a fluffy grey and tan tom kitten. It stared down at the fish which swam about. Down went the little kitty head to examine them more closely. One coy fish, a gold and white cow patterned one, came up to the surface, planting his fishy mouth on the cat’s nose. It made the kitten sneeze and shake his head about in confusion and disorientation. Yuck...water! It then proceeded to clean it’s face before hopping to the end of the rock, trying to bat at the coy coyfish. However, one bat too hard and the poor thing tumbled into the water.

Akito let out a laugh, as did Shigure. “ Y’know, Shigure...call it crazy, but sometimes I wish I could see Kyo dance.”

“ Oh? I didn’t think you were into cats.”

“ Well...” He kept his eyes on the kitten and its silly antics. “ ...I don’t hate cats. I’m not a devout cat lover either. But, I see this one in the garden every so often. Sometimes it’s chasing a butterfly. Sometimes it’s picking a fight with the rabbit by the tree. Sometimes it’s trying to fly out of a tree to catch a bird. Sometimes...it’s just rolling about, stretching in the strangest of contortions for the best sun. It’s....a beautiful animal to watch, Shigure. It’s...so strangely artistic. If Kyo danced...would it be as beautiful...as I can imagine it to be? A perfect poetry of motion of the very essence of a cat’s grace? Would his dance be different at all from when Kisa’s dance?”

“ You want to know what I think? I think you have way too much time on your hands to think up this strange stuff.” Shigure chuckled. “ But, it is an interesting thought.”

“ How many dances will I get to see, Shigure? How many years am I going to take for granted?”

Shigure was silent, unsure of how to answer his questions. They were strange questions. He wasn’t sure if he liked them or not. Was he on a new medication? Was it affecting him? He couldn’t determine why Akito would be acting so silly.

“ I don’t want to take any chances.” Akito said suddenly. “ I want to start a new tradition.”

“ Oh?”

“ Akito....would you like something to drink? The weather is getting quiet warm.” From the porch. It was Hatori, holding a glass of cold lemonade.

“ Ah, that’s fine,” Akito replied. “ Come over here, Hatori. I’m about to do something that will change things from here on in.”

“ That would be quite an accomplishment,” Hatori replied, handing Akito the glass once he was close enough and kneeling in the grass beside the pond.

“ I want to be with you.”

“ I’m not busy,” Hatori replied. “ So, it can be arranged.”

Akito smirked, “ That’s not what I mean. I want to be with all of you. I want to see all of you.”

“ That’s rather uncommon if not a non-existent thing to happen unless it’s New Years, Akito,” the dragon pointed out.

“ You can kill a mood faster than a car over a skunk, Hatori, you know that?” Shigure chuckled.

The half joking insult made Akito smile slightly. “ I want this. This right here. The silly little bickering. The interaction. That’s what I want. I want the best of New Years...right now. I want the entire zodiac to be together.”

“ Is there a reason for this sudden proclamation?” Hatori asked, arching the only visible brow.

“ Don’t normal families have those summer get togethers? Cook outs? Summer reunions? A time to just hang together, barbecue, swim, play games...those things?”

“ They sure do,” Shigure smiled. “ You should see this family across town. It’s not as big as ours, but every summer, they have a family reunion. And it’s like you said. It’s a pool party, badminton, barbecue, really neat.”

“ Exactly,” Akito said, pointing to Shigure. “ Why should our gatherings be limited to New Years? Why should we wait until the dead middle of winter when everyone is freezing and squashed into that hall? Why can’t we do something like that now, in the summer, when we can be outside and enjoying this weather?”

“ You want a pool party?” Hatori asked.

“ A big summer bash. I want to see everyone and anyone who suffers this curse. I want to be with them. I want to see them all, speak to them all....I want to feel like a family.”

Hatori and Shigure glanced at each other. Shigure was the bold one though and he opened his mouth, pointing a finger to motion he was about to ask a question.

“ Yes.” Akito said, pushing the hand away.

“ You didn’t even let me ask.”

“ I know you, Shigure. And I remember very well what it takes to get your household here.” He smirked again, “ Besides, she might as well be family. She’s been living with you for what now? Ten years?”

He counted on his fingers. “ Lesse, Momiji was dancing that first year, right? Hatori, Ayame, Rin....blah blah...Shigure, Kagura, Yuki...yeah. Ten years. Wow...time flies. Y’know I read that to live with someone for seven years can constitute a common law marriage.”

“ I don’t know if you could considered her married to ANY of the three of us.” Shigure laughed. “ I’m sure we all fantasize about it...OW!”

The reason for the ow? Hatori had nudged him too hard. But it shut him up.

“ Well, she’s as good as a Sohma then, isn’t she? She handles all of you much better than I do.”

“ That’s because she has the energy to do so,” Shigure smiled. “ Surely you don’t object to that extra help, right? I mean, look at the improvement since she’s arrives. Yuki’s come out of his shell and Kyo’s sociable and Ritsu...sheesh, Ritsu is becoming more assertive. Heck, even Hatori is warming up a lot.”

“ Shigure...shut up,” Hatori whispered in scolding.

“ It’s alright, Hatori,” Akito replied. “ I can’t ignore it anymore. It’s obvious she has excelled where I have failed. She’s even patched up the holes I’ve deliberately created. She is an adversary I don’t think I can compete against anymore. She’s worked her way to the very foundation of this family...and I couldn’t get rid of her if I tried. I just have to accept that she’s as much a part of this as the rest of us. Ten years in the Sohma family and still sane...that’s a strong woman. And a powerful woman, really, Shigure, should be able to make her own way.”

Hatori and Shigure blinked. What was he saying?

“ What kind of life is it for a woman to spend her entire life living off of three men? That’s almost indecently an eternal branding for mooch. It’s sickening. It was cute when she was a teenager, but she’s 26 years old. And where has she progressed to?”

“ She....works....full time at...”

“ Cleaning that building...coming home and cleaning up after you three.”

“ Well, I like it,” Shigure smiled. “ Unlike you, Akito, we don’t have people who automatically clean up after us.”

“ Indeed.” Akito stood up. “ Enough. Tell everyone to get the back end ready. Shigure, you’ve got the bigger blabber mouth...I want the entire zodiac....and the zodiac only to attend.”

“ Including Kyo and Tohru?” Shigure asked.

