Part 25

As soon as the spell was cast and the group disappeared from the hotel Rupert Giles set to the task of cleaning his glasses. A nervous habit that did not go unnoticed by his fellow countryman. "Rupert? Are you quite alright? You seem a bit....stressed?" Giles wearily sat in one of the chairs in the lobby. "I don't know Wesley, I fear that perhaps I should have accompanied them. If anyone stands a chance of overpowering Willow's magic it's me." "Ah, but at what expense? I know all about your past as Ripper, there is a good chance that she could easily destroy your control and then what would happen? I'll tell you what, she would have another ally and we would have another friend turned enemy. I don't think the rest of them could handle that. Especially Cordelia, she has taken this quite hard." Giles sighed. "You're right, it is better that I stay here. How about some tea?" Wesley and Rupert headed into the kitchen to make tea both silently wondering if they would ever see their friends and co-workers again.

Angel and company reappeared almost instantly inside the mansion on Crawford Street. It was the only place they figured would be safe for them to appear. After a thorough search of the building and property it was confirmed to be safe. Gunn went into town for supplies as Willow had never met him and being daytime Spike would not be out and about. The rest got to work making the dusty old mansion livable for the next few days.

Angelus couldn't take anymore of the screaming, he dragged his sore and exhausted body across the cell toward the Slayer. He would shut her up if he had to eat her to do it. "Damn it Slayer! SHUT UP!" Buffy stopped screaming and looked up at the dark haired Vampire in front of her. "Look, I don't want to kill you. Honestly, we have the same problem right now and I'm not opposed to a temporary truce." Buffy continued to look at him with an almost blank statement. Angelus took a good long look at his greatest adversary, she seemed to be a bit lost. Great, he thought, she's nuts! Oh well so was Dru and I managed to get her to follow me, just have to be gentle. "Buffy? It's me, Angelus. Do you understand me? I don't want to fight with you. We are being held prisoner by Willow and Spike. I need your help if we're going to get out of here."

Buffy wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. He sounded more like Angel than Angelus. Spike had once told her that Angelus wasn't nearly so twisted and insane before the curse. Perhaps this was what he was really like? More like Spike and less like Dru. She didn't trust him, but at the same time she knew she would die here if she didn't accept his proposal. A truce, even a temporary one was her only option. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time she made a deal with a Vampire. Things were just reversed this time. She would help Angelus to go against Spike. Spike and Willow. Willow, Her best friend who had brought her back from death only to torture her for her own perverse pleasure. She reached a hand out toward her enemy and current partner. "Deal."

After another rigorous session of love-making with his Mate, Spike was enjoying a hot shower. He thought over what had happened in the past months. His life had changed dramatically, he couldn't figure out if it was for the best or not. Most of the time he was sure it was for the best, but sometimes...sometimes he missed being his own man. Sure he had still belonged to Angelus, but seeing as he was all soul-having he never cashed in on that ownership. That pretty much left Spike free to come and go and do as he pleased. Now, well now he had a new owner. He loved his Mate, he was sure of that and she loved him. But he missed his freedom, he missed getting into bar brawls at Willy's he missed getting his ass kicked by the Scooby gang. He missed his little bit. Dawn had always treated him like a person, a friend. He knew she had a crush on him, it was nice being the object of someone's affection. He cursed the damn Initiative, if they hadn't stuck that damn chip in his head he would never of gotten close to the Slayer and her pets. Then he would have simply turned the Witch that night in her dorm room and they would be touring Europe right now. Damn his unlife had gotten complicated.

Willow was in her office going through the book of spells she had gotten as payment from Wolfram & Hart. If they had any idea what she could do with this book they would never had given it up so easily. She found the spell she was looking for, the one that would make Spike truly immortal. Stakes, sunlight, holy water, or even decapitation would not kill him after she performed this spell. Then she would truly never have to worry about being alone again. He was already bound to her and bespelled to return to her after a seven day absence. With this spell he would truly live forever, the only way to break it was if she took it off, no one else could remove the spell but the caster.

Wesley, Rupert, and Fred sat around the kitchen table drinking tea and reading through dusty spell books. They were researching spells to contain the two Vampires and one Witch. Of course the Vampires would be much easier to restrain than Willow would. They were also looking for a spell to return Angelus to Angel's body. The Powers hadn't said if his humanity was permanent and they wanted to know that they could do it if they had to. Of course they all decided that staking Angelus was preferable to restoring him to his souled counterpart, but they would do what the Powers wanted. That was assuming that the group in Sunnydale were successful in capturing Willow and the Vampires.
