Title: Crimson Death

Couple: W/S

Rating: NC17

Distribution: Like it? Take it!

Feed back: Yes please!

Disclaimer: Sadly Joss owns all.

Summary: Set 6 months after 'Scooby no more'

Part 1

Spike woke to the sounds of running water. Red was probably in the shower, he thought to himself. He got out of bed and pulled on his jeans. He picked up his cigarettes and put one in his mouth, he wandered out to the balcony before lighting it. She didn't like him smoking in the apartment.

He watched as a star shot across the night sky. He thought back on the last 6 months of his unlife. He had come back to Sunnyhell with the intension of killing the Slayer and her friends, turning Willow and running the Hellmouth. As usual, Spike's plan went to shit. Not that he was complaining. Much. His mate, if that's what she was, did a damn fine job as Master. Better than he would have, lack of patience and all. But he felt like something was off. He loved her, no doubt about that, but it wasn't what he was used to. He should be the dominant, he wasn't.

In the bedroom, or wherever they ended up, things were equal. He gave as good as he got, his witch enjoyed being put through the paces. It was the rest of his relationship with her that was....off? He hated to admit it but he felt as if he were back with Buffy.

The sex was great but after there was an emptiness. She'd go off to do her witchy things or deal with 'business' and he'd putter around and wait for her to need him again. Hell, he couldn't even get in a decent spot of violence anymore. Once word got out in the demon community that he was the master's....fuck? No one would mess with him, no matter how much he instigated a fight. Patrolling with the Scoobies had left him craving the strength of demon opponents. Humans weren't a challenge anymore.

Just when he thought his unlife was getting back on track he had to go and fall for another domineering woman. Oh well, at least this one wanted him, wasn't ashamed to be seen with him, even if she didn't love him. He thought about leaving, getting on with his unlife somewhere else but he wasn't sure if she'd let him. As accustomed as he was to being in her presence she still scared the living hell out of him. He'd seen enough of her punishments to know that he never wanted to be on the receiving end of one.

Spike felt her standing behind him, he turned around and she slipped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. "What were you thinking about lover?" Spike let out an unnecessary sigh and answered. "Well, I was just thinking that maybe I'd go to LA for a few days, maybe terrorize my Sire or something. I'm kinda bored." She pulled away from him and headed back inside. "That sounds nice, when were you thinking about leaving?" "Dunno, maybe tomorrow. That okay with you?" Willow just chuckled at him. "Spike, since when do you need my permission to go away some where?"

Spike was visibly shaken, she had a valid point. He'd never gone anywhere since they'd been together, he had just assumed that she would expect him to ask before leaving but he was supposed to be the 'Big Bad'. He shouldn't need to ask if he could leave, even if he was terrified of pissing her off. "Right then. Just being polite is all. Figured you might want to know I was going." He watched her face for any sign of emotion. He saw none. What did he expect from someone known in the underworld as 'Crimson Death'.

"I would ask something of you? Mention nothing of my status or the Slayers death to Angel. He is unaware of how things have changed. I don't want to have to kill him just yet but if he comes here and tries to mess things up I will have to." Spike was struck dumb. He had no idea that she had kept things hidden from the LA crew. That put a bit of a cramp in his plans. "How'd you keep this from him? I mean it must have made the papers or something." She smiled at him as if he were a child. "I put a spell on the police, the coroners and the press. No one thought any of the deaths were suspicious. I was always the smart one, remember?"

Of course she would have thought of that, she was brilliant. He wondered what kind of plans she had in store for Angel. She would have killed him by now if she didn't need him for something.

"So then, I'm to keep my gob shut about the Scoobies tragic demise, what would you like me to tell him if he asks after them?" "Just tell him that you haven't been to good old Sunnyhell since you left. Then he'll have no need to question you further." Spike nodded in agreement.

"Now that that's settled, I think that since you're leaving me for a few days, I'd better get my fill of you while I still can." She swept her lust filled gaze appreciatively over his bare chest. Spike hardened instantly. This part of their relationship he had no questions about, it was pure sex. He'd never had such a wanton creature in his bed before. He loved every minute of it. "That sounds like a bloody marvelous plan luv."
