Part 14

By the time Spike parked the car Willow had made up her mind. She would tell him about the Slayer and what she needed him to do. She would watch his reaction carefully, if it even looked like he may still have feelings for Buffy then he would be made to pay. She loved him, but that wouldn't stop her from hurting him. She would never allow love to over ride her judgments again.

Spike knew Willow was keeping something from him. He hadn't survived this long without learning to read people. He just figured she would tell him when she was ready. It was probably something he didn't want know, especially if it concerned this spell and Angelus. He really wished that she would reconsider. He hated Angelus, both incarnations.

The elevator ride up to the apartment was made in silence. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. As soon as they were inside Willow spoke. "Spike, there's something I need to tell you about this spell." He knew it. It always came down to Angelus. "This is the part where you tell me that you haven't been completely honest with me right pet? Well big bloody shock there. I figured that much out on my own. Is it about Angelus?" Willow shook her head. "No. It's about the spell itself. I need the blood of a Slayer, freely given to a Vampire. Then I need to drain the Vampire immediately. Not to the death mind you." Spike was confused by this. "How the bloody hell are you going to get a Slayer to willingly feed a Vampire her blood? Besides isn't the new Slayer in Cleveland?"

Willow paced back and forth across the room. She hadn't come up with any easy way to tell him so she just stopped and blurted it out. "Not the new Slayer, Buffy. I want you to drain Buffy, then I will drain you. The spell will be completed and I will get what I want." She watched him to see his reaction. He actually looked as though he thought she was crazy. Then again, living with a loony bitch like Dru for a century, it was probably to be expected. "Red? You remember that Buffy's dead right? You killed her." Now for the fun part. "True. I did kill her. Funny thing about that, I decided death wasn't good enough. I brought her back." She watched as a purely evil smile crossed his handsome face. "Can I play with her before I drain her?"

He didn't look as though he felt anything for her any more. The true test would be when he saw her. "Of course lover, when did you want to do that?" He wanted to go right now but decided that he had a few questions he wanted to ask first. "Later, first I want to know how long she's been back." "About a week after she died." He was shocked. "Where have you been hiding her? And why didn't you tell me?" Now he was angry. She was here the whole time and Willow never said a word. "She's in the torture chamber, cloaked behind a magic shield. And I didn't tell you because I didn't have to. I don't answer to you Spike. don't forget that."

This wasn't going the way she had planned at all. Spike was angry, she was angry, and nothing was being accomplished. She needed to get the situation under control. "It wasn't about you. Do you remember the first time she came back? She was different, needy, desperate out of touch? She said she was in heaven before she was pulled back here. I decided that she shouldn't be rewarded for causing so much death and misery, so I brought her back. She thinks she's still dead, in her own personal hell. She doesn't realize that I'm not just some figment of her imagination that resembles her best friend. A best friend that tortures her repeatedly. I didn't tell you because you didn't need to know. Buffy was gone from your life, why bring her back into it?"

She had a point, but he was still pissed. "I came here to kill the bloody bitch! You robbed me of the satisfaction! I got over it, you had your own vendetta against her. Now I find out that you brought her back, when I showed up here that first night, she was alive and you kept me from her!" Willow's temper flared, how dare he yell at her. She let down her dampening spell and for the first time allowed him to feel her true power.

Spike felt the power radiating off her. It was overwhelming. His demon cowered into submission. Spike himself back away from her and lowered his eyes. "Do not turn this into something it doesn't have to be Spike. I don't want to fight with you, I love you. Just accept that I have done this and lets be done with it." Willow put her spell back in place and the power she radiated retreated somewhat. "Why have you been hiding things from me Red? Do you not trust me?" He walked toward her and reached out his hand. She took it and stepped into his embrace. "It isn't that. I wasn't sure how you would react to seeing her. She was your biggest weakness, remember?" Spike nodded. "Yeah well things change. But I was talking about your power. Why do you hide your strength from me?"

It was Willow's turn to be confused. "Spike, I have to. No one with any supernatural senses can stand to be in the same room with me for more than five minutes if I don't. You live here, it would drive you mad. I didn't mean to do it a minute ago, I just got angry and slipped." Spike considered this. "Well, how about we work on it then, you drop your shields for a few minutes each day and let me get accustomed to it. Hopefully after a while you won't need to keep them up at home any more." Willow agreed and then asked "Do you want to go play with Buffy now?" Spike grinned at her. "Tomorrow luv, tonight... I want to play with you."

Spike needed to assert himself tonight, he picked Willow up and threw her over his shoulder and walked toward the bedroom. After feeling the full extent of her power he was afraid that if he didn't show some force of dominance right away he may never be able to do so again. Willow knew what he was doing and why. She was glad she hadn't completely frightened him away. Spike dropped her face down on the bed and cuffed her wrists to the head board. He ripped her clothes off of her and studied her naked body.

Deciding on a plan of action, Spike went to the 'toy box' and withdrew a short leather whip. He snapped it in the air a couple times getting a feel for it. He approached the bed and struck out at his mate. He whipped her across her back and she cried out. He struck her again, harder this time. He watched as a thin line of blood dribbled from the wound. He leaned in and ran his tongue along the lash mark. Willow moaned in desire. He lashed out at her again, this time striking her ass. She thrust her hips into the mattress trying to get some friction. He chuckled at her and hit her again. He continued to rain down on her with the whip until they were both almost crazy with need.

Spike threw the whip into the corner of the room and tore his clothes off. He climbed onto the bed behind his witch and pulled her into a kneeling position and slammed his full length into her. He continued to pound into her forcefully with no regard what so ever to her comfort or pleasure. He howled and sank his teeth into her shoulder as he came.

Willow still hadn't cum yet, she groaned in frustration when she felt him spill his seed within her. "Please, Spike, I need to cum." This was what he needed. He needed her to beg him, to make him feel in control. "You want to cum pet?" He asked as he continued to thrust inside her slowly. "Yes! Please!" He smiled against her skin. "Beg me." He hoped he hadn't gone to far with this, but he needed to assert himself. To know he still had some power over her. He could feel her body trembling with pent up desire. He reached around with one hand and softly stroked her clit. "Spike, please. I beg you." That was all he needed to hear. He picked up the pace and thrust into her quickly as he applied more pressure to her throbbing clit. She came screaming his name and he followed closely behind her. He unlocked the cuffs from around her wrists and they lay in each others arms. "I love you Red, you know that right?" Willow snuggled closer to him. "I know. I love you too Spike." "So, no more secrets then?" "No more secrets. Go to sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow." Spike chuckled. "Yes dear." Willow giggled at him before drifting off to sleep.