“ Yes. It’ll be just the fifteen of us. Hatori, come with me inside. I’ll need to run some ideas past you as well. Shigure....you still here? Be gone. C’mon, c’mon, the sooner we get everything set up the sooner it can happen.”

“ Are you SURE you want to do this?” Hatori asked. “ You may feel fine now, but who knows how you’ll feel the day of the event. I don’t think it’s fair to put all that work into something you may not be able to attend.”

“ Fiddle faddle, Hatori. I never miss a New Years...and I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss my own party.”


Once I had the rarest rose

That ever dain to bloom

Cruel winter chilled them all

And stole my flower too soon


“ I still think this is a bad idea,” Kyo spat at Shigure at the front gate.

“ It’s unusual to say the least. How do we know there isn’t some ulterior motive to this thing?”

“ Oh honestly, you two,” Shigure scolded. “ I told you, Akito was feeling under the weather and really wanted everyone to get together. He really wanted to do this just to get everyone together to have a good time. It would really make him happy.”

“ Then I’m more than happy to do it,” Tohru smiled, holding a bag. Heck, she always brought presents when meeting the zodiac. Shigure let them in and led them to the back of the estate. They were certainly not the first there.

“ Wow, I didn’t know the estate had a pool!” Tohru shouted.

“ Oh yes,” Shigure smiled. “ Akito actually won’t let anyone near it today. Private usage. We all learned how to swim in this pool. Well...I think. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Akito near it before.”

“ Can Akito even swim?” Yuki asked.

“ Good question. I suppose we should have asked before we did this. That would be terrible if he drowned at his own party.”

“ Oh, I don’t want to think of it.” Tohru said.

“ Looks like a lot of them beat us here,” Kyo pointed out.

Indeed. Kisa and Hiro were playing with a beach ball on one end of the huge pool. Laying on the raft and sunning himself was Momiji in his green swimming trunks and shades. He looked so much cooler, like one attractive college man rather than the little girl he used to look like. He even had an iced lemonade in the holder on one of the arms of the raft. On the far end of the deck, Rin was laying on a towel, getting a tan, unaware Hatsuharu was on the other end of the deck, staring her down with binoculars. Behind him stood Ayame...perhaps in the most provocative of swim wear, laughing at the cow’s antics. The snake himself was virtually naked save the poor excuse for swim...uhm...thongs? Surely the others tried not to look at him unless they had to.

On the edge of the pool sat Akito, feet dangling in the water as he sat in his black and grey swim trunks. Every so often he turned around to whack at Hatori who was trying to put sunblock on him.

“ Leave me alone!” He shouted.

“ You don’t sun yourself that often,” Hatori replied. “ You’ll burn in no time and you’ll end up getting sun poison, then you’re going to whine and whine to me about how much it hurts.”

“ You really ARE an old nanny, Hatori.” He sighed, trying to shoo him off again. He then turned, “ Momiji! I’ll give you 500 yen if you let ME have the raft to get away from this dragon!”

“ Forget it!” Momiji called back. “ Every Sohma for his or herself.”

Akito let out a whine. But he perked immediately when he saw Yuki in his blue trunks, Kyo in black, Tohru in a new purple one piece, and Shigure in Hawaiian print trunks and a goofy button up. “ Oh boy, Shigure, you’re hideous.”

“ Not everyone is here yet, are they?” Shigure asked, ignoring him.

“ No. We are still waiting on Kagura, Kureno and Ritsu.” Akito replied.

“ And you know they’re coming?”

“ Kyo’s here, so I know Kagura will be here,” The head of the family chuckled, and even harder when Kyo scowled. “ As for Kureno, If he’s not I’m going to flood his voice mail with nasty things. As for Ritsu...who can say?”

And speak of the devil. Ritsu rushed in and bowed. “Forgive me! I’m sorry I’m so late! I should have called! I’m sorry! I’m so horrible with punctuality! If you want me to turn around and go home, I will! I’m sorry! I’m...”

“ Ritsu!” Akito shouted, “ Shut up and get in the pool before I drown you!” He then blinked. “ Swimming trunks?”

“ Was I supposed to wear something else?” Ritsu asked.

“ I almost expected to see you in a bikini,” he teased. It made a handful of them shudder at the thought.

Ritsu gave a blush before walking off to be near the youngest of the zodiac. He was going to attempt to ask to play. Kisa would surely say yes. They had a remarkable relationship. Hiro...well...even little Hiro intimidated him. Although they weren’t so LITTLE anymore. They were teens now. All grown up.

Tohru boldly sat beside Akito, who looked in her direction quietly, tipping his sunglasses down slightly for her to see his deep blue eyes.

“ You look well today, Akito,” she beamed.

“ Hn, then could you tell that to Hatori so he’ll leave me alone?” He pointed his thumb back at the dragon who was sitting in a sunchair but watching the young man like a hawk. This made Tohru laugh.

“ Do you know how to swim?” she asked.

He replied simply by putting a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. She wasn’t sure if that meant he could and didn’t want anyone to know....or he couldn’t, and it was embarrassing.

“ You look like an eggplant,” he said suddenly. He then paused, seeing her eyes had taking a once over on him. She probably hadn’t realized she’d done it. “ Are you checking me out?”

“ Ah! Well...no...I mean...I’ve never...” She looked away as red as a lobster. He laughed. That was interesting. He’d not been checked out before by a young lady. This only made her more embarrassed.

A thundering sound approached. It got the attention of a couple of them. “ Is it going to rain?” Rin asked, sitting up.

“ I know that sound,” Haru muttered, dropping the binoculars.

“ I do too,” Yuki said, stepping back.

“ AH! Incoming!” Kyo shouted as he saw Kagura coming and tackle him with all her might, sending them both into the air towards the water. Akito went wide-eyed, pushing Tohru down, practically blanketing her as the cat and pig flew over them and SPLASHED into the water.

“ Kyo!” Tohru shouted after they got back up. The pair surfaced unharmed...debatably as Kagura was strangling Kyo.

“ Didn’t you bring a chicken back with you?!” Akito shouted.

“ Here.” Kureno said calmly, holding bags. “ Sorry it took so long.”

“ You were causing trouble again, weren’t you?” Akito accused. “ You make a hobby out of making me worry about you!”

“ I don’t!” Kureno replied. “If you keep yelling at me, I’ll refuse to cook.”

“ I don’t mind...” Tohru began...but Akito pushed her into the water. She surfaced, quite confused.

