Part 5

Spike roared down the highway. He hadn't really had much of a chance to test the abilities of his new car. He was having a great time. The music was loud, the speed was high, and he was headed to LA to get in some action. He couldn't decide what to do first when he got there. He decided to have a few drinks and thinks it over. He always thought better after he'd downed a few. In the meantime he still had about an hours drive till he got there.

Lighting a cigarette, being careful not to drop ash on his all leather interior, he thought about his relationship with the red headed Witch. He was careful to never refer to her as Willow. He saw what happened to one of the others who wasn't as smart as him. Lets just say the poor bugger is still praying for death. Sure he'll go to Hell when it's over, but I'm betting that will be almost pleasant compared to what he suffering through now. His girl was very inventive when it came to punishments. He never wanted to be on the receiving end. He'd face a hundred Angelus's before taking on his Witch. He never knew a souled being could be that evil. He loved that about her.

Sometimes when they were alone she would let down her guard and he could almost see the shy sweet girl she used to be. A part of him misses that girl. Mostly because she was so fragile she reminded him of his Dru. He took care of her for a century, he missed having someone need him like that. But it was good this way too. He never knew how good it could be spending time with a sane woman. A woman who didn't talk to dolls and throw tea parties. Yes, he decided that having a relationship with a sane woman who actually wanted to be with him, unlike his stupid obsession with the Slayer, was a very good thing. If she were in love with him it would be perfect.

Willow was still at the computer working on the law firms files when she finally found a crack in their security. After a few minutes she found what she was looking for. A listing of all mystical objects currently in possession of Wolfram & Hart. She copied the files and closed down her computer. She had other business to attend to before going through the list.

The minions guarding the door to the torture chamber weren't very bright but they were loyal and wished to see another night. No one was allowed entrance without the boss's approval. So far the only one besides her to step into this room was Spike. No one else had ever wanted to. The screams that were heard from behind the door were enough to turn your blood cold.

Willow walked into the room and surveyed her prisoners. There were only four of them right now, things were slow. She watched as the Vampire in the cage in front of her was wasting away. He'd been here for months now. He hadn't fed since he arrived. It was strange to see how much he resembled a mummified corpse, all thin and leathery skinned. He rarely moved anymore. She supposed he didn't have the strength, but his mind was still active. She could hear the pain in his mental screams, how he prayed for a swift death. He wouldn't get it. He was half out of his mind with madness. Maybe today she would let him feed, just enough to keep him from dusting.

Turning, she looked in on another prisoner. This one was an empathy demon. He made the mistake of trying to read her mind. He was sent here to learn all her weaknesses for his master who wanted to overthrow her rule of Sunnydale. It was a shame that he died so easily. Only lasted a week. His underling however was proving to be quite a fascinating toy to play with. The thing about empathy demons is that they can feel the pain of those around them, weather is be physical or emotional. Therefore she didn't have to do anything to him, just keeping him here was enough. He felt the pain of the other three occupants of the room.

The third of her guests was a human. He was naked and strung up by a chain around his wrists. His body was badly beaten, and his skin was a grayish colour. She approached him slowly and waited until he recognized her. When he looked up with a horror stricken statement on his face she smiled. "Hello, Warren. Did you miss me?" The boy started to tremble as she moved closer. He knew what was coming. She had kept him here from the day she tracked him down about six weeks after the shooting. He was hiding out in a warehouse on the edge of town. For some reason he couldn't get out of Sunnydale. Every time he tried he found it impossible to cross the town borders. She brought him here and beat him. that wasn't the worst though. The mental torture was excruciating. She made him relive all of their deaths. Her girlfriends, the Slayers, her friends, even her own, although she was obviously still very much alive. It was the death of her innocence that he had to endure. Every time he would descend into madness, an escape from the brutal reality that was now his existence she would reach into his mind and pull him back.

Today was not his lucky day, she released him from his chains and magically directed him to the cage with the starving Vampire. She unlocked the cage and pushed him inside. Within seconds the Vampire was upon him ripping at his flesh in an attempt to get the blood it so desperately needed. She watched for a minute or so until Warren was on the verge of death, a smile on his face. Then she removed him from the Vampire's grip and put him back into his own cell. He would not die today, not anytime soon. She left him unchained and lying on the floor. She healed the savage wound on his throat and went in search of her favorite prisoner.

Cloaked in magic in the far corner of the room was a cell that only she could see. Not even her lover knew of its existence. This was her secret, and she planned to keep it that way. She entered the cell and watched as the huddled form in the corner sat up and looked at her. Wide-eyed and almost feral, it had almost forgotten that it was once human, still was technically. But you know they always come back a And this one's been brought back by magic twice now. "Hello Buffy."
