Part 22

Rupert Giles was on the first plane back to the States that he could get. After hearing from Angel and Wesley about what had befallen his children in Sunnydale he was both shocked and grief-stricken. He always knew that Willow had the potential to be extremely dangerous if she went down the dark path of magic. He blamed himself for her current status as a threat to mankind. If he hadn't abandoned them when he did, he could possibly have stopped her. He cried for his Slayer, for Dawn and for Xander. They were like his children and now they were gone. Willow was like a daughter to him, but apparently the girl he knew and loved no longer existed.

And then there was Spike. At one time he was the nightmare of the council, then by a morbid twist of fate he became his somewhat reluctant flat mate. He had actually come to care for the Vampire in an almost parental fashion. It was hard not to like Spike once you got to know him. He was very different from most Vampires. At least that was what the council had lead him to believe. He was trained in the knowledge that Vampires were nothing more than killers. After having spent almost a decade on the Hellmouth he was beginning to question that fact. Yes there were some who were nothing more than killers, but Spike was so much more, so was Angel. Angel had a soul so perhaps that was why he seemed different. Then again Angelus was more than a mindless killing machine as well. And if Spike could be believed, the Angelus that we met was, to quote "Off his bloody nut!" so presumably the Angelus of the last century was a much saner demon. It was all too confusing. The lines between right and wrong, good and bad, friend and foe, were all becoming too blurry. It was a good thing he was no longer a Watcher. He would be useless to a Slayer now. How do you convince someone that their enemy is a soulless, unthinking, uncaring being when you yourself are no longer sure? He would touch down in LA in about three hours, Angel, a newly human Angel would pick him up at the airport. The world was getting too strange for him.

Angel was pacing the lobby of the hotel while Wesley tried to get the Council of Watchers to listen to reason. They were unconcerned about the dealings of Sunnydale. Since Buffy's death the newest Slayer was back in the council's control. They weren't about to risk having her turn rogue by associating with the ex-slayers friends and co workers. The immediate refusal of assistance to get Faith out of jail forced Wesley into asking for the assistance of the current Slayer. Which he had just been flatly refused. Well at least Rupert was on his way.

Spike watched as his Sire fell to the floor and crumpled into a heap. He was blessedly unconscious. He looked up just in time to see his Mate's eyes turn completely black before he was flung across the room and pinned to the wall. He tried to make his voice obey his command to speak but found he was too shocked, not scared, shocked to speak. Willow was on him immediately, she tore his clothes from his body and then her own as well. She stood before him and looked at him possessively. He wondered what she was going to do next, if he was in for a good shagging he was all for it. On the other hand, if he was going to be treated to anything along the lines of what she had just done to Angelus he was sure he would not be enjoying another shagging for a long, long time.

Willow watched Spike as he stood helpless and naked before her. She liked the power she had over him. He was hers to do with as she pleased. The fact that she loved him desperately didn't have any bearing on her ownership of him. Perhaps she needed to remind him who he belonged to? She stepped closer to her Mate and ran her fingernails down his chest. "Spike, Spike, Spike. What am I going to do with you? You see, I get the feeling that you are regretting my claim on you. That you actually want to be under Angelus' claim again. Am I right? Should I tell you the things I learned from him? How he wanted you only to help him take my position, my power? What would he do with you once that was accomplished? Would he keep you? Would he toss you away again? It matters not, because you are mine and I won't let you go."

Before Spike knew what had hit him she had torn into his throat with her blunt teeth. He could feel the blood running down his neck, past his collarbone and down his chest toward his rapidly stiffening cock. He moaned low in his throat at the feel of his witch sucking his blood into her mouth, making him a part of herself. He was thrown to the floor on his back and she swooped down on him. With her mouth full of his blood she kissed her way from his neck across the smooth planes of his chest. Dribbling blood from her lips she made her way down toward his cock. Her hands smoothed the crimson trail of blood across his skin making him growl with desire. She took him in her mouth liberally coating him with his own blood before releasing him. She then crawled back up his body and impaled herself on his stiff bloody member. She leaned forward and seized his mouth in a brutal kiss letting him drink the remainder of his blood from her mouth. She rode him hard and fast, digging her nails into the flesh of his biceps. "Who do you belong to Spike? Who holds your claim?" She continued to bounce on his cock as he struggled to find his voice. "You Red, only you!" He gasped out just before she screamed her completion.

She lifted herself up and off of him. She knew that he was close and she had denied him release. He would get to cum, but only after she was satisfied. She climbed further up his body and straddled his face. She thrust her wetness down into his face and he didn't hesitate for a second. He drove his tongue deep into her repeatedly alternating by sucking her clit into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. He sped up his ministrations when she started to fuck his face in earnest. Within minutes she came screaming his name. She lifted off of his face and slid down until she was lying on top of him face to face. She kissed him softly but thoroughly, tasting herself in his mouth. "You are mine Spike, don't forget that. Just as I am yours. I love you." She kissed him again and then lowered herself and engulfed his cock in one go.

Spike was in sensory overload. He was covered in blood and the smell of his Mate, he had been claimed once again, and he was currently experiencing a mind-numbing blowjob! But that was nothing compared to what he had just heard. His Mate, his Red, loves him. He could die right now and be totally happy. Angelus could take his games and get stuffed. He had the only thing that mattered to him now, the love of the woman he was totally, head over heals in love with. He came with a roar and then promptly passed out.