“ No. Kureno, don’t bait me. I have dirt on you that no one else has. Remember that home video of you doing...”

“ I’ll cook!” Kureno shouted heading for the grill.

“ I didn’t know you had home movies,” Tohru said as she swam back. She leaned against the deck beside Akito’s legs.

“ We’re not isolated completely, Tohru. We have all sorts of home videos. I have film of everyone in the zodiac doing the stupidest and or the cutest things which all of them would give their left legs to never have revealed. I’m the king of blackmail.”

“ A king? No wonder you’re a royal pain in the ass,” Kureno called from the grill. Akito made a face but then pretended to ignore the rooster. His eye caught Yuki and he scowled, “ Y’know you CAN make yourself comfortable, Yuki. I’m not going to bite.”

“ I’m fine standing.” Yuki replied.

“ Sit down or I’ll throw you in.”

“ I can swim out.”

Akito smiled. “ So you can. How silly of me.” He then noticed the bag Tohru had set down. “What’s that?”

“ Oh, it’s mine!” Tohru replied, pulling herself out of the pool and making her way over to the bag. “ I brought something for everyone. I almost forgot.”

“ You didn’t have to do that.” Hatori said.

“ You know Tohru,” Shigure smiled. “ That’s the way she is.”

“ You go too far out of your way,” Akito scolded.

“ Funny, that’s what Kyo said,” Shigure laughed.

“ So what’s with all the festivities, Akito?” Yuki asked as Tohru rummaged.

“ Something I think we should do every year. Swimming and eating grilled food sure beats being crammed into that hall with people we don’t even remember. I swear, every year the same lady keeps coming over to talk to me and you’d think by now I’d remember her name. But, like clockwork, every year I just smile and pretend I’m interested...and have no clue who the hell she is.”

“ I think I remember seeing that girl,” Tohru laughed. “ The one who always wears the yellow dress? I think her name is Naomi. And I think she has a thing for you?”

“ Ew. Just....ew. She’s totally not my type. And I’m WAY out of her league.”

“ You’re just a stuck up snob,” Kureno teased again.

“ Perhaps. I’d accept hits from Tohru before I’d ever consider....what’s her name again?”

“ Naomi,” Tohru replied. “ And don’t worry. I am not the type to flirt. Besides, I love you to death, Akito, but I don’t think we’re compatible.”

“ I agree,” he replied, finally yanking the bag from her and peeking in. “ Marshmallow popcorn balls,” he said, seeing them in the bag. “ Oh, pocky. And what are those? Are those cookies? What kind are those?”

“ Chocolate chip. It was the only way to make the faces.”

“ Faces?”

“ They are adorable!” Shigure shouted. “ She made cookies that look like US!”

Akito blinked, “ What now?”

“ I made zodiac cookies. The chocolate chips make up the little faces.” Tohru explained. “ But, I know you don’t have an animal, so I made a special one for you.”

“ You said you weren’t the type to flirt.”

This got a few laughs from the company. It was then Tohru let out a gasp, “ Ayame, what are you wearing?!”

“ Practically nothing,” came a unanimous reply from the group.

“ I’m not shy about my body,” Ayame replied. “ Why should I be modest? Really, Tohru, you have a lovely body. You should be flaunting more.”

“ Stop looking at her body!” Came a cry from both Yuki and Kyo.

Akito, on the other hand, had to bring his knees to his chest as he blushed. That was...an exciting thought.

“ Are you alright?” Hatori asked, seeing the change in position.

“ Fine,” he squeaked then cleared his throat. “ I’m fine.”

From the other side of the pool came a cry, “ Hiro!” Followed by coughing.

“ Oh my god! I drowned him! I’m so sorry!”

Kisa came over to pat Hiro on the back as he coughed, trying to get the water out of his throat and nose. Ritsu had accidently slid the sheep’s foot out from under him, causing him to drop into the water. Hatori came over to help Hiro out of the water and look him over.

“ He’ll be alright. Hiro, why don’t you take a little break?”

He replied with a nod. Ritsu let go of the ball, letting it float and darted out of the pool. “ I’m a murderer! I almost killed him!”

“ Same old Ritsu,” Haru chuckled.

Once things calmed down, Kisa turned to Rin, “ Want to give it a shot?”

“ No, I would rather just sleep in the sun.”

“ Oh...Momiji?”

But it was no use...the rabbit was already asleep in the sun, on the raft. “ Haru?”

“ Busy...”

“ Busy staring at Rin?” Shigure teased.

“ I’ll play,” Tohru smiled, sliding into the pool and swimming over to the tiger. Yuki got up and also invited himself over.

“ An uneven number of players may be a bad idea,” Rin commented. “ Why not con someone else to join and play as teams. I’m sure Hiro will be back in shortly.”

Akito stood and peered back at Hiro who was drooping his head. Nah, he wasn’t going back in the water for a while. That water in the sinus put him out of commission for a while.

He stretched and then, to everyone’s surprise, he dove into the water. It got the eldest of the zodiac to ZOOM to the edge of the pool, thinking he’d lost his marbles and would drown. But they saw him glide underwater towards the others and surface, shaking the water from his ears.

“ Akito, are you trying to scare us to death?!” Shigure scolded. “ What the hell?!”

“ Would you leave me be?!” Akito scolded back. “ I’m not a child! I’m not completely helpless! Do I look completely helpless to you?!”

“ Sheesh....” Hatori sighed, bringing a hand to his chest, “ He’s going to be the death of me one day.”

Akito turned back to Yuki, Tohru and Kisa. “ I’ll play.”

They stared at him like he was an alien for a few moments before finally letting it all sink in and setting up teams. Tohru and Yuki were one team...Kisa and Akito were another. It was certainly an odd experience. Yuki could never remember have a fun experience with Akito. The experience was odd for Kisa as well, who had often tried to avoid the head of the family....he had been a frightening person to her...and someone who made her very insecure. Yet....at this moment, she enjoyed his company. And she had lost herself when their team was winning and had leapt into his arms and kissed his cheek after a particularly great play. It surprised her she’d done it...what surprised her more was that he kissed her back.

