Part 29

Cordelia pulled up in front of the mansion and Gunn and Connor came out to help them get Spike and Angelus inside. Before Angel got a chance to open the back door of the van Connor had it open and was reaching in to pull Spike out. Gunn stood by the front of the van and Cordelia keeping a wary eye on Angelus and Buffy.

Gunn eyed the pretty blonde in the arms of the Vampire. "So is that the Witch we came here for?" Angelus growled at him and pulled a terrified Buffy closer to him. Cordelia stepped closer to Gunn and whispered in his ear. "No, that's Buffy. She was Willow's best friend and the Slayer. She's been there the whole time, she might be a little insane." Angelus growled again after hearing the conversation between Cordy and Gunn.

Angel got out of the van and helped Connor drag a still unconscious Spike into the mansion. Cordelia and Gunn followed them in. Angelus stood outside with Buffy unsure of whether he wanted to enter. He needed to get inside before dawn on one hand, on the other he didn't trust his souled self and the other humans to not stake him or worse. His decision was made for him when Buffy sleepily whispered that she was tired. He carried the exhausted young woman into the mansion and laid her on the couch.

Angel watched the demon he had spent the last century with fuss over his former lover. He understood all to well how Angelus could fall prey to her beauty. Add the fact that she was emotionally damaged and it was a recipe for disaster. Angelus always had a soft spot for broken women. True he usually broke them himself, but the end result was the same. He decided it was time to put differences aside for the time being and try to forge a truce, at least temporarily. He drew Angelus' attention away from the sleeping woman on the sofa. "I would like to speak with you." Angelus nodded his ascent and followed the human into the other room. Out of earshot but not out of sight of the others Angel asked why he was helping the Slayer, and would he be willing to put aside their differences to go after Willow.

Angelus was impressed. He always saw his soul as being weak and afraid. That wasn't the case here, it took a lot of guts for him to ask for help from a demon. Especially Angelus. "I will help you." He answered. "But only because she has made an enemy of me, she will pay for taking what was mine." There was no way he was going to admit to the torture she had inflicted on him, or the fear that he still had of going against her. "We should strike soon, she is weakened. The barrier spell that held the Slayer and I was weakened, that was the only reason we were able to escape. Spike will surely try to return to her when he awakens, I suggest you lock him up."

In the other room Connor watched on in fascination as the two men who made up his father talked. It was strange to see them together, he had never thought of this ever being an issue. Was Angelus as much his father as Angel? Or was it that Angel was his father and Angelus was Spikes? He didn't understand vampire clan structure. The fact that a human had never been born to two vampire's before didn't help. There were no reference points, he would just assume that his father was Angel. The demon had no claim on him, it was easier this way.

Angel and Angelus took Spike to the basement and locked him up. When they returned upstairs Angel talked to the others about going after Willow. He told them about her being weakened and that they should leave now to go after her. It was decided that Gunn would stay behind to watch over Buffy and Spike. Angelus gave Gunn a look that promised a lot of pain if the Slayer was hurt in any way. Gunn had never truly realized the potential evilness his boss had held until that moment. He was glad the demon was on their side. Even if it was just a temporary arrangement. The others piled into the van with Angel and Angelus in the back, Cordelia driving and Connor riding shot-gun.

Spike woke to find himself chained up in the basement. It took him a few minutes to realize where he was. Then he remembered what happened, the cheerleader had worked some kind of major on him and he passed out. His poof of a sire, the human version, and the cheerleader must have taken him here. He started to howl in protest. "Oi! Let me out of these effen chains! I swear to everything that's unholy when my Mate gets a hold of you, you will pay for this!"

Spike thought about his last statement. He wondered when he started relying on his mate to exact his revenge, he was getting soft. "Never mind me mate! You'll be sorry when I get out of here and get my hands on you. You bloody bastard! You have no rights over me anymore! Hell, your not even my sire! Let me go right now ya bloody git!" Spike continued to holler until his voice was raw, but no one came.

Gunn sat in the chair watching over Buffy. He was horrified to think of the things this fragile looking girl had most likely been put through. He could hear the blonde Vampire in the basement yelling but he paid him no mind. Angel had assured him that he couldn't get free so he let him yell himself hoarse. All of his attention was on the girl in front of him. He didn't want to face the enraged Vampire if anything happened to her.

Cordelia pulled the van up outside the building just before dawn. The foursome gained entrance to the building through a back door that was conveniently (ripped off it's hinges by Angelus) open. They followed Angelus up a back stairway to the top floor of the building. They came to a stop outside the door to the apartment. Angelus turned to the others. "I don't know what you want with the witch, nor do I care. Just know this, I will kill her if I have to. Hell I may kill her just for the fun of it. If any of you try to stop me, I'll kill you as well." Before anyone had a chance to reply, Angelus kicked the door in and entered the apartment.
