Part 13

At some point during the trip back to Sunnyhell Spike recalled part of the conversation he had with Angel the day before. He remembered Angel telling him that Wolfram & Hart were going to kill Connor when he was an infant. Not that he gave a rats ass one way or the other but he thought Red might be interested seeing as she was working with them right now. That and the prophecy thing. If he learned one thing working with the watcher it was that prophecies were not to be ignored. "Hey Red, I just remembered something. The other day when I saw Angel he told me that that law firm had tried to kill his kid. I sorta forgot all about it till just now. I figured with the prophecy you'd want to know."

Willow tried to keep her anger from getting the best of her. She knew that Spike wasn't purposely with holding information from her. It was just that she was so close to getting what she wanted. This could end up being important. She took a few calming breaths before responding. "Okay, I asked you if you had heard of the law firm last night. You shook your head that usually means no. But here you are telling me that Wolfram & Hart tried to kill the child of prophecy, and you forgot?" Spike ducked his head and looked guilty. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that luv. After Angel tricked me into revealing you, I sort of forgot everything else."

It was a reasonable excuse. She knew Spike wasn't the most attentive conversationalist. Hell he couldn't pay attention to any one thing for very long. Well except torturing and shagging. If it were possible, she'd swear he had A.D.D. "It's fine, but I'll definitely have to find out more about this prophecy. Maybe the Watcher's Council will know something." Spike looked at her incredulously. "Tell me you're not gonna call Rupert bloody Giles." Willow laughed. "Not necessary, I've hacked into the councils database. I know everything they do. I'll just dig around a bit and if I can't find anything then I'll have to just e-mail them and ask." At Spikes confused statement she went on to explain. "Before Buffy died, before Giles went back to England he set Willow up with a phony ID at the council. This way Buffy would still have access to council records when Giles wasn't around. I've never used it before, never really had to."

The more Spike learned about his mate the more impressed he was. He always knew that Willow had a darkness in her. He just assumed it was a very small part of her. Now he was starting to think that she was a hell of a lot darker than anyone ever imagined. Maybe it was a good thing that he didn't turn her after all. With all that darkness and a demon inside her she'd have probably out done Angelus and sucked the world into hell. She had access to the Watcher's Council records. That meant she knew the names of all the future Slayers as well as where they lived. He'd have to see if he could get a list from her.

"So what's next on the agenda? Releasing Angelus?" He wasn't really looking forward to that. Even though Angelus no longer had any claims on him he still had a natural fear of the Vampire who sired him. That and a small part of him wasn't entirely convinced that he wouldn't lose his mate to him. "Not yet, I still have to get everything ready. I need some things before the spell can be cast. It'll take a few days, some of this stuff is going to have to be imported." True there were a few things she didn't have but that wasn't the real reason for the delay. The spell called for the blood of a Slayer given willingly to a vampire. She needed to bleed a Vampire right after it fed from the Slayer, willingly of course. That meant that she had to tell about her little secret. She knew that Spike would be pissed when he found out she had Buffy this whole time. He came back to Sunnydale to kill her in the first place. Willow never told him because she knew he'd want to play with her. She still wasn't completely sure that Spike was over the Slayer. Seeing her might have brought it all back. She wasn't willing to risk it before, but now she had little choice. If he chose the Slayer over her...she would have to kill him.
