Part 3

Spike woke a few hours later and got out of bed. The night was still fairly young so he decided to go out for a bit. He came upon a bunch of drunken college kids walking across the park. He followed them until one of them broke away from the rest. The guy was dead before he realized he was in trouble.

With his hunger sated, Spike went in search of something to entertain himself with. As nice as the Hellmouth was to live on there wasn't a whole lot of things to do at night. There was the Bronze, Willy's, and a couple of seedy strip joints. Deciding that Willy's place was out, seeing as he couldn't stir up trouble there, he went to the Bronze. "Maybe I can manage to piss off a group of humans, then there might be some sport in killing them."

Back at the apartment Willow (who didn't wish to be called that anymore and would kill anyone who did.) was preparing to cast a spell. She wanted to make sure that Spike came back to her after he went to LA. She knew he was a bit unhappy here, no one would fight with him but she wasn't ready to be without him yet. For that matter she wasn't sure that she ever would be.

That thought bothered the hell out of her. She wasn't that shy needy little girl anymore, yet Spike seemed to bring some of those feeling out in her. She loved him. Maybe she wasn't IN love with him but it was only a matter of time. He completed her the way no one else could. He reveled in her darkness, but at the same time he was soft and sweet with her at times. Such an enigma. He was a soulless creature, but one who loved so completely that if he gave you his heart you could be sure that he'd never ask for it back. He reminded her a bit of Willow, of the girl she used to be.

Not that Spike was soft! Not by any means. He was more vicious than any Vampire she'd ever met. Except perhaps Angelus, but then again maybe not. After being chipped for so long and denied his very nature he went on a bit of a killing spree once he was fixed. Even now he hunts with a ruthlessness she had never seen in him before. Yes, he was vicious. She was worse. They were well suited as far as she was concerned and she wasn't about to let him walk away.

She sat in the center of her circle and chanted softly a few times. She pierced her wrist with a dagger and let her blood, which was tainted with his, pour out onto the flame of a black candle. There was a blinding light and a whirling wind and then everything was quiet. She had assured that he would go no longer than seven days without her. After that she would occupy his thoughts, burn in his blood until he had to return to her. She hoped it would never become a problem. He need never find out so long as he never left her for more than a week at a time.

Meanwhile across town, Spike was walking out of the Bronze when he was hit from behind. A group of about 15 college guys was surrounding him. Spike had been playing up to their women for the last hour or so. They didn't take to kindly to it. So with weapons in hand ~ pool cues, broken bottles etc. ~ they attacked.

Spike was thrown to the ground with the first blow, he hadn't seen it coming. After that however it was all over with entirely too fast. He jumped up and kicked one guy in the throat with such force that it broke his neck. Two others were slammed against the brick wall so hard that their skulls split. He ripped the throat out of yet another. At least two of the boys realized that this was not a fight they would walk away from and fled the scene. Bloody cowards! Spike thought. The remaining humans all leapt on him at once punching and kicking him mercilessly. He pulled a guys legs out from under him and he fell into the fray. His buddies were so engaged in the fight, that and pretty drunk as well, that they beat him to a bloody pulp as well. Spike quickly bored of the fight and snapped the remaining humans necks before heading home to shower and sleep.

When Spike arrived at the apartment he was a mess. The fight wasn't bad but it was bloody. Mind you a lot of that blood wasn't his but all the same he looked like hell. "Have fun?" Willow smirked at him. "Nah, just a bunch of bleedin humans, decided they'd jump me for sport." She chuckled at him, "So you didn't do anything to incur their wrath?" Spike grinned at her. "Other than get their girls drooling all over me? Nope." She knew that he wasn't interested in any other women, Spike was a monogamous Vamp, but still it pissed her off a bit.

Spike saw her eyes flash when he mentioned the girls from the bar. This was a bad sign. He was torn between fear and pride. Pride that she obviously felt something for him or it wouldn't have mattered and fear that she would see this as a betrayal and seek to punish him. "Hey, luv, you know that I only do those things to stir up trouble right? I've no interest in anyone other than you, eh?" She smiled at him and nodded. She could see the relief in his eyes. He was still frightened of her. She had tried not to scare him, Hell she never even let her shields down at home anymore since he'd moved in. He only felt about half the power she radiated. She feared that if he knew how strong she really was he would run screaming. Most demons couldn't stand to be in her presence as it was. The fact that Spike lived with her attested to how strong he actually was.

Spike leaned down to his witch and kissed her on the mouth. "I'm gonna grab a shower and hit the sheets, you coming to bed soon?" "Yeah, I'll be heading in shortly. Don't leave your wet towels on the floor!" She smacked him on the ass playfully as he walked away. She heard the shower start up followed a few minutes later by his off key singing. She smiled and shook her head. "Who would have thought 'William the Bloody' sang in the shower?"
