Heres the list not in any order but here it is!!!!
Don't know how to bind keys? No problem. I'll try to teach you. First you press the button that looks like this ~ it's next to the 1 button. Then type bind (letter being binded here) +power1. If you bind a second one you type bind (letter being binded here) +power2.(i.e. ~ bind v +power1 then for a second one bind l +power2 and so on)
Bind Keyed Powers and some regular powers
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- Shang Chi................................Ki & fightning
- Robin........................................Utility add-on
- Spy............................................Morph into Enemy
- Invisible Man..........................Invisible/harder to see
- Bazooka..................................Rocket Launcher
- Terminator..............................Power
- Electro......................................Chain lightning
More powers Yay!!!!
- Anubis.........................................Dark notice
- Batman.......................................Utility Belt
- Bomberman..............................Remote bombs
- Captain America.....................Super Sheild
- Daredevil..................................ESP
- Dazzler......................................Sparkle Flash
- Dracula......................................Vampiric Drain
- Flash.......................................... Super Sheild
- Hobgoblin.................................Hobgoblin Grenades
- Hulk.........................................Power stomp
- Human Torch.......................Light enemies on Fire
- Iron Man.................................Rocket pack
- Kamakazee..........................Explosives
- Mystique................................Change into Enemy
- NightCrawler.........................Walk through walls
- Punisher.................................unlimited ammo/bonus reload
- Skeletor.................................Summon monster
- Spiderman............................Web hook
- Wind Walker........................Silent wind
- Wolverine.............................Auto heal+Super knive
- Colussus...............................Iron body
- Green Arrow........................Green Arrows
- Poison Ivy............................Poison
- Superman............................Health/Armor/Gravity
People involved in getting this list to u