Part 27

Spike was enjoying his first time out in the sun in over a century, excepting that time with the ring of course. He was stunned by the meaning behind this spell, the absolute loneliness that must have driven his Mate to want to give him immortality. Willow, the girl he once knew must still be there somewhere, hurting like hell most likely and terrified of what she's become. He abruptly stopped that line of thinking, he never knew when she might be reading him so he tried to think happy thoughts or just random background thoughts. Killing, shagging, torture, that sort of thing. No need to piss off the powerful Witch who owns your ass! All things aside, this was nice. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed the sun. He missed his damn coat though! He really missed it, a lot.

Angelus was disgusted with himself. He was a Vampire! The scourge of Europe! His name alone drove fear into the hearts of mortals and demons alike! So why was he cooped up in a cell, holding a sniffling Slayer in his arms and not at bothered by the fact that he had no desire to drain her dry? He snarled at the thought that Spike was right, he was a poof! He felt the girl in his arms tense up when he snarled and he began to rock her in his arms and whisper words of comfort to her. Perhaps if he hadn't been insane the last time he was free he would have understood why his soul was so drawn to this woman. She called to him in a very primal way. As if they were bound to each other in some way. He didn't want to hurt her, he didn't know why but he didn't. He would get them both out of here, then he would figure out what it was about Buffy that brought out his protective side.

Cordelia paced back and forth through the front room of the mansion. "I don't care! I'm sick and tired of all this waiting around and doing nothing. We aren't going to find them hiding out in this house." Angel sighed and hung his head. She was right. They were wasting time just sitting around. They needed to be out there if they were going to accomplish anything. "Delia's right. This is getting us nowhere. I suggest we head out in teams, Connor and Gunn stay here. Cordelia and I will go first. If we don't come back or you don't hear from us in three hours, call the guys in LA and then come looking for us." Gunn nodded in understanding and Angel and Cordy left the mansion.

Connor was not pleased. He should have been the one to go with his father. His father was a weakened human now, he wasn't able to defend himself. And as much as he liked Cordelia, he didn't feel that she could offer much protection against this Witch or her Vampire lover. Add to that the demon who inhabited his fathers body, well you could understand why he was angry. He took out his cell phone and called Wesley to see how things were going in LA.

Wesley looked up from his book when the phone rang. Fred answered it in the customary way. "Angel investigations, we help the hopeless. Oh, hi Connor! Everything is fine here, well you know not FINE fine but we're working, trying to find helpful spells and things. What? Oh sure, hang on a minute." She pushed the hold button and called for Wesley. "It's Connor, he wants to talk to you." Wesley had hoped he would have some good news before hearing from the group in Sunnydale, but so far he hadn't found anything useful. He took the receiver from Fred and clicked the hold button off. "Hello Connor, what can I do for you? Oh dear, well I have to agree, that probably wasn't wise. Cordelia has been given special gifts however that we don't yet understand. Perhaps things will work out for the best. Yes I'm sure that she will do her best to protect your father. She loves him you know?"

They were all very happy for Angel when he became human, he loved Cordelia and she loved him. With the curse out of the way it would be the perfect time for them to admit their feelings. Now that they were unsure of his humanity remaining permanent it seemed cruel to even consider prompting them to confess to each other. "I understand, call me regardless of whether they come back or not. I would like to be kept informed of the situation. Thank you. Goodbye." Wesley sighed in frustration and went to make another pot of tea. Thank God for soothing British ritual! Stressed? Have tea. Worried? Have tea. Lonely? Frightened? Hurt? Scared? Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea! Bugger, he was frustrated.

Willow was very pleased. After performing the spell on Spike and practically throwing him out into the sun to prove it was done, she went back into her study and collapsed in her chair. The spell had drained her quite a bit. It was very strong, and tired her out. She didn't want Spike to know how much it had affected her. She would be weakened for days now. She couldn't allow anyone, not even him to know how drained she was. It was worth it. She had Spike forever now. Somewhere, deep down inside a small frightened part of her sighed in relief. She usually ignored that part of her but today she was in total agreement. She was loved. She was loved and she would never be alone again.
