Part 21

Angelus didn't even see it coming. One minute he was standing in the living room, deciding the best strategy to use to get Spike to turn against his Mate and the next he was paralyzed and in more pain than even he thought possible.

Willow had not only overheard the conversation on the balcony but she had opened Angelus' mind to her as well. She knew every nasty little plan in his head. Spike would not choose him over her, she was sure of that but it didn't mean that she would allow him to try. So it was no wonder that she set him on fire. It wouldn't kill him, but only because she wouldn't allow it to. He would feel like he was being burned alive, or undead it you prefer. And he was, except the actual death part. He felt as though his limbs were being consumed in a slow burn. He could smell his hair burning, feel his eyeball melting in his skull. The pain was excruciating. Angelus screamed.

Spike heard the unearthly scream of his Sire from inside the apartment. His first concern was that his Mate was in trouble. He rushed inside to find out what was happening. "Bloody hell! What the fuck is going on here?" He roared. His sire was on fire and screaming for all he was worth. His Mate was standing in front of the burning Vampire with a look of smug satisfaction on her face. Spike saw the look in her eye and for a brief moment he felt compassion for the older Vampire, then he realized that Angelus must have really stuffed it up to get himself in this much trouble.

"Red? Luv, what did the wanker do?" Willow turned to look at her Mate and if Spike had of been capable of it he would have pissed himself at the look of utter power in her eyes. She was barely restraining herself and it was evident. Spike had to force himself not to run like fuck at the display she was putting on. He held his tongue and waited for her to reply.

"He wanted to take what belongs to me! He would destroy me and take my place, take my position. He wants to turn you against me, use you to help him take my power. He won't get the chance." She turned her attention back to the flaming Vampire and caught his attention. "Spike is MINE! You will not come after him again, if you even think of disobeying me or trying to take anything from me again, this will seem mild in comparison to what I will do to you. I will rend you to pieces, bit by bit and then put you back together just so I can tear you apart again. I will do this slowly and repeatedly. Do you understand me Angelus?"

Angelus heard every word. He tried to concentrate through the pain to answer her but all he could manage was a nod of his head and a painful shriek. He fell to the floor and passed out as soon as she released him from the fire. His last thought before blacking out was that he would rather spend an eternity trapped with the soul then have his freedom if he had to work for her. He prayed to the powers to send him back to Angel and away from this crazy powerful witch.

Angel and Cordelia held onto each other as they wept openly for their friends. Not just the Sunnydale crew but Doyle as well. Angel knew that they had to do something to stop Willow or 'The Crimson Death' as she was now known from doing any further damage, and they had to rescue Spike from her influence. The only problem was that he was now human and therefore unable to compete with either his Childe or his Mate, not to mention the Demon that formerly inhabited his body. He needed help. His staff were great and they knew their stuff but the power that his former friend was wielding was extremely dangerous not to mention unstable when used by the wrong person. They needed someone who understood magic in all it's forms, especially the dark ones. That and they needed a Slayer. Angel decided it was time to call Rupert Giles in England. That and see if they could get Faith out of jail.
