Title: The change part 2

Couple: X/S

Rating: R

Distribution: Like it? Take it!

Feed back: Yes please!

Disclaimer: Sadly Joss owns all.

Summary: Xander goes through an interesting change.

Author: james_chick


"Who in the bloody hell knocks on my door?"

Spike opens the door.

He stares, not believing what he sees.


Xander is a woman.

An attractive woman.

"Spike? Can I come in?"

"Uh...sure pet."

Xander follows Spike into the crypt.

Neither speaks.

The silence is deafening.


"What the fuck happened to you? Red fall off the spell wagon?"


"Your bird turned you into a woman? Why?"

"I called someone else’s name....during sex."


More silence.



More silence.

"Is it permanent then?"

"More so. She made me immortal, eternity as a beautiful woman."

"I can work with that, so ya fancy me then, eh?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Can't say I never thought about you, even as a man you were an attractive bugger."

"So the woman thing wasn't necessary?"

"You did that on purpose? Set the demon bint up so she'd curse you?"


"How'd you know what she'd turn you into?"

"Told her once it was my worst fear. She bought it."

"That's evil pet, I like it."


"Wanna shag then?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

The sounds of flesh on flesh filled the room. The scent of sex was heavy in the air. The sight of pale skin and blonde hair looming over bronze skin and luxurious dark brown hair.

"Spike! Oh God! Spike!"

"Xander! Fuck!"

And all was right with the world.

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