Part 11

The following afternoon found Willow at the law firm of Wolfram & Hart. Spike dropped her off out front of the building before going to find himself a cozy bar to have a few drinks. She could feel the presence of numerous demons, seers, witches and the over all aura of evil. She felt right at home. No one in this building was as powerful as her though, that thought made her smile. She looked as though she belonged there in her dark blue business suit with the short skirt and the very high heels. It contrasted well with her now raven hair and soulful blue eyes. Spike spent half the trip down staring at her legs. She almost giggled when she remembered how she threatened him with blindness if she ever caught him looking at someone else like that. She was joking of course. Well maybe, but he didn't know that. He kept his eyes on the road for the rest of the drive after that.

Willow waited in the reception area for about 15 minutes before being shown to Ms. Morgan's office. She had anticipated that. These lawyers were all the same, make you wait so that they have the upper hand. Not in this case they didn't. After settling in a chair and looking at the woman across the desk from her, Willow suddenly wondered why she didn't just zap the book into her hands and leave. But she was already here so she might as well try to do this the friendly way first.

"Hello, I'm Lilah Morgan. We spoke on the phone, and you would be?" Willow smiled at the woman but declined to shake the hand that was held in front of her. "A friend, or more likely an ally. We have a common problem as I told you. Angel. I can take care of him for a fee." Lilah looked the dark haired woman over carefully. "And what kind of fee would you be asking for?" "A book, I know that your firm holds it in possession. I want it." Lilah didn't trust this woman, something about her was off. "Which book? And just how exactly will you take care of Angel? The senior partners have a lot invested in what happens to him."

"Oh, I won't kill him. I'll simply restore Angelus to his former glory getting that pesky soul out of the way." Lilah smirked at the woman. "How, by sleeping with him? Please honey you don't look his type. He prefers blondes from what I can tell. Besides we already tried that."

Willow could barely contain her rage. Who did this woman think she was assuming that she would whore herself out to Angel of all people! It would have been sooo easy to set her aflame or turn her to dust or age her to 100. Instead she took a deep breath, plastered on a fake smile and told her the barest outline of her plan. She left her a number where she could be reached - Spikes cell phone- and told her that she expected an answer within the hour. Then she left.

Meanwhile around the corner Spike was having a few beers and shooting some pool with a couple of Braxion demons. They passed for human except for their eyes, Bright purple with yellow pupils. He had won a few bucks off the one but the other was steadily kicking his ass. It was starting to piss him off. He declined the next game and went and sat at the bar. He ordered another beer and watched the soccer game that was being broadcast on the TV. He smelled someone familiar and turned around to see the kid that was with his sire the day before. He nodded at him and the kid came over. "So kid, how's yer dad? Warn you to stay away from big scary Spike?" Connor laughed at him. "Yeah basically. You know the whole 'Evil Step brother' thing. I was trying to figure out if we were related in any way, I don't understand Vamps real well yet." Spike chuckled. "Well seein as how you got Angel's blood running in yer veins and so do I guess that makes us half brothers. Who's yer mum? The cheerleader?" Connor laughed again. "Cordelia? No, she tries though. If I had been raised here she would have been though. My mother was a Vampire. I never knew her. She staked herself to save me. I was dying inside of her." Spike frowned. "Shitty bit o luck you've had. What was her name?" "Darla. That's what my dad said anyway." Spike widened his eyes and his mouth dropped open. "Bloody hell! That makes no sense at all. Angel hated Darla." Connor just shrugged.

Willow stepped into the bar and saw Spike talking with a dark haired young man. Knowing Spike he was looking for an early meal. She approached the pair and took a seat next to Spike. Spike wanted to introduce her to Angel's son but wasn't sure how exactly to do that. She didn't really have a name these days. And Red wasn't going to work. "Hey uh...Raven" He said as he nudged her. She smiled at him and raised an eyebrow in question. He gave her a sheepish grin. "I want you to meet someone. This here is Connor." Willow looked at the boy and then looked at Spike wondering why he was introducing her to his next meal. She thought the 'Raven' comment was inventive at least. "Pleased to meet you Connor." Connor looked at the beautiful black haired woman sitting next to Spike. "Are you a Vampire as well?" That shocked her, apparently he wasn't food after all. "No I'm not. Why do you ask?" "No reason, just figured Spike's a Vamp so it was a reasonable assumption." Willow looked at Spike and he quickly explained. "Connor here is Angel's son. His very human son, who's mother was Darla." Willow paled slightly. "The child of prophecy." She almost whispered. Spike's brow shot up and Connor, suddenly feeling uncomfortable got up and made his way to the door. Neither the Witch nor the Vampire took much notice. They were too busy staring at one another.
