Title: The change

Couple: X/Anya X/S

Rating: R

Distribution: Like it? Take it!

Feed back: Yes please!

Disclaimer: Sadly Joss owns all.

Summary: Xander goes through an interesting change.

Author: james_chick

"Oh God, harder!"

The sounds of flesh on flesh filled the room. The scent of sex was heavy in the air. The sight of pale skin and blonde hair underneath bronze skin and luxurious dark brown hair.

"Gods, yes! XANDER!"


Silence. And then....




"Oh Shit!"

Sounds of panic, clothing being thrown on in haste. Xander tries to run, to escape. He has really screwed up this time.

He freezes.

Can't move.

Feels himself changing, looks in the mirror across the room.

Sees his recently restored to demon status girlfriend, demon faced and glaring.

Sees a beautiful dark haired woman wearing his clothes.

Realizes what has happened.


"Serves you right Xander! I gave you another chance and you hurt me again."

"Anya, please."

Wants to say he didn't mean it. That Spike means nothing to him. He can't. That would be a lie.

"Please what Xander? Change you back? I don't think so. In fact I'm going to leave you like this. And I've made you Immortal. Eternity as a beautiful woman. A fitting punishment."

She disappears.

Xander looks at his reflection.

He smiles.

He goes to the door and opens it.

He wants to see what Spike thinks of the new Xander.

"Oh, Anya. You really are an idiot. Aren't you."

He's gotten exactly what he wanted.

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