Part 18

Angel woke up in his bed with Connor and Fred watching him intensely. "Wh-what happened?" Connor and Fred exchanged a worried glance before Fred spoke. "Angel, what's the last thing you remember?" Angel thought for a minute. "Pain, a lot of pain. Like the time I lost my soul only....different." That was when he realized that he was breathing. He tried not to and he felt his lungs burning. He gasped for breath and put his hand to his chest. A heartbeat. He looked at the others in confusion. "How?" They didn't know, they were hoping that he had the answers. "We don't know yet, father. Wesley is on his way right now. Gunn is looking for Cordelia. They should be here soon as well." Angel closed his eyes and concentrated on listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart beating in his chest.

Spike tensed up as soon as Angelus appeared. He jumped to his feet and stood between him and his Mate. Willow stood slowly behind Spike. She knew she was in no danger from Angelus but she understood Spike's instinct to protect her. She loved him all the more for it. Angelus looked around in confusion. He cowered as he felt the power around him. The force of it almost knocking him over. He noticed Spike and smiled. "So, I have you to thank for my freedom, do I boy?" He was trying not to let the fear he was feeling weaken him in front of his Childe.

Spike just smirked at him. "Surely you must remember the last time you saw me? Just a few days ago in LA? Don't tell me the soul was so domineering that you couldn't even pay attention to what was going on even if you were helpless to do anything about it." Angelus glared at him. He remembered that all too well. Someone had taken his property. Someone powerful, very powerful. "Your new girl then? I have her to thank? Well, I surely know just how to thank her properly." Spike growled at Angelus, Angelus growled back. Willow had had enough. It was amusing at first but she was tired of it now.

Willow stepped around Spike until she was in front of him. She squeezed his hand reassuringly and addressed Angelus. "You will not disrespect my Mate or myself that way again. He is MINE now. I have no interest in you or your 'proper thank you's'. Are we clear?"

Angelus looked at the red haired woman in front of him. He recognized her as one of the Slayers friends. She looked a lot different than the last time he was free, even his souled self hadn't seen the girl in almost two years. She had changed, she was dark, powerful, and very intimidating. She would have been an excellent Vampire. "That BOY isn't worthy of one so powerful. With me by your side we could rule the Hell mouth. We could bring Hell on Earth. Ditch the whelp, you deserve better, you need a real demon not some wet behind the ears former poet."

Spike was blinded with rage. He had expected as much from Angelus but to actually hear it was just too much. He changed into game face and snarled at the older Vampire. Before he had a chance to lunge at him Willow put her hand on his arm and looked at him. "Brace yourself." She whispered to him. He knew that she was about to drop her shields and hit Angelus full force with the amount of power she possessed. Spike readied himself and waited.

Willow dropped her shields completely and Angelus physically cringed and drew away from her. He watched in awe as his Childe not only withstood it, but embraced the woman. Spike was stronger than he gave him credit for. Willow put her shields back in place and Angelus straightened himself back up. "Is that enough of a demonstration of what exactly you are messing with? Dot not ever think my Spike is weak. I think he just proved that he is stronger than you. Now, I have a purpose for freeing you and bringing you here. Would you like to hear it? Or would you rather continue to insult my mate and make innuendo's that will surely get you restored to your formally souled state or staked?"

Angelus knew when to stop. This girl was a lot like his Sire, Darla. Strong, willful, opinionated and all business. He almost pitied his boy. He was thankful that she hadn't taken him up on his offer to replace Spike by her side. He didn't know if he could take that much domination. He would hear her out. She did free him after all so he owed her. Besides that, the demon in him was too frightened to do anything that might anger her now that he knew her true power. "Yes. I would like to hear your plans for me. What do I call you?"

"Well, Spike here calls me Red. But he's the only one allowed to do that. Others call me the Crimson Death. You can call me Boss, or Mistress if you prefer." Spike chuckled, he was finding this quite amusing now that he was assured of his place. His Witch wanted him. Not Angelus, him. For once someone had chosen him over his Sire. And she made him look stronger in front of him as well. Now he got to watch Angelus refer to her as 'Boss' or 'Mistress'. It was too good not to laugh a little.

Angelus was furious. He hated the blond Vampire standing before him. That smug look on his face, the laughter. How dare he! But one look from the red head and he cringed. "Mistress will be fine. So mistress, what are your plans for me?"

By the time Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia arrived at the hotel Angel was out of bed and was standing in the court yard in the sun smiling. He wanted to enjoy this, knowing that it might not last. Wesley went outside to talk to him while Fred explained what they knew to the others.

The first thing to cross Wesley's mind was the prophecy, perhaps the powers had seen fit to give Angel his reward and had restored his humanity. Cordelia wasn't completely accepting of that theory. After all the scrolls had said there were numerous things that would have to happen before Angel would get his reward. A part of her was hopeful that Wesley was right but growing up on a Hellmouth and living through an ascension, a couple of apocalypses and the evil version of your boss will tend to make you suspect everything. Gunn didn't care one way or the other. Angel was human now, as long as they were still in the demon fighting business he was there.

Finally, Cordelia stated that maybe they should go to the oracles and ask if this was Angels reward. Wesley agreed and the two of them set out for the tunnels under the post office. Connor joined his father in the courtyard and they sat on a bench in the sun. "Is this what you wanted? Is it why you fight for the powers?" Connor knew about the prophecy, he hoped that he would be around still when it happened. Angel looked at his son, carefully considering his answer, he turned to face him. "This isn't why I fight. I fight to make up for the pain I've caused, the damage I've done. I won't say that I don't want this. I do. I've dreamed of it since I first learned of the prophecy. I'm glad you are here to share it with me." Connor smiled at his father and when Angel pulled him into a hug, he hugged back fiercely. That was when Angel realized that he was truly human. He could feel the strength behind Connors embrace, it was almost crushing him.

Angel gasped and Connor pulled away sharply. "Father? Are you alright?" Angel nodded his head and rubbed his side, he was sure he had bruised a few ribs. "I'm fine. I just forgot that human bodies are weaker. You have a vampire's strength and stamina, I no longer do. Guess that means no more sparring for a while." Connor nodded his head and backed slightly away. He hadn't even considered that part. He had taken it for granted that him and Angel were almost equally matched in strength and skill. Now he was much stronger, he would have to remember to be gentler with him.

Willow took Angelus on a little tour of the room, explaining that things were slow right now, she usually had more guests. After examining her 'guests' and hearing the gory details of why they were there, how long they had been there and what had been done to them, he was both impressed and terrified. He was impressed by her methods and control, she had mastered the art of torture. At the same time he was terrified because he knew that if he crossed her he would be on the other side of the bars of one of the cells. After what he'd just seen and heard, he knew he didn't want to experience her wrath. When they finally left the horrible little room he let out an unneeded sigh of relief. Willow and Spike exchanged an amused look and they directed him toward the elevator.
