Part 7 Br>
Why was he here? Well that was a loaded question. He thought he was there to take out some big nasty evil that had invaded his town. Now, he wasn't so sure. Yeah Spike was a dangerous Vampire and all but he was still his family, his blood. There was no way he was going to destroy another of his childer if he could avoid it. He could tell by the annoyed statement on Spike's face that he'd better come up with something to say, soon, if he wanted any answers from him.

"I'm here because of you. What the HELL have you gone and gotten yourself mixed up in this time?" That wasn't the answer Spike had expected. He looked from his sire to the kid standing beside him. Connor just shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know what the blond Vamp had to do with any of this either. He couldn't sense the evil, he was human after all. Spike looked at Angel and was actually shocked to see concern on the older Vampire's face. "What the bloody hell are you talking about mate? I got the blasted chip in me head deactivated and been living my unlife as usual."

Angel grabbed Spike's head and wrenched it to the side. He ran his fingers across the scar that Willow had left on his throat. "I'm talking about this! Who claimed you boy? Who took what was mine?" Spike's face broke out in a huge grin. "That what all this is about then? You jealous? Well I'll tell you, I got me a new girl in my life. A real powerful one at that. I didn't realize she had broken your claim though. Not that I'm complaining. I haven't been yours in a bloody long time Angelus, and I never will be again." Spike stood to leave when Angel placed a hand on his shoulder. "Connor, wait over by the door with Gunn. I need to speak with Spike here alone for a minute."

Connor left the two Vampire's at the bar and went to where Gunn was standing by the exit. "So who's the Vamp with my father?" Gunn shook his head. "I don't know for sure but I think that's Spike. He was one of your fathers creations when he was all evil." Connor was sure he would never get used to having a Vampire as a parent. "Does that make him my brother in some weird fucked up way?" "Shit, don't ask me. I just dust them I don't do their family trees."

"So sire, what do you want?" Spike sat back on his bar stool. Angel took a minute to gather his thoughts. "Do you know that you radiate an evil that can be sensed for miles? I felt you coming into LA Spike but I didn't know it was you. I can no longer sense you in the traditional way. Our link has been severed, you really aren't a part of me any more. What's more, you have been claimed by something purely evil. It could be dangerous for you." "And here I thought you didn't care. Look mate, I know who I'm shagging. Yes she's evil, I like evil remember? If I get hurt that's my decision not yours. Like you said I'm not yours anymore. What I do now is none of yer damn business. I came here to have a bit of fun, maybe get in a couple good scraps and then I'll be heading home. You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. Deal?" Spike lit a cigarette and blew the smoke at Angel. "No one's going to fight with you, you realize that don't you? Anyone in their right mind can sense the power of your masters claim. They wouldn't want to be punished for hurting you." Angel knew he'd get a reaction from Spike when he mentioned the word 'master'. He got exactly the one he was looking for.

Spike practically threw Angel across the room. Red was his lover, maybe even his mate if what his sire was saying about the claim was true, but she was NOT his master. Spike had no master! "WRONG! I am nobody's bloody puppet! She is not my master! She is a master alright, but not mine. The Crimson Death does NOT own me!" Angel paled when he heard that name. He had heard rumors about a powerful evil, one that hadn't been felt in longer than anyone could remember. The Crimson Death, he heard about it through Wolfram & Hart. The last time he stormed the building he stole some files from Lilah's office. One of them held speculations on who or what it was. All he knew for sure was that if it had the law firms attention than it wasn't good. Now that he had a personal stake in it as well he was determined to find out more. Spike stormed past Gunn and Connor and left the bar. He jumped into his car and sped off as Angel and the others watched. Gunn whistled appreciatively. "Sweet ride he's got there."

Willow was back in her study going over the list she had printed from the law firm. Not only did they have in their possession the book that she needed but they had several other interesting artifacts as well. She figured there would be something she could give them in exchange for the book and the few other things she wanted. The question was who did she need to speak with to get what she wanted? She decided that she would call Angel in LA and ask him. After all, sweet little Willow still called him every now and then to keep him up to date on what was going on with the Scoobies.

Spike was angry. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this angry. Willow did not own him, she was not his master. He knew this, yet he still allowed his outrage to get the better of him. He played right into Angels hand. "Aw, shit! Bugger planned it all along! Better call Red and tell her I fucked up." He pulled into a variety store parking lot and got on his cell phone. He waited for her to answer and was about to hang up when she said hello. "Hey Red. I think I may have fucked up a bit." "What did you do Spike?" She didn't sound pissed, that was good. "Angel found me in a bar, he riled me up something fierce and I lost my temper."

Willow laughed. "Big shock there. What happened?" "He could sense your claim on me, said he couldn't feel me anymore that I didn't belong to him now. Then he went and referred to my new 'master' and..." "And that's when you freaked out. Right?" Spike sighed. "Yeah. I told him that, and I quote, 'The Crimson Death does not own me!' Pet, you should have seen his face. He's heard of you. Hell he practically fainted." There was a lengthy pause before she spoke. "It's alright Spike, he doesn't know it's me. And I'm glad he can't sense you anymore. It means he has no right over you any more. He can't pull that right of sire crap with you know. If he finds you again tell him to fuck off." Spike was relieved that she wasn't mad at him. "Won't be a problem luv, I'm heading back tonight. LA's no fun either, apparently I radiate an evil presence’s claim and any demon in their right mind will not play with me here either." "I'll play with you when you get home! I can think of all sorts of fun games." She purred at him. "Cor luv, keep talking like that and I'm liable to get pulled over for speeding on my way home! I'll be there as soon as I can." "Okay, bye." Spike headed back to Sunnyhell and his Witch.
