Part 10

Lilah Morgan sat at her desk going over her files on Angel Investigations. So far everything they had thrown at him had come back to bite her on her ass. She seriously hoped that her appointment tomorrow with the woman on the phone would end well for her. One more screw up in the Angel department might cost her life. The senior partners didn't take well to failure. The only thing the mystery woman said was that she could make it so Angel wouldn't be a problem for them anymore. It didn't sound like much but Lilah was getting desperate. If this panned out then she would get to continue living and maybe even get a promotion out of it. She finished looking through the files and locked them in her desk. She decided to head home for the night, get a decent sleep for a change.

Across town Angel and Connor were in the training room sparring. Everyone else was gone home for the night. "So are you ever going to tell me who that blond Vampire at the bar was?" Angel put his weapon down and motioned for Connor to have a seat. "That was Spike. He was my Childe, I made him when I was Angelus." "So Gunn was right. He told me that's who he thought it was. So does that make him like my evil brother or something?" Angel was clearly shocked. He hadn't even considered the blood ties between his child and his Childe. "I don't really know how to answer that. He carries my blood as you do, but not the same way. You are my son, made by the man in me. Spike is a man that was turned into a monster. He was made by the demon in me. I would say that you are not in any way related to Spike. Evil step brother might be the most fitting description." Connor was amused by Angel's rambling. This was the most he'd ever heard him speak about his Vampire family. "So why didn't you stake him? He is evil right?"

That was a very good question. One that Angel didn't know how to answer. He explained about how Spike had been chipped and spent Two years fighting along side the Slayer and doing battle against demons and what not. "I guess I just wasn't thinking about it. I got used to Spike being one of the good guys. I'll have to keep in mind that he isn't anymore. You should too. He's not a young fledge. If he comes after you, don't try to take him on yourself if you can help it." "Okay, stay away from evil step brother. Got it." Angel and Connor shared a smile before heading off to their rooms to clean up.

Spike and Willow spent the late afternoon and early evening hours enjoying each others bodies in every imaginable way. The sex had been slow and sweet, hard and fast, and sometimes painful and messy. The blood in the carpet itself looked like something from the scene of a homicide. Spike had agreed to go to LA with her the next day. He would wait for her at a bar while she spoke to the lawyer. They were currently deciding on a new look for her meeting tomorrow. She had tried everything from 'Dumb Blond' to 'Old Lady' and still they couldn't decide. It was though, he liked the tall thin black haired beauty in the business suit while she was torn between the petite strawberry blonde bookish type and the older gray haired librarian look. In the end Spike won out by saying that the older one reminded him of a female Giles where as the strawberry blonde wasn't intimidating enough. So she now had her disguise all she needed was to strengthen her power-masking spell before leaving Sunnydale in the morning. It wouldn't do her any good to let Angel know she was coming. Of course she would have to mask her claim on Spike as well, she just wouldn't tell him that or he'd get himself into trouble.