It certainly didn’t go unnoticed....by anyone. But no one said anything. Akito could be affectionate at times...but it was usually towards the other men...and he often was a bit...pushy with the girls. The last time Akito had ever kissed the girls.....well...he’d only ever, strangely, kissed Kisa. And it was only when she was first introduced to the family. He’d kissed her head that day as he held her. It was some strange obligation he had felt he had to follow. And he had held her at the first banquet she attended. Aside from that...he had very little to do with her. So this sudden drop of walls and show of affection was quite out of the ordinary....and worrisome in Hatori’s eyes.


The loneliness

The hopelessness

To search the ends of time

For there is in all the world

No greater love than mine


Everyone sat at the large table set outside. Each had their plate with what they wanted. The grilled burgers and hot dogs Kureno had made along with the little things the others had brought.

“ No barbecued chicken?” Akito teased, pointing a fork at the rooster.

“ You are just determined to pick on me today,” Kureno replied.

“ Yes, I am. You’re lots of fun to tease. Kyo’s fun to tease too...but for different reasons.”

“ What?!” Kyo shouted. “ You RATE us?!”

“ See? Everyone else kinda let’s me roll off their back like water on a duck. You two respond in idiotic manners.”

“ They really look alike,” Tohru commented.

“ We do not!” From Kureno and Kyo.

Akito mouthed “they do” and nodded before stabbing another piece of potato salad with his fork.

“ Y’know when I first saw you, Akito, I immediately thought of Yuki.”

“ You’re not the first one to comment that we look alike,” Akito replied. “ I didn’t hear a lot of it when we were little. But once we hit our early teens, actually, seems we both had a lot of similar features. If he had dyed his hair and put us both in the same outfit, you’d probably not be able to tell us apart right away...except for the fact I’ve always been the taller one.”

Yuki scowled, “ Well, I suppose it’s better than being told I look like....”

“ Aya? And you do,” Akito teased. “ Just....if you are going to keep looking like him....look like him conservatively. I don’t EVER want to see that bathing suit again.”

“ Believe me, I’ll NEVER wear anything like that.”


Everyone turned towards the voice.... “ He went black,” Yuki sighed. Indeed, Haru stood up, drawing a huge water pistol....and filled with milk nonetheless.

“ You’re wouldn’t DARE!” Rin shouted, standing up.

“ WATCH ME!” He shouted, and squirt her with the milk pistol. She let out a scream and ran off. “ Who’s next?!”

As if he were the plague, eleven of them ran off in different directions as Haru rushed off, trying to shoot every last one of them. This left Akito, facing backwards, watching the others and Tohru, unsure of WHAT to do.

“ Do you think they’re having a good time?”Akito asked.

“ I’m sure of it. But, I think everyone is wondering why you did this.”

Akito lowered his head and stood. Tohru gasped, “ I didn’t mean anything by it!”

“ It’s alright,” he replied as he began to walk off. Tohru waited a moment before getting the nerve to chase after him. The cries of the others died as they walked quietly along the property.

The silence was killing her though. He hadn’t said anything the entire walk and it made her nervous. “ Akito...I really am sorry if I said something wrong.”

“ No, Tohru. It’s alright. It’s just pointing out the obvious. Everyone IS questioning the motive behind this. They can’t take it at face value. In 27 years, I’ve never done anything like this. I’ve never just created a major event just for everyone to get together and have a good time without the outsiders. I guess it shows me where I am at. Everyone is humoring me...and not a one trusts me.”

“ I think it’s just confusing for them.” she came closer, “ Is it really just at face value?”

“ It’s cheap,” Akito replied. He stopped at one of the houses and peered up to a rooftop balcony. The house was vacant. And Akito walked up the stairs along the building to get to the rooftop with Tohru following.

“ OH! What a beautiful view!” Tohru cheered. Indeed. From this spot, she could see the long stretch of road outside the estate. She could see all the homes. She could see the back end of the estate where the others were still being chased by Haru. “ Oh dear. I wonder if he’ll run out of ammo soon.”

“ It’s cheap,” Akito replied, which got her attention. “ It’s childish. Teenagers throw parties to goof off like this. Not grown men. But, I suppose I’m more monster than man.”

“ How could you say that?” Tohru gasped. “ You’re a man! You have your faults but you’re no monster.”

“ You’re happy way of seeing things frightens me,” He chuckled. “ I can see how I’m being fussed over for one reason....and avoided for the others. How can someone live with a life full of regrets. If I knew when I was young that I would have lived this long, I wouldn’t have wasted it. Just imagine what I could have done if I’d applied myself...worried more about living than focusing on the negative.”

“ You’re life’s not over yet, Akito,” Tohru replied. “ You don’t have to regret. Just from here on out, work on doing things you don’t regret.”

“ It drove me crazy. I...don’t like the person I’ve become. I’ve wasted my life and dragged everyone else down with me. Well, you know what they say. Misery loves company.” He sighed and shrugged. “ I wasn’t above anybody...so I did things to make myself above everyone else.”

“ Y’know, Akito, if I may...could I offer my opinion?” Tohru asked. He gave a nod. “ I’m not blind. And I’m not as idiotic as you think I am. You’ve done horrible things. And I think you are totally missing the point of your position.”

“ Oh?”

“ You called yourself the head of the Sohma family. You are the core of the zodiac curse. You are the one everyone looks to. You are the one...that everyone needs. And yet, I think...maybe you’ve abused that power.”

“ I have,” he replied, which surprised her. She was sure he’d have lost his temper by now.

“ As the head of the family, you should really be looking out for them. You should be taking their best welfare into account. Rather than making them bound by such tight restrictions, you should be trying to help them be happy. It’s not that everyone hates you. I know you’re thinking that. It’s just that everyone...perhaps dislikes you. Perhaps there’s just a lot of bitterness. You’ve made everyone so afraid of you that they can never open up to you. You’ve become everyone’s enemy...so no one takes you as their friend.”

Akito kept quiet, his head bowed slightly. He knew this all too well...and had tried to block out the reality. But....it didn’t matter how high the gates were....the estate was still in the real world. And he was not God. He was his own worst enemy. He was the worst part of his own curse. He dropped to his knees which made Tohru gasp. She ran to him, “ Akito!”

He stared off to the distance, a few stray tears falling from the corners of his eyes, “ What...am I going to do?”

“ With time, I’m sure everything can be repaired to some degree,” Tohru replied.

“ I’m...doomed. I’m....I’m scared.” He whispered.

Tohru was shocked. She couldn’t think of anything to do but to kneel beside him and hold him. She’d learned several years back that he was unlike the others as in he could be embraced with no affect. “ Why?”

