Part 2

Spike followed her into the bedroom and stretched out on the bed. He waited to see what she had in mind that night. Her moods were often erratic, sometimes she would inflict excruciating pain on him while she sought her own pleasure, and other times she would submit to gentle lovemaking. Tonight it seemed would be somewhere in between.

The first thing Spike noticed was that he was restrained to the bed. The next was that he was naked. She was standing at the foot of the bed with a wicked look in her eye. She would make sure that he didn't stay away for too long. She would make him beg, then she would claim him. She crouched at the end of the bed and sucked his toe into her mouth, she nibbled on it and swirled her tongue around the tip. She traced the arch of his foot with her tongue, then nipped at his ankle. She repeated the process on his other foot. He felt her hands traveling up his calves followed by alternating kisses and bites. She sucked at the soft skin behind his knees. Pushing his legs up so that they were bent at the knee and spread open she crawled in between them. She ran her tongue along the crease where thigh meets groin. She nipped at the sensitive flesh of his inner thighs.

Spike was painfully hard. He was frustrated as hell too. This was another form of torture she liked to inflict, teasing. The worst part was that she could keep this up for hours. If he'd been human he'd have shot off without any direct contact on his cock the last few times she did this. He could feel her hot breath on his balls, the warmth driving him crazy. Her tongue lashing out at that spot just behind his balls. She licked and kissed it, finally biting it and he howled. God what he wouldn't do to be able to take control from her!

Willow knew he was close to begging when he howled and his game face appeared. She lifted herself over his prone form and straddled his waist. She leaned forward and started working his nipples with her mouth. She sucked them into hard buds, laving them with her tongue and gently biting them. He began thrusting wildly beneath her, trying to get her to take him inside of her. She wasn't done playing yet.

Spike would have yelled, begged, pleaded even but he was unable to form coherent thoughts. All he could manage was guttural moans and a few growls. Then she started on his neck. Now, necks are very erotic for Vampires. She knew this and used it to her advantage. She traced his jugular with her lips, leaving wet kisses along the way. He started panting and gasping, which for an unbreathing creature is quite the show of passionate abandon. As quickly as she could move she slid down his body and engulfed his throbbing cock into her hot mouth. He thrust up automatically, burying himself further into her mouth. She sucked him expertly, swallowing around his cock and laving the thick vein on the underside with her tongue. She pulled up so that just the tip was in her mouth, he growled in frustration. She pushed the tip of her tongue against the opening on the tip. She swirled her tongue around the head and then took him fully into her mouth again. Just as he was about to cum she pulled completely away from him.

"Bloody fuck! Please!" That was all she wanted, to make him beg. She impaled herself on him and savagely tore into his neck with her teeth. Between the heat of her body enveloping him and the force of the bite Spike was a goner. He roared as he came, she continued to ride him into another erection. Thank God for Vampire stamina.

The blood was still seeping from the wound on his neck, his witch was still riding him for all she was worth and Spike couldn't remember why he'd been so miserable earlier this evening. She released his restraints and he quickly had her pinned beneath him as he pounded into her furiously. She was thrashing and moaning and he thought she'd never looked more beautiful as she did at that moment, writhing in ecstasy with his blood on her lips. God she would have made a beautiful Vampire.

She screamed out his name as her orgasm rocked her body, he continued to drive into her for several more minutes. When he was close she pulled his face to her neck and he bit deeply. His hips jerked against her as they climaxed together. He rolled off her and pulled her into his arms. "You know pet, if you ever want to be turned?" She slapped him playfully. "Gee, and I've never heard that one before!" It was an old game, he'd offer to turn her and she'd turn him down. He knew she didn't need him to give her immortality, she had that already. Some dark magic major she'd done. Still, he would sometimes fantasize about making her his childe. Ensuring that she would never leave him, maybe even love him. He knew he was a bloody ponce when it came to her, he didn't care. Why can't she love me? He thought to himself. They fell asleep in each others arms.
