Part 17

The next day found Spike pacing back and forth in the apartment while he watched his mate prepare for her spell. She needed to convince Buffy that Spike was Angel, a simple glamour spell would do that, but she needed to recreate the scene when Buffy allowed Angel to feed from her to save his life. Having not been there to witness it she needed to make it so that Buffy would replay it in her own mind and allow Spike to bite her. It wasn't a difficult spell either. What was taking so long was the fact that she had to prepare herself for the spell she was to cast on Angel. It had to be done immediately after Spike fed from the Slayer. Therefore it would have to be done in the torture room. She didn't want Angelus to know of her little guest so it wasn't the best place to do it but it was the only way so she would deal with that later.

"I'm ready" That was all Willow said as she turned toward the door. Spike followed her silently, he could sense how tense she was. "You alright luv?" Willow stopped and took his hand, squeezing it gently she responded. "Yeah, just want to get this part over with. I had a couple of the stupider minions clean her up the morning for you. Of course I had to have them staked afterwards. Can't have our little secret getting out." Spike chuckled at her. "Thanks for caring luv, but seeing as I'm going to drain her anyways what was the point?" This was the part she dreaded. "Spike, I don't want you to kill her, leave enough to keep her alive. I can only bring her back so many times before it won't work right. Before she comes back completely wrong. It won't be any fun if she doesn't know who she is or why she's here."

Spike was stunned. He thought that he was supposed to kill her. Had been looking forward to it actually. It was always nice to add another Slayer kill to his resume. Now he finds out that he has to leave her alive. Then again, Buffy was already dead to the world and no one would believe his claim to her death anyways. Besides, this way he could snack on her when ever he felt like. Well as long as his mate allowed it anyway.

"Alright luv, I won't kill her. But can I at least go down there and bite her when I want to?" Spike was almost pouting and Willow found it rather cute. "Of course, as long as you don't kill her." The couple made their way down to the torture room. Before decloaking Buffy's cell, Willow cast the spell on Spike transforming him into Angel.

Spike looked down at his hands and his clothes. "Bloody hell, I must look like a bleedin' ponce! Shit I even sound like the poof!" Willow laughed out loud. "You know, it just doesn't sound right. Angel would never say 'Bloody hell' and with out the accent it sounds ridiculous!" She continued to giggle as Spike tried to do his best Angel impersonation. "Oh, woe is me! I am a soul ridden Vampire who can never experience a moment of true happiness. And what kind of loser am I that my happiness comes in getting into the Slayer's panties?" Spike continued his rant. "I am Angel, king of brood and hair gel. I help the hopeless but I can't even help myself. I bought a huge, big, monster of a car to drive around in as a symbol of my manliness because I can't ever have sex again. I take out my sexual frustration by killing the demon populace of LA. If I had any idea how stupid my hair actually looks I would cut it all off." Willow was cracking up by this point. She was seriously thinking of having Spike do this more often, it was quite entertaining. "Spike, stop. We have to go in there now and do this. She has to believe that you're Angel. "Alright pet, I'm ready. Let's do this.

Back in LA, Angel was in bed sleeping, he had spent the previous night cleaning out a nest of Vampires and just made it back to the hotel before sunrise. The rest of the gang, except for Connor and Gunn who had gone with him, continued to search for anything they could find on Spike or the Crimson Death. They turned up nothing. Whoever Spikes new Master was she was well concealed. Cordelia and Wesley were already gone when him and Connor returned. Gunn had gone home as soon as they finished with the Vamps. That left just him, Connor and Fred in the hotel. And they were all sleeping.

Angel woke up screaming and stumbled from the bed. He was in excruciating pain. He hadn't felt anything this bad since he felt his soul being torn from his body. That was his last thought as he blacked out in the middle of his room.

Willow had just finished the spell to remove Angelus from Angel. If things went right then Angelus should appear any moment now and Angel should find himself all human back in LA. Willow quickly cloaked the little cell that Buffy was now passed out from blood loss in. Spike was sitting against the wall rather weakened from the loss of blood as well. She pulled him close and bared her neck to him. He quickly sunk his fangs into her and started to drink. After a minute she pulled him away gently. Just then there was a blinding light and Angelus was standing before them.