“ What if I don’t have the time it takes? Is it really that simple?”

“ Just make the best of the time you do have, then. Try to live every day as though it was your last. That’s a good way to avoid regrets.” Tohru explained.

“ I....would want to live today...forever.” He replied. “ I don’t want anyone to leave. Look at them. The entire zodiac together....enjoying the company everyone has to offer. It’s like...a normal family. It’s like the stress is lifted.”

“ And you did this for them,” Tohru smiled.

“ But....come tomorrow morning....everyone will go home. This day will have to end. This whole experience will have to end. And it’ll be just like it always was. I’ll be....all alone again. Lately....I’ve been terrified of being alone.”

Tohru was quiet. She wasn’t sure how to respond. Akito had opened up to her over the years but this was perhaps the deepest their conversations went. Tohru was good at keeping secrets and Akito had come to finally trust her. Their conversations remained between them. She somehow always made him feel better. He knew why everyone loved her so much...and he had caught the Tohru plague as well. And though he never admitted it...he loved her too.

They sat there together in each other’s embrace for quite some time, listening to the faint sounds of the others beginning to tire...and they were sure everyone was soaked. But, when Haru had returned to normal, it was his turn to be shot to death with milk pistols.

It was still early in the evening but much cooler when they were deciding to return. The sun hadn’t set yet but it was lower in the sky, and beginning to change color.

Tohru glanced at Akito when she felt him shiver. “ I think I’m going to stop back at the house before going back. I want to get changed into something warmer.”

“ Sounds like a plan,” Tohru replied, helping him up. Both stared at each other for what seemed like a long time. If the saying said that the eyes were a gateway to the soul...they were certainly doing some soul searching.

“ Tohru...”

“ Yes?”

“ Should I really live every day like it was my last?”

“ It wouldn’t hurt. It’s a good way to be sure there are no regrets.”

He was quiet a moment before he finally took a deep breath. “ Then, I would like to ask you a favor?”

“ Of course,” She beamed. “ You know I’ll gladly do what I can for you.”

“ A kiss.”

This caught her offguard, “ What?”

“ I’m never going to be married. I’m never going to have children. I don’t even want to think about putting that pressure on anyone. And I don’t think I have the energy to hunt for that relationship. The others have all had exposure to those things. I’m well aware many of them are not virgins. I know some of them have had relationships...some that are and some that are not to my knowledge. I...I wonder what that intimacy is like.”

“ I...I like you, Akito. But I don’t think I could sleep with you.”

“ That wasn’t what I asked.” He replied. “ I am well aware of that. I just....want to kiss you.”

She blushed, contemplating this. Was this a joke? “ O...okay...”

He blushed a little as well. It stuck out though, on his light skin. He placed a hand on her arm. And somehow...it became natural from there as she slid into his embrace and he lowered his head so his lips could meet hers. And he wasn’t kidding. This wasn’t just some little smooch. He kissed her the way a man kisses a woman and he held her as though she were precious.

Tohru was split. She was shocked...that cute innocent side of her in a frenzy over this whole thing....but...she wasn’t 16 anymore. She felt that adult in her melt into him. For someone who didn’t do stuff like this often...if at all...he was sure very good at it. A part of her almost wished he’d reconsider...and ask her to go further. But, the fantasy was just that...a fantasy. Her logic would have always prevented such a thing. She was glad of that reflex.

He released her gently and she could only let out a very heavy exhale. Her color definitely showed her approval. “ That.....” she breathed

“ .....is our secret,” he finished for her. “ We should hurry up. I’m sure they’ve realized we aren’t with them anymore.”

She followed him off the rooftop and followed him to his home and went with him inside. She sat outside his bedroom as he went in to change into his mor common black top and slacks. Though he’d grown older, his size and frame hadn’t changed that much from when Tohru had first met him.

He met her at his bedroom door and peered down at her. “ Ready?”

He helped her up, slipping an envelope into the pocket of her shorts. She was well aware he’d done it...watched him...and was a little confused.

“ Read it later.” He told her before walking off. She was really puzzled now, but snapped out of it, realizing he was leaving her behind. So, she chased after him.


Love, a love, a love, a love

A love, a love, a love

Still falls the rain

Still falls the rain


“ I have a question,” Kyo asked. Everyone, soaked from the milk, were all forced to change...and all were in traditional Japanese robes...much like they’d wear during their New Years dances. The difference was that everyone was wearing one....and that Kyo had one. “ What’s the deal with these?”

“ We dance in them.” Yuki replied. “ Don’t you remember? I wore this thing this year.”

“ So why do I have one?”

“ Because I’m going to ask you to do something no one before me has ever asked of the cat.” Akito said. Everyone turned to look at him.

“ And....what’s that?” Kyo asked.

“ I want you to dance for me, Kyo. Surely Shigure said something to you.”

“ He did say to get a dance together...but I wasn’t sure for what.”

“ Well, now you know. But, you won’t have to dance just yet. I would prefer to go in the order of the zodiac.”

“ So you want me to dance again?” Yuki asked.

“ Very much. I have asked Hatori to bring out the radio so you could have your music.”

“ What is Kyo going to do for music?” Tohru asked. “ He doesn’t normally get to dance...and if he’s made up one...how will it compare to the music if he’s not heard it?”

“ I already handled it,” Shigure smiled, patting Kyo on the shoulder.

“ He gave me music,” Kyo verified. “ Those were the guidelines.”

“ Marvelous,” Akito clapped, sitting on the table and getting comfortable. “ I’m really excited. I love watching the dance. Poetry in motion. He turned on the radio and Yuki’s music began to play. The rat, in his shimmering attire began the dance. He got very much into it as he always did. His expression painting a picture with his movements as the brush. Akito never took his eyes off him, and softened...the same as he had done that January at the soft yet bold movements....so graceful and beautiful...a tranquility and cunning befitting the rat.

And, after being lost in what felt like the eternity of beauty, the dance ended. It was as if Akito had forgotten to breathe as he took an inhale...and felt the strain off of his chest. But, with grace and care, rather than stop and wait to be announced, Rat gave way to Ox with great fluidity as though a natural flow...and so was how the dances would go...one musical track gracing into the next with their patron doing the same.

Hatsuharu was dressed in a gown of brown and white....and unlike Yuki, Haru wore bells. Bells were attached to his slippers as well as to several key parts of the outfit, allowing a song to come from the dance as well as from the radio. It was the perfect chance to get in the practice, Haru would be giving this dance at the next New Years gathering. It was a series of graceful stomps and perfectly choreographed jerks and bows, maximizing the affect the bells added to the music.

The music began to change and out went Haru and in his place came Kisa. She draped carefully in her outfit, and had ribbons about her arms and legs as though they were stripes. She wore a veil and her hat had tiny little tiger ears on it. Around her neck she wore the teeth and claws in a necklace. Her dance was almost gymnastic with many twisting backbends and fluid movements to keep the stripes in constant movement. Her dance was full of bends and bows and twists...as though she was a tigress on the hunt and then on the chase.

Tohru sucked in a breath in awe. She’s never seen Kisa dance and had always wanted to ask what it looked like. It was a pure story. That’s what it was. And as all good stories do, it came to an end to make way for the next...


A love, a love, a love, a love

A love, a love, a love

Still falls the rain


Momiji was the next. Tohru was very excited. Shigure had tried to explain in great detail Momiji’s dance. But it was obvious words would never do the rabbit justice. It was good Momiji was hyper, for his dance was very fast paced...with many very sudden stops and jerks...then and endless slew of fast and complicated steps. The way his robes were designed, it hid the ridiculousness of how he was supposed to move...and rather disguised it with fabric folding this way and that. There were many complicated steps involving hops and crouches and a lot of work on Momiji’s toes. His arms often had to represent erect ears in a lot of the stops, which left him on his toes. The bends of his elbows signified the floppiness of the rabbit’s ears before becoming just one giant movement again.

Everyone suddenly backed away, leaving a lot of space as Momiji hopped from the center of attention...leaving a large vacancy as the music quieted, then let out a loud powerful sound with a thunderous background. It was a very breathtaking and intimidating...frightening and intriguing piece of music. Then...came Hatori.

He had the most serious look on his face...a part of the facade. In his hand, he held a long sword. Hatori’s movements were very bold and striking, with the sword being very forcefully swung about, causing the blade to sing as it vibrated and gave to the force of the winds created by the strikes.

“ Why does he have a sword?” Tohru whispered to Akito.

“ The dragon always dances with a sword,” Akito explained just as quietly. “ He may turn into a seahorse, but the mythological dragon is said to have a mighty tail that can strike up winds and blow mountains into pebbles. It’s a very symbolic piece of the beast. The sword represents the tail and the sounds relaying from it are merely samples of what one would hear. Imagine that amplified hundreds of times.”

Tohru covered her mouth and continued to watch Hatori. She became lost in his movements as she had with the others, taking in the visions of the story he painted with every step and every swing. And suddenly, he and the music stopped on a dime, the sword held out on an outstretched arm with Hatori facing the opposite direction. Just as quickly the music restarted to a new tune with Hatori taking wide steps away, and in came Ayame.

The snake was dressed in robes of white and silver and pale yellow. The silver fabric gleamed in the light, showing the pattern of scales along Ayame’s body. Ayame’s robe also had a bit of a train to follow behind him. His movements were very well-rounded. And Tohru was astonished at just how flexible Ayame was. But she was a bit surprised, letting out a yelp when Ayame’s hand shot out, nearly clipping her nose. She got a few snickers directed at her.

The snake, she figured, must have been striking in defense or attacking prey in that part of the musical story. Indeed, Ayame’s hands in most of the dance were to represent the snake’s head and the other arm to represent the rest of the body. With his own body interpreting a sense of harmony in the melody of his hands.


A love, a love, a love, a love

A love, a love, a love

And bound forever

And bound forever


Ayame came to a close, slinking from the center as the music picked up a bit of a percussion. In came Rin, dressed in robes of brown and tan, tussles of black horse hair draped off her shoulders and the back. Her headpiece was a long headdress coming down between her shoulders, horse hair along the center much like a real horse’s mane.

Her steps her high and rough. Not as graceful as Tohru would have hoped. She was graceful in her own way, being able to make high kicks in her dance. It was indeed a lovely dance, but certainly not one of Tohru’s favorite....or Akito’s either it seemed as he had taken a sudden interest in his fingernails when Rin had come to dance.

His interest returned when he saw Hiro replace Rin. His robes were rather slim fitting along the top with huge puffs of fleece about his upper arms, wrists and ankles. The headpiece looked almost like an old European wig with a blue piece up top, looking almost like a butterfly. He, like Haru, wore bells on his outfit. Except Hiro’s bells were worn on his fingers and dangled from his ears. Smaller, daintier bells which made a much higher pitched noise. After all, a sheep was much smaller than a cow....and much softer.

His steps consisted of skips and frolics. Tohru began to wish she were able to have seen him do it years previously, when he was so little and cute. It seemed to her...his age and size took away from the initial beauty of the dance. But the next dance...she had indeed seen before...and was perhaps most precious....holding many memories of that first New Years she had spent with the Sohmas at he estate.

Ritsu, dressed in robed of violet and cream with red shoulder pieces and a red cap, was next to come out. His robes were split...and shortened to show his puffy cream colored pants and brown slippers. For the timid person Ritsu was, the dance was very happy, very cunning, and very assertive. It was full of playful movements and therein, Ritsu smiled throughout it, save a part here and there where he made a cute surprised face. The dance just brought the mood into a higher place, making the others laugh with glee and smile.


A love, a love, a love

A love, a love, a love


Out with one colorful character and in with another as Kureno LEAPT into the center, spreading his arms. His robes were colors of autumn, almost resembling a mummer’s style, pieces of fabric hanging from it to represent his feathers. Kureno was quite wild in his dance which seemed like something between street dancing, break dancing and something choreographed for Broadway. Flips and twists and even hoots and loud cries from him made those who saw him cover their racing hearts.

But just as fast as it had begun, Kureno leapt out of the center as the music slowed, almost to a lazy pace as Shigure, dressed in charcoal and tan took a wide step in. His movements seemed lazy yet intriguing. But, the music soon picked up and so did the style. Shigure made a slow movement until he came to a stop...then took the available space to circle about the center, like a dog that had caught the scent of it’s prize. The eagerness expressed in his movements and expression just made him more loveable. But, just for good measure to end his dance, he darted towards Kagura...who, on her way into the center, chased him out with great fervor.

Kagura’s dance was very rough in style. It was aggressive and swift. But, by no means did it mean it was unattractive. But it was a wonderful climactic dance which ended with a big bang and Kagura dropping to her knees with the style only she could pull off. It was then...the music stopped.


A love, a love, a love

A love, a love, a love


They all came together to catch their breath, going towards the table to get their drinks. In this weather, even if it had cooled, they were sweating up a storm. Akito glanced over to Kyo, dressed in robes that almost made him appear calico. They were slim-fitting. Akito had mentioned he had wanted to see the muscles of Kyo’s body when he danced, just as he had watched the cat in the garden. But, being robes, it draped over him...almost like he was wearing a toga. It actually excited Akito to see Kyo in it.

Kyo had hand pieces as well. A pair of high gloves were hidden up his arms, but the end came down the back of his hands, clasping about his middle fingers. He wore something like a collar about his neck, a bell on the front. He didn’t have a headpiece...not like the others. He instead had a half-mask, covering his eyes, save the holes for him to see through. But it was attached to a stick which he had to hold manually...meaning he wouldn’t be wearing it except for brief moments during the dance.

Akito began his music....finger cymbals, a triangle, bamboo and a sort of bongo drum began the intro. It only led Kyo to take long but graceful, careful steps into the center. He swallowed hard, wondering if he could really do this. This was his chance right? He was finally going to belong? He was a part of the zodiac today...and...he should milk it for everything! He nodded mentally and released as the music picked up, leading Kyo into moves a few of them were surprised he could do.

His dance consisted of jumps, a twisting back flip, stretches, very complicated, contorted backbends, which indeed exposed how his muscles had to stretch to accommodate the position. He got into another and nearly held onto his own heels and by some freak blessing of nature, he rolled almost like a wheel completely around onto his feet again, squatted down before he was almost nearly lying down, stretching again, and somehow managing to bend his hands back, get into a backbend, pull his legs over his body and stand upright again with the turn.

As complicated as it was to put into words, the dance was amazing...and Akito was very obviously impressed. He had let his eyes wander over Kyo’s body with every step, studying his every move, every stretch, every muscle. He indeed had mastered what Akito had hoped for in this dance...but he only fleetingly could think of the kitten that made him want to see it. The stray was...a kitten. Kyo...was a full grown man. And the masculinity of the dance had not gone unnoticed by the head of the family who actually felt himself grow very warm...and had to fake a casual drink from his bottled water...which was full when he started and when he had gotten his fill...was empty.

Kyo ended his dance with a squat, leaping back into a backflip, landing on his hands and dropping back into a squat...the music ending suddenly. There was no response....nothing.

“ If...I had...to...make a fool out....of myself...” Kyo panted, “ ...you could.... at least...have the decency...to...say something!”

“ I’m speechless,” Akito said, merely making the others nod. “ That was by far the most complicated thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine you doing that every 12 years.”

“ Good? Bad?”

“ Very good,” He replied without even holding back his excitement. Tohru nodded. “ That was amazing Kyo. I never thought you could get into those positions!”

“ I can get into those positions,” Ayame suddenly added, and was responded with a what upside the head from Yuki.

Tohru rushed over, “ I’m so proud of you, Kyo!”

“ NO!” Everyone shouted in unison...but too late. In the pile of clothes sat a rather puzzled Kyo kitty. Akito came up behind the nervous Tohru, picking Kyo up and holding him as he had often held the stray.

“ Tohru, could you bring his clothes....after a dance like that....I’m sure a big bowl of water is in order.”

“ Don’t treat me like a REAL cat!” Kyo shouted as the others laughed.


And we’ll be the only ones

To keep you from the cold

Now a floral fantasy

It starts of blies and stone


Tohru went about cleaning up the party by the lamplight. Momiji, Ritsu, Kisa and Yuki all helped her, moreso wanting to keep her company. Kyo was dead asleep nearby, still worn out from that dance. The others were about, relaxing, winding down, energy fading. Everyone had to admit today was perhaps the most fun they’d ever had together....with Akito.....ever. He was so approachable....like he was actually one of them...and not above them.

Ritsu suddenly picked up an envelope and looked at it, “ Did someone forget to send out mail? Oh...Tohru, you’re name’s on it.”

“ Tohru’s getting love letters?” Momiji teased. “ Ritsu, don’t be ashamed.”

“ It’s not from me,” He blushed. “ I seriously found it.”

“ It must have fallen out of my pocket,” Tohru replied.

“ So it’s from...Yuki?” Momiji smiled.

“ I don’t need to write a letter. I tell her. She lives with me, remember?” The rat replied.

“ Who IS it from?” Kisa asked.

“ Akito gave it to me earlier.”

“ Akito?” Yuki arched a brow. “ What is it?”

“ Good question. He said to read it later...and it’s later. So, I guess it’s okay to read it. Where is Akito anyway?”

“ He was getting tired,” Kisa replied. “ Shigure took him home.”

“ He’s not used to so much excitement in one day,” Momiji giggled. Even though he had grown up a lot...he still had that cuteness about his personality.

Tohru opened the envelope, a key landing in her hand. She looked it over, examining it. “ A key?”

“ Hey! That’s the key to that old house that we renovated!” Momiji pointed. “ The one with the big balcony on the roof!”

“ Why...would he give me a key to that house?” She asked...more to herself than anyone.

“ There’s a letter,” Yuki replied. “ Maybe he tells you why.”

Tohru handed Yuki the key, pulling the letter from the envelope. What she read was indeed something she didn’t expect:


I’ve known you for a good many years now, and you have become a part of this family. I may not have always seemed like it, but looking back at life, I’m really glad to have met someone like you. It’s not everyday a person like you exists. Ritsu once told me you had a conversation about a purpose in life. Once you were in my way, but when I think back on it...perhaps your purpose was indeed to be here for this family. You have been able to do things with these people that I could never even dream of. I was wrong. I was hurtful. But no matter what I did to those cursed by the zodiac, somehow you managed to always erase my deeds.

I can’t compete with you and frankly I don’t want to anymore. You win, just as everyone believed you would. Even I have become quite entranced by your character...and I can’t imagine this family without you being a part of it. As per tradition, you know our secret, Tohru. And you are family. You’re welcome to live on the estate. The home to match the key is yours if you wish to take it. You’ll certainly be of much use here....where I have been of very little use. I couldn’t solve their problems...in fact I caused many of them. I’m sorry. Whether they can forgive me or not...I’m sorry. You make a much better leader to them than I. And you always want the best for everyone.

I won’t stand in the way anymore. I can’t keep the zodiac to myself anymore...no matter how hard I try. It’s obvious all of their hearts belong to you when I strived to force them to be mine. And it’s very obvious you wish to give your heart to one of them. And I’m not going to stand in the way of that. Perhaps it’s time I start giving something other than my negative and violent criticism.....my blessings.

Welcome home,

Sohma Akito.

Tohru had to wipe her cheeks dry. His letter had brought her to tears.

“ That’s some pretty heavy stuff, Tohru,” Momiji said. “ I’ve never heard or seen anything like that from him.”

“ Y’know,” Ritsu chimed in, “ y’know what it kinda sounds like?”

Yuki shot up, and it was like a domino reaction since the others shot up with him and began to run like crazy towards Akito’s house, picking up the attention of the others [except Kyo who was dead asleep], who also followed. For them to appear with faces of such panic....something was up.


They shine for you

They shine for you

They burn for all to see

Come into my arms again

And set this spirit free


Shigure watched the fireflies from the door separating Akito’s room from the porch.

“ That was a very lovely night. I’d say it was a success.”

Akito nodded as he yawned.

“ And it seems you got your fill. You look beat.”

“ I don’t think I can remember EVER feeling as tired as I am tonight. I feel like I could sleep forever. That’s alright though. It just means I can hold onto this moment longer.”

“ You’ve been very cheerful and sociable today,” Shigure chuckled. “ You feeling alright?”

“ I...actually feel much better than I’ve ever felt.”Akito replied. “ I don’t feel ill...but on top of that, it feels like the heaviest weights of guilt and burden have been lifted off my body. I feel so light. I feel...I dunno...satisfied....completely....”

“ Content?”

“ Peaceful. I needed this, I think. I feel like I accomplished something very important. It...was rather nice to have everyone treat me like I was close to them...it was nice to swallow the pride.”

“ I’m surprised you didn’t choke on it,” Shigure teased.

“ I suppose I was following Tohru’s advice. I was so worried that I’d leave with regrets...and that I’d leave everyone else with bitterness.”

“ How did Tohru help you through that?”

“ She told me to live every day as though it were my last. And then I could avoid making choices that leave regret and bitterness. I suppose it’s like the ending of that Charles Dickens book. Christmas Carol was it? I’m a reformed Scrooge.”

Shigure laughed as Akito yawned again. “ That’s Tohru though. She always has something inspiring to say.”

Akito got up, moving inside and kneeling on the floor in the room. He stretched and watched as Shigure continued to watch the fireflies. He smiled. This felt so right...so perfect. He’d never felt so warm before. It made everything inside of him tingle. It was such an interesting feeling that he had to embrace himself, wrapping his arms about the front of him, feeling his heart bang against his ribs. It was almost a drunken feeling, this happiness, this satisfaction. He’d somehow managed to make up with everyone and spend the best day of his life with all of them. He’d treasure it forever and for always. He loved them. He loved them. All of them. No matter what differences they had in the past...he loved them.

He lay himself down, stretching along the floorboards before getting cozy, curling up in a comfortable position. He took long deep breaths as he closed his eyes, feeling himself drift and all the outside noises begin to go quiet.

“ Well, I think this was a wonderful idea. And I think this will definitely be a great tradition to have,” Shigure said. “ It’s a nice way for all of the zodiac to get together, forget their differences and act like a real family....not having to worry about hiding anything.”

He didn’t get an answer and he peered over his shoulder. “ Oh, did you fall asleep already? You really WERE exhausted.”

He chuckled as he got up, coming closer to Akito and getting comfortable, stroking his hair and face. He did this for several minutes before he got a strange feeling in his chest. He peered down at Akito again. He sure looked asleep. But...something wasn’t right. Akito was not usually so quiet a sleeper. He wasn’t a loud sleepers either, but Shigure always remembered Akito having a slight snore.

He felt his heart jump into his throat as he brought his hand over Akito’s face. He couldn’t feel the air coming from his nose. His eyes grew panicked and he shook Akito.

“ Akito...Akito, don’t scare me like this. C’mon, wake up. You’re alright.”

Nothing...not a movement...nothing.

“ Akito....please...Akito! Akito, wake up!”

It didn’t matter how rough Shigure shook him....nothing...Akito didn’t stir, didn’t choke on a snore, just stayed the way he was, no much more free than a ragdoll in Shigure’s movements. Shigure grabbed him, scooping him up and looking into his face, his mouth slightly open and eyes closed as though it was that simple...he had just fallen asleep...but there was nothing. Shigure felt his neck.....his wrist....listened...nothing. No pulse...no heartbeat...nothing.

“ HATORI!” He shouted with a panicked cry.

As if somehow it was all planned, the door was rushed open with 13 people nearly falling in and horrified at what awaited them. Akito’s limp body lay in Shigure’s arms as the dog tries desperately to get him to wake up.

Hatori rushed over, pulling out his stethoscope, and making Shigure put the body down. The others crowded about, terrified. He had to be alright. He had to be. This was some horrible joke or misunderstanding! But....Hatori, who would normally sit back up casually and wave everyone’s worries off....didn’t move. He released the cup of the stethoscope to hold himself up with both arms. His silence...his posture....it created a horrible feeling about the room and nothing needed to be said. It was clear what Hatori was going to say...if he got the strength...the courage.

“ Hatori,” Shigure asked, trying to sound calm but still very frightened. The dog grabbed the dragon’s arm, “ Hatori...tell me he’s alright. He’s just really exhausted and sleeping, right?”

Was he trying to convince himself more than anyone else? Was he trying to make the tears falling from his face tears of relief?

“ Hatori!”

Hatori trembled and clenched his hands into fists and slowly shook his head, pressing his eyes tight, his teardrop falling from his face and onto the body’s shirt.

“ No, he can’t be!” Tohru cried out. “ Check him again! He was fine! He was playing! He was healthy! He was just talking to us a few minutes ago!”

Hatori still couldn’t speak and simply shook his head slowly again.

“ I’m not going to believe it!” Shigure shouted, pushing Hatori out of the way and scooping up Akito again.

“ Akito! You can’t leave us like this! Akito! Akito, please! Akito! AKITO!”